these are terrible titles

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Akuma's POV:

Suna and I were now walking from the park, with my hand in his, again.

"Hey, Riko," Suna started, "can I try riding your board?"


"Why not?"

"'Cause I don't want you to eat shit," I explained.


"Okay, do you wanna bet on you falling?"


"What are we betting on?" I wondered.

"Okay, if I don't fall, we go to my place," he started, "if I fall, you have the luxury of tending to my wounds at your place."

"What? How is that fair? It's a win-win situation for you!" I exclaimed, frowning at him.

"Okay, fine, if I fall, I'll get you dangos, and we'll go to your place," he changed up his side of the bet.

"That sounds better," I agreed, letting go of his hand, and handing him my board. He reluctantly took it, realizing his situation. I just laughed at his expression. We stopped in our tracks, and he placed the board on the ground gently. He hesitated with his foot on the deck, but he got it on. Suna then thrusted his foot against the ground, and he was off.

"Hey! You're actually pretty good!" I whooped in celebration, he was getting farther from me. He turned his head, giving me a cheeky smile.

"See! Told y-" He was cut off by the board suddenly swerving to the left, because he stopped focusing on his balance. The force caused his body to fall to the right, while the skateboard flew to the left. He plummeted down, colliding with the concrete. He slid a good couple feet, and I cried out in laughter, clutching my stomach, and pointing at the curled up and in pain Suna on the ground. But he didn't move for a good ten seconds, and I immediately stopped laughing. Uh oh. I rushed over to his seemingly limp body.

"Rin! Rintarou!" I hollered, shaking him. No response.

"I'm sorry, I should've never let you go on the-"

"Got you," he cheekily said, still turned over.

"You fucking dipshit," I cursed at him, slightly shoving his shoulder. He still didn't turn over himself, and I decided to take it upon myself. I reached over to his arm, planning to haul him around. Seems like he was too stubborn to turn over. I dragged his body weight over, and he just had a slightly uncomfortable and suffering expression on his face, he had a few scratches here and there. But it was especially bad at his right elbow, he completely ripped through his sweater, and blood was collecting faster and faster on the scab. But what caught my eye the most, was his right leg. Since Suna basically slid on straight concrete for a few feet, the speed and force was too much for his sweatpants to take, and there was a gaping hole in his pants, and a few scratches on his thigh. I recollected my composure, and looked back at Suna.

"Stop acting like a damn doll, get up, you're not that hurt, a few scratches doesn't hurt anyone," I advised, while getting up to go snatch my skateboard from the depths of the trees.

"Wait, do you know what this means?" Suna pondered, as he sat up.

"What?" Then it clicked, "son of a-"

"You can't be that sad about me coming over, can you?"

"I don't really know, to be honest," I confessed. It was all fitting into place in my brain. I was gonna have to tend to his wounds. I was gonna have to touch him on his face, his arm, and his thigh. Oh no.

Heads or Tails? (OC x SUNA RINTAROU) (OC x KAGEYAMA TOBIO)Where stories live. Discover now