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Sunrays falling on my face made my sleep run away. I went to the gym and after completing my workouts I entered my room and did my morning routines. I wear a simple light blue formal shirt pairing it with black jeans while wearing my watch I remembered my plan.

I knew every detail about Aria including her number. Just thinking about her, a smile made its way on my face. I tested her name on my tongue. I just want to listen to my name from her voice. Keeping aside my thoughts I message her my office address in the first message.

"If you want to save the orphanage them come to this address immediately before noon." And this was my second message.

"After entering into the building, just inform your arrival to the receptionist and she gonna show you your destination, where you can meet me." This was my third message.

I just don't want to reveal my details to her. How come she doesn't even know me? I was still annoyed about it. She neither texted me nor met me till now after that accident. Did she don't have any idea about me or she might be acting in the way just to gain my attention? She never tried to approach me even regarding the hospital bills though she needed money very badly. My manager informed me that she didn't even discuss that accident with anyone. why? Did she forget me? These thoughts annoyed me a lot.

I skipped my breakfast and went to my office in the thought of seeing her directly for the very first time. I reached my office way early than usual.

"Good morning sir, your coffee." Emma placed my coffee on the table and greeted me.

"Emma, cancel my meetings which are scheduled in the morning and reschedule them in the afternoon. And inform my hotel manager about my afternoon lunch visit along with a guest. " I said to Emma thinking about my plan.

"Yes sir, May I know who is the guest sir?" Emma asked me in her usual professional tone.

"Her name is Aria. I just mailed her pic to you. Don't ask any questions as don't reply to any of her queries just in case if she asks you. Mail her pic to the receptionist." I said to Emma.

"Ok, sir. Do you need anything?" Emma professionally asked me

"No, you can go back to your work now." I dismissed her.

I started waiting for my kitten(Aria). I still didn't receive any reply to my messages from my kitten. She neither questioned me nor my knowledge about the orphanage. She is different from many girls whom I met till now.

As time passed by I got annoyed by my kitten's ignorance of my messages. So I engaged in my work to distract my mind. After what felt like a decade my manager informed me that she left the cafe in a hurry and took a cab. I informed my manager to keep an eye on her every moment. At last, I heard a knock on the door, I gave my permission to enter the room expecting it to be my kitten, well to my utter disappointment it was Emma. She noticed my exasperating expressions and informed me about my kitten's presence.

With that, I kept my work aside and said to Emma to let her in. Emma nodded her head and left my office. I turned 180 degrees with my chair to see the beautiful city view. Then I started thinking about this new project, the whole marriage stuff discussion with my family, and the accident, and the beautiful hazel eyes. While my brain was stirring the pool of thoughts, I heard a knock on my door. I said 'come in'.

When the door opened, a strawberry smell hit my nose. While I was lost in that smell I heard someone clearing their voice more like a cough. I turned toward the owner of the voice. I was dumbfounded at the sight of my beautiful kitten. She was wearing jeans and a shirt with a sweater still I can see her curves through it. Just her view itself made my little monster bulge in my pants. 'fuck' I muttered to myself. Then I diverted my thoughts to my precious plan, or else I might take her right here. That would spoil my plan.

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