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I went to the monkey's office. This time even the receptionist recognized me and I walked directly to his office, even Emma can't stop me right now. I barged into his room and he was sitting on his chair and busy doing something on his laptop.  I went near to his desk, and that idiot raised his head and our eyes met. 

"Why are you doing this?" I asked David.

"Well kitten, I think you already knew the reason behind it. If you forgot about it, don't worry I'll remind you again. It is all about Noah. If you avoid him, then I won't involve in your issues." David said to me with a smirk.

"Oh god! Are you insane? Don't you know the meaning of friendship? Neither I involved in your business nor your personal life, then why are you involving in my life monkey? Can you please enlighten me?" I said to the monkey while sitting on one of the chairs.

"Well, I didn't kick Noah yet, as you did to Rachelle," David said to me while shrugging his shoulders.

"If you compare Noah with that bitch, then I'll kill you monkey. For your information, she is the one who started a fight with me." I said to David. I hate this monkey a lot now. How can he compare Noah with that bitch? I can't tolerate this monkey now.

"Ok then. So according to you, Noah likes me right. So I need to avoid him."  I said to David while gazing into his eyes. 

"Whatever kitten. You got the point right. So stay away from him." David said to me while shifting in his chair.

"Why? Why should I avoid him? If he likes me, then it is good right. It is awesome. Finally, someone is loving me with his whole heart. I'll get a beautiful family. I can say someone like mine. Thank you so much monkey. Only because of you I found the love of my life." I said to David while acting like a loving puppy.

"NO. You got it wrong. He doesn't love you as you think. Why are you thinking about him, when you have me as your husband?" David said to me. I can see his knuckles are turning white as he gripped the handle of the chair.

"Thank you, my dear hubby. And about dating Noah, as per our contract I can date anyone. So I found no problem with it. Only because of you I found my knight in shining armor. This is all because of you. Thank you so much, hubby." I said to David while pressing the words 'only because of you' to irritate him more. He pissed me off these days by involving in my business, well now it's my turn to piss him off. I knew it will work not because he likes me like Noah assumed but because of his reputation. I messaged Noah to call me right now. We plan to irritate this monkey so that in return we can demand him to step down in destroying our business.

"David, can you please give few date ideas? How should I impress him? How......" while I was about to take the opinion of my hubby I got a call from Noah. I think it's time to act. Aaahhh...

As soon as I saw the caller ID I shout loud and started jumping in my chair while blushing like a 'teenage girl who got a call from her first crush'.  I lift my call and started talking sweetly.

"Hey, Noah. I'm in monkey's office. Where are you?" I spoke on my phone. While this whole time monkey's expression was priceless. At first, by seeing my act he was intrigued about the caller, but he masked it with his normal looks. As soon as he heard the name Noah, he stood immediately from his chair like thunder, and in a blink of an eye, he stood beside me trying his best to eavesdrop on our conversation.

"Really. You missed me, but we just met a few minutes back right?" I spoke on my phone walking away from the monkey, whereas this monkey is following me around trying his best to act cool at the same time. Poor Idiot...

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