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I'm so happy that I got selected for two part-time jobs, one is as a cashier in the xxx store and the other is in yyy dry cleaners. As today is my first day working in these part-time jobs I got hell tired by the end of the day. By the time I reached my home, I was completely exhausted. I took a hot bath, I instantly felt relaxed.

I just drank water and ate a pizza which I ordered after coming home. After dinner, I fell asleep immediately on my lovely bed, hoping for a miracle to happen, that can bring peace and lots of smiles to those innocent orphan kids.

I woke up due to the annoying sound of my alarm. I did my morning routines and prepared pancakes and ate them. Then I took my phone which was on the kitchen counter, I saw a few messages from an unknown number.

I opened those messages, in the first message there was an 'address'.
'If you want to save the orphanage then come to this address before noon.' This was the second message.
'After entering the building, the receptionist will show your destination, where you will get a solution for the orphanage.' This is the third message.

'Who is this? How do they know about the orphanage? Why do they want to help me?' These creepy thoughts started flashing in my brain as soon as I read those messages.

'Something is wrong. Don't go there.' I subconsciously spoke.

Maybe it's better not to go there. With that thought, I ignored those messages and started walking to my cafe. While I was taking orders from customers, my mobile buzzed indicating that I got a message. I ignored it and resumed my work. I left back to the storeroom in my short break.

I opened the message and it was from Mason.
"Sweetheart, the manager informed me that all of a sudden all the investors stepped back and stopped giving the funds to the orphanage. We can't understand the situation, till dawn everything was good. But in just one hour everything was changed. Every investor sent the notification that they aren't going to give any funds to the orphanage from now. Now we don't even have a single investor and if we don't get any funds in the future then those kids will become homeless. Come home, we will speak about it.'

Well, Mason calls me sweetheart right from our first meet. After reading that message, I tried to think positively, but my stupid brain is making it difficult. While going back to the counter I overheard the girls speaking something about 'unknown number'. That words captured my attention.

Then I remembered about that message from an unknown number. I read those messages and thus an idea popped up in my brain. I want to share my idea with Mason and Lily but they didn't lift my calls. Without wasting time I rushed to the storeroom and changed into my dress leaving my uniform in the locker and rushed out of the cafe after informing Zoe.

Finally, I reached the address that was indicated in that message. I paid for the cab. I glanced at the mobile for time, it showed 11:30 am. Then I started observing my surroundings, I was surrounded by the tall buildings which are standing proudly on either side of the road and the roads are busy with people. I started walking into the building which was towering in front of me.

I entered the building. I saw a receptionist. She was wearing a white blouse with a black skirt and she was looking dead gorgeous with her green eyes. I walked towards her table, she flashed her million-dollar smile and stood from her seat, and greeted me. I think she knew about my visit. But...?
Her next words snapped me out of my thoughts. She motioned me towards the lift and she pressed 40 number and left me alone in that lift.

After what felt like an eternity, the lift doors opened. I stepped out of that suffocating box. I glanced at my surroundings, then I found a desk. I walked up to the desk and stared at the gorgeous brown-eyed brunette. She greeted me and informed about my presence to someone through her intercom.

" Miss Aria, sir is waiting for you in his office."

Many questions popped up in my brain.' How the hell does she knew my name? It seems like she knew about my arrival. But how? '

All of a sudden I felt intrigued about this man. Moreover only he can give solutions to my problems. With that thought, I murmured thanks to her and started walking towards the door.

With every step, my heart started beating fast.
'I think something is wrong, let us go back. Don't step in.' My subconscious muttered.
'Just ignore her words and concentrate on our mission of meeting this unknown guy at any cost.' My curiosity muttered.
My curiosity and my subconscious started arguing about the pros and cons of meeting this unknown guy. Finally, my curiosity won the argument resulting in a knock on his door.

"Come in" I heard a masculine, sexy voice. With that, I entered the room closing the door behind. It is a beautiful and elegant office with a couch on one side, one side was completely covered with woodwork with two doors and the other side of the wall is colored with grey color. Of all these the front side is completely covered with glass giving us a breathtaking view of this spectacular city. There was a table with a laptop and some papers and other stuff are neatly organized on it. A person was sitting on the swivel chair present near the table with his back towards me.

I walked towards his table and coughed a little to gain his attention. Well, I got succeeded in it. After my little coughing session, the swivel chair turned around giving the view of its handsome owner.

He is looking damn hot. He has attractive blue eyes with thick eyelashes and with thick eyebrows, and a sharply pointed nose, and fully plumped lips. Seeing his lips, I want to bite his lips hard, and his hair is as black as coal which was smoothly gelled back keeping them in a good position which added even more sexiness to his handsome face.

Even his white shirt didn't hide his perfect muscled arms and his six-packed body. Then again my eyes traveled to his face, then I saw a smirk on his face which is making him look even hotter.

Wait! What? Smirk?

'Stop drooling on him, idiot. You are eating him with your eyes.' My subconscious chastised me.

Then I woke up from my Lala land. Thus realization slapped my face.

"YOU" I shout at him showing my index finger of my right hand towards him same time closing my mouth with my left hand.....

* Who is this unknown guy?????

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