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Akuma's POV:

"Mine!" I hollered, popping the ball up with my arms. Atsumu placed himself under the ball, and eyed Aran on the other side of the court. The third year began his approach, and launched himself into the air. Atsumu gracefully tossed the ball into his direction, and Aran smashed it down.

"Yeah! Nice kill!" I congratulated the ace.

"Thanks," he began, "for a middle blocker, you're really good at defense," he complimented, walking over to me.

"My coach back at Toyama Wakkanai made a big deal about defense," I explained, "I actually want to block though," I whispered to him. He nodded, in thought. Atsumu pulled the two of us to the side, to let the next trio on the court. Aran and I continued our conversation once we were in the clear.

"Mr. Akiba, right?" He checked to confirm the name of my junior high school coach.


"Didn't he play volleyball before?"

"Mhm," I paused, "he was on the Japan National Volleyball team back in the day."

"Right, I thought I heard something about that," Aran voiced, "how'd he go from a professional volleyball player to a junior high teacher?"

"He had a career ending injury, so he had no choice but to retire," I disclosed bluntly, "but he was young when it happened, so he needed to find some other occupation to take up, and he ended up as a teacher."

"And you know the rest of the story."

"Yeah, he never really talked about it with us, even though he was like an uncle to the team. I guess it was a tense topic for him, that guy loved volleyball so much. It was probably the worst news of his life when he found out he had to quit permanently."

"But it happens," Aran concluded. We were called on the court to perform the drill, the three of us rushed on. Coach Korosu blew the whistle, indicating that the server could proceed. I eyed the opposite side, Hiseki was serving. He has a strong spin serve, especially so for a first year in high school. I backed up on the court a little bit, Aran was covering the left side, while I was covering the right side. Aran, Atsumu, and myself, were up against, Hiseki, Osamu, and Suna. Suna stood close to the net, his hands up close to his face, interlacing his fingers, in focus. Fuck. Hm, I realized that I would do that too. I wondered if he copied me. I'll definitely ask him later. Wait, pause, I was getting distracted. My gaze bounced back up to Hiseki, who threw the ball up high. He eyed it for a moment, before running up and striking it. It blasted over to our side, straight to me. I used my whole body to repel the force, which made me fall backwards onto my back. But what was important was that I popped the ball up perfectly.

"Nice receive!" Atsumu called out, "Aran!" He called out to the ace, tossing the ball to him. The third year approached once again, and his strong spike was no match for Suna's block.

"Nice kill!" We congratulated him, high fiving one another.

"Alright, let's switch things up!" Coach Korosu announced, "Aran's team, take over," he gestured to us. We followed his orders, and stood on the opposite side. We were rotating through the trios, and right now were on the queen's court side.

"Akuma, your serve!" The coach instructed. Aw, shit. I wasn't gonna be blocking. He tossed me a ball, and I took a few steps from the service line. My serve wasn't the strongest, but it was still strong. I could only do jump floaters, but it was a mean float regardless. Unlike Amara, who was like Atsumu when it came to serving. She was a dual-wielder. But we agreed upon the fact that my float serve was better than hers, however her spin serve was stronger than mine. I couldn't even spin serve anyways. I looked at our opponents, Kita, Akagi, and Omimi. Seems like a pretty defensive team. But the problem was, they had no setter. I suppose Coach Korosu knew that when he made the teams. I took one step forward, throwing the ball up with both hands. I planted my feet lightly on the ground, and jumped up, smacking the ball. It was a solid float, and the path of the ball wavered here and there. Kita went to receive it with an underhand pass, but the ball took a sudden dip when he was already halfway through his receive. He barely touched it, slightly leaning forward.

"Oh man, no matter how many times she serves, I can't pick them up," he complained, now standing up and resting his hands on his hips, looking up at the ceiling.

"Akuma! Go a little easier on them!" Coach Korosu teased. I just chuckled.

"No underestimating here," I declared. The next trio came in, and I realized it was Suna's team. Osamu was their setter, Hiseki was their hitter, and Suna was their blocker.

"Atsumu, your serve! Make it an easy one!" Coach Korosu advised the setter. He nodded, taking his four steps from the service line, indicating it was a float serve. I approached the net, taking up my position as the blocker. I placed my hands right in front of my mouth, interlacing the fingers with each other, I was looking straight at Osamu, trying to figure out his next move. I saw the ball fly over, and Suna doing an okay job of receiving it. It was probably going to Hiseki, but I stayed in place, waiting until the moment Osamu would touch the ball. He leaped up, and it clicked in my brain. Dump. I jumped up at the last moment, making sure that Osamu wouldn't be able to go back. The ball tapped against my forearms, and it hit the ground.

"Oh my- I literally can't do anything when you're blocking," Osamu lamented.

"Go cry to mommy about it," I pestered.


"Bye, see you all next week!" The coach said his goodbyes to us as we dispersed from the gym, I waved to him and made my way out with Atsumu, Osamu, and Suna.

"This was the longest week of my life," I groaned, bringing a palm to my forehead.

"Go cry to mommy about it," Osamu teased. My heart stopped for a moment. Mom? Wait, no, he doesn't know, how would he know? It's just a little thing, it's fine, right?

"Akuma? Are you okay?"



My thoughts were broken by the trio's voices. But what really got me out of my trance was Suna blowing into my face.

"I told you to stop blowing into my face, Suna," I reminded the boy.

"Yeah, but it works like a charm," he explained, turning back forward.

"Does anyone wanna warm my hands up?" I requested.

"Yup! I got it!" Atsumu accepted the request, immediately taking my hands in his.

"Ew, no, they're sweaty," I revolted, ripping them from his grasp, I wiped them on his shirt, getting the wetness off of my palms.

"Can I try?" Osamu invited. I responded by holding my hands out to him, he reached out, and his hands covered mine.

"Mmm, better," I remarked. Atsumu was just sulking next to me, clearly upset and embarrassed about his clammy-ass hands. They were warmed up within seconds, since they were pretty hot from the practice. Somehow my hands were still cold, even after we had a full sweat-session. I took them out of Osamu's grasp, satisfied.

"So, Suna," I started, "is there any reason you put your hands up to your face when you're preparing to block?" I elbowed him, winking.




"No reason at all?"



"You think I copied you, don't you?"


"I didn't."

"Riiiiiiiiiight," I dragged the word, sarcasm leaking through my tone. All that followed was his scoff, and my laugh. 

Heads or Tails? (OC x SUNA RINTAROU) (OC x KAGEYAMA TOBIO)Where stories live. Discover now