swagger level 100

27 1 0

Akuma's POV:

I was currently laying in my bed, looking at the ceiling. As tired as I was, as long this week was, and as much I looked forward to the weekend, I was bored out of my mind. Amara was busy tutoring Kageyama, so she wasn't able to call. I silently hoped that they were smooching right about now. It was only Saturday too. Then an idea popped into my head, flinging my phone out, I texted the one and only, Suna Rintarou.

'I still haven't given you your jelly sticks.'

I sent the message, waiting only a few moments for his reply.


'I need to get them.'

'If you want me to come with you just say so.'

'Great, meet me at the school in 20.'

'It's a date.'

I smiled at his reply, before catching myself in the act. Did this dude call it a date? A date? I didn't respond to his statement, and instead, I went to go get ready. My dad was on some other business trip. Ever since we moved here, he's been gone a lot more often lately. I was home alone more, and we only spent so much time together. I threw on a comfy outfit, not bothering to do anything crazy, we were just going out to get jelly sticks, after all. My hair was in a hair clip, like it is half of the time. I decided I was going to skate there, it was no problem carrying my board, so it'd be fine, right? I locked the house, my keychain slinging around my neck, and my headphone wires connecting from my phone to my ears, with my stringbag on my back. My contents like my wallet and some other random stuff inside. I threw my board on the ground, hopping on, and I was on my way. I made a few turns towards Inarizaki High, and soon I was waiting on one of the benches by the gate. I plopped down, with my board resting in my lap, and my feet swinging like those of a child's. I looked at the sky, admiring the clear and peaceful blue that gleamed at me. I was listening to my indie playlist, making sure to turn down the volume enough so I would know if Suna was here. Soon, I heard a recognizable pair of footsteps, and I looked down to see none other than Suna approaching. Oh. Fuck. He was wearing grey sweatpants, a purple shirt, and a black zip-up sweater on top of everything. It was so casual and comfy, but man, the sweatpants.

"Hey, Suna," I greeted, standing up, pulling one headphone out of my ear. My keys jingled as I closed the distance between us.

"Hey, Akuma," he returned, a tired and deadpan expression present on his face, he eyed my skateboard, "what's that for?"

"I occasionally shit on it," I sarcastically replied, "what did you think, stupid?"

"Oh, right, my bad," he paused for emphasis, "you don't skate on it right?"

"No, of course not, why would you think that?" Our sarcasm was taking over the conversation, and I slipped my board under my right hand, with my left hand in my sweater pocket. We were off, walking to some convenience store Suna knew about. I didn't know the area, so he was gonna have to be my map for now. Suna walked on my left side, and we continued the conversation. I looked up at the sky, listening to his words.

"You might run into a wall or something if you're looking at the sky like that all the time," he briefed, slightly side-eyeing me.

"You think I don't know that?"

"Never thought about it until now."

"Just to clarify, I have run into a few walls and poles looking at the sky, so I would know."

Heads or Tails? (OC x SUNA RINTAROU) (OC x KAGEYAMA TOBIO)Where stories live. Discover now