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Amara's POV:

"You're failing english?" Kageyama jumped, startled at my sudden appearance. I was leaning over his shoulder reading his recent test.

"Shut up, idiot," He grumbled, shoving the paper away from me. Boisterous laughter came from my right.

"HE FAILED ENGLISH, PFF," Tanaka was losing his shit. Daichi grabbed him by the collar, tugging him back.

"I can help you with that, if you want," he was now standing in front of me.

"You don't take english though," Noya pointed out.

"No, but I can speak english,"



"SAY SOMETHING IN ENGLISH!" I rolled my eyes before complying. I looked straight up at Kageyama.

"I want to kiss you," I said in english. Everyone was shocked, luckily, none of them would be able to understand. If they could, I would be passing away right now.

"I don't need help," he was stubborn alright.

"Fine, but don't come crying to me when you can't go to any training camps because you're failing," I shrugged, slowly walking away from him. I heard a faint, 'fine', as I left.

"Great, you can come over after school."

"CAN WE COME TOO?" Tanaka and Noya screamed. Their question was declined by Daichi who said they needed to do something for him later.

"Amara! Come sit here!" I raised my eyebrows at Noya. He had placed a spinning chair in the middle of the gym.

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"Please!" I cautiously sat in the chair. Before I knew it I was spinning around at an unmatchable speed.

"NOYA! I'LL KILL YOU!" My vision was blurred and I didn't even see the incoming wall. I slammed right into it, falling to the ground. I heard feet tapping slang the ground as people were running over to me.

"Man, I hate you guys so much sometimes."

After that little fiasco, Kageyama and I had almost arrived at my house.

"Come on, you can meet my kitten!" I exclaimed, grabbing his hand and making him run with me.

"I don't think I should," he breathed once we were at my front door.

"What, why not?" I asked, unlocking the door. Papa was out with some friends, so I had the house to myself.

"I don't think animals like me very much," he was embarrassed.

"Are you stupid?" I gave him a dumbfounded look, "It'll be fine, Kayda is very friendly!" We walked in, setting our things down in the living room.

"Okay, sit down and make yourself comfortable, I'll get Kayda," with that, I left him to examine the room. I had also changed into some shorts and a hoodie. Once I returned, I hid behind the corner watching him sit on the couch and look at every inch of the area. I smiled at his cuteness.

"Here she is!" His attention was brought back to me. His face dropped once he caught sight of the furry animal in my arms.

"Don't be nervous, here," I placed her gently in his hands. She sniffed around curiously before curling up in his hands. My smile brightened.

"See! She loves you!" He looked up at me nervously with a slight smile.

"Alright, time for studying!" I declared, pulling out my notebooks and such. I sat on the other side of the table placing my things down while Kageyama did the same. Kayda was now purring in his lap. I'm going to explode. They're so cute.

"Let's just start with greetings," I was staring at his worksheets, and let me tell you this guy was smart, but did not want to put the effort in for school apparently.

"On this part, you knew the definitions but failed at the pronunciation," I said mostly to myself, "Repeat after me," he nodded, suddenly determined.

"Good morning."

"Godmoring," I smiled at his attempt. He scowled at me.

"Don't make fun of me baka!" He threw a crumpled up paper from beside him at me. I laughed, throwing my head back. We continuously did that for about an hour and a half until he flopped backwards, claiming he was tired.

"You haven't even been doing it for that long!" I exclaimed, bewildered. We had already taken multiple breaks. He glared at me.

"You're impossible," I got up and walked away from him.

"Where are you going?"

"Follow me," he got up quickly, almost like a lost puppy. He leaned against the counter next to me in the kitchen. I was opening the fridge, looking for milk since I knew it was his favorite.

"Want some?" I held the carton of milk up for him to see. I swear, this boy had stars in his eyes. He nodded eagerly. I giggled softly before pouring him a glass.

"My name is Kageyama and I love milk."

"My name is Kageyama and I love milk," he repeated.

"Good job! Here you go!" I handed him the drink. He immediately downed half of it.

"Would you ever bath in milk?" I asked the boy, putting the carton away.

"Why would I ever do that?' It was his turn to be bewildered.

"I don't know, I just know you really like milk.." I trailed off. A few moments of silence passed before he spoke up again.

"What did you say earlier in the gym? In english I mean," he asked as I was putting the kitchen back in order.

"I want to kiss you,' YOU DID NOT JUST FUCKING SAY THAT. ARE YOU STUPID? I heard his tiny gasp before anything. My head couldn't wrap around the fact that I had actually admitted to him that I said that.

"Amara? I'm home!" Thank the fucking lord.

"In here, papa!" He walked in, a pack of beer in his hands.

"I thought I told you to cut down on the drinking?" I grabbed the pack of beer, discarding it outside.

"Kageyama, is it? What are you doing here?" He asked threateningly.

"I was tutoring him! He's not doing so well in english," I laughed nervously.

"Oh! You're learning english? I happen to speak english!" He then proceeded to say things in english or Kageyama to respond to.

"Sorry sir, I don't understand what you're saying," Kageyama said sheepishly.

"Oh, that's alright my boy! It takes time to learn a language!" Papa threw his arm onto Kageyama nearly making the both of them topple over.

"I think it's time for you to go to bed," I shifted his weight off of Kageyama and on to me, then walking him to his room.

"I like that boy!" Papa exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, he was 10x more annoying when he was drunk.

"Me too," I whispered. I went back into the kitchen expecting to see Kageyama but he was nowhere to be found. I found him in the living room packing up his stuff. He looked up at me once I entered the room. He opened his mouth to say something but uttered nothing.

"Are you leaving?" I asked, unable to mask the disappointment in my voice.

"Yeah, I should get home," he walked over to the door.

"Oh, yeah- okay, I'll see you tomorrow," he was walking out the door now.

"Bye," he didn't look back. I closed the door softly. I turned around and leaned back against the door, slowly sliding down it. Man you just ruined everything Amara.

Heads or Tails? (OC x SUNA RINTAROU) (OC x KAGEYAMA TOBIO)Where stories live. Discover now