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Amara's POV:

Lunch. The time for shoving, socializing and sulking. Sulking would refer to me. Currently, I was sitting outside spamming Akuma, maybe she was actually making friends, unlike me. I'm too stubborn to actually go up to someone. Suddenly I felt eyes on the side of my head. A tall baldie was peeking at me behind a wall. He stared at me with star eyes, another Legion of Demons fan? I rolled my eyes.

"If that's your attempt at hiding, don't ever play hide and seek," I deadpanned. He immediately rushed in front of me before kneeling down, bowing with his hands clasped together.

"What are you doing?" I asked, fairly confused with the current situation I was in.

"She talked to me!" He exclaimed, looking up at the sky, almost as if he was praying.

"Okay then," I quickly got up and bolted away. So far, 4/10 for the people who go to this school. As I sat down in my next class, yes I actually found it this time, I noticed how everyone was talking to their friends. All of them in little bubbles across the room. I sighed, placing my head on my hand. The rest of the day was fairly boring. Introductions were all the teachers talked about, and of course, in my university courses, how hard these classes were going to be. The end of the day was near, I was twitching in my seat from being still for so long. Finally, we were dismissed, and I raced out the door.

"Hey, Amara!" I swiftly turned around seeing the head of sandy hair I'd seen multiple times today.

"Hello, Kinoshita, how was your day?" I smiled sweetly as we began walking side by side.

"It was okay, yours?"

"Boring," I stated, my eyes shaping into slits. He laughed from beside me.

"I'd walk you home but I signed up for volleyball," my eyes widened in surprise.

"You play volleyball?"

"Yeah, I'm a wing spiker, though I've never been a starter so I'm not sure that matters."

"Hey, it totally matters!" I stopped the two of us, putting my hands on the slightly taller males shoulders, "if you want to be a starter, you just need to work harder and push yourself to reach your goal!" His shocked expression told me he had never thought about it like that, instead, he probably thought he wasn't good enough to be one.

"Wow.. Thank you!" his bright smile lit up the hallway we were currently in.

"Now go show them everything you got!" I saluted jokingly.

"Yes sir! Or, ma'am.." he saluted back sheepishly. I laughed before waving him off. I passed the gym where I assumed Kinoshita was. Before I could take a step, two students were kicked out by what looked like a third year. Peeking being him, I saw the baldie from earlier, unfortunately, it seemed he saw me too.

"AMARA!" He dove out of the gym, overtop of the two boys. After that, all I remember is sprinting hard, hearing shouts of,



"I'M SORRY ABOUT HIM!" and a faint, "isn't that Amara Mazoku?" I ignored it all, sprinting until I could see my house. Panting, I slipped inside, locking the door and sliding my shoes off.

"Are you alright Zoku? You look out of breath," Papa said, stirring some vomit looking batter.

"Yeah, I'm fine, what are you making?"

"Fish pancakes! I found the recipe on the interweb!" I gagged.

"I think you should stop trying recipe's out on the 'interweb'," I used my fingers to make bunny ears at him.

"I think it'll be delicious!" He huffed. He waddled into the kitchen, making sure to give me the stink eye. I waltzed to my room, immediately falling into the bed, face first. A muffled sigh of relief left my mouth.

"School is so exhausting," I whined, thought to anyone listening, I don't think anything I said would've been comprehensible. I groaned loudly before rolling off of my bed and onto the floor. My bag was slowly unpacked at a sloth's speed.

"Mazoku! Food's ready!" Oh no.

"Hurry and eat before it gets cold," he beamed. I looked down at the fish pancake.

"Itadakimasu," I mumbled before warily putting a piece of the pancake into my mouth. After I chewed for a bit, I realized he made a huge mistake.


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