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When I reached my apartment, I called Mason and Lily to come to my apartment. I threw my phone on my bed and went to take a hot shower to relax my mind. After 30 minutes both Mason and Lily came to my home. They knew the password of my apartment. I narrated the whole incident starting from the messages from an unknown number to the contract.

"WTF Aria. You know what Aria? You are the definition of stupidity. No doubt in it." Lily said to me.

"Lily, stop it yarr," I said to lily hoping she will end her lecture as soon as possible or else I'm doomed. Trust me if she starts giving you her lecture, it won't end soon.

"How did you signed those papers sweetheart? That too contract marriage! what a fool he is? How can he suggest such stupid things to you." Mason said to me taking control of this situation from Lily.

"I'm not gonna tolerate this. Come let's to his office. We still have few days with us, maybe we can find some other ways to earn money for the orphanage. We are going to cancel that stupid contract." Lily said to me while striding the living room.

"Lily calm down. Wasn't that fun? We can save our orphanage forever. I can annoy that bastard for one year." I said to lily thinking about the methods of how to annoy that idiot cockroach aka David.

"Mason baby, I think we need to admit her to hospital. I think she got mentally retarded recently. She is not in her right mind. Maybe if she is in her right mind then she will never sign those papers." Lily said to Mason by holding his hand. Arghhhhh............

"I'm going to kill that bastard for making her like that," Mason said to us while searching for the gun in my home. I knew he is overdramatic. But I already told you that he is a little bit overprotective towards us. I still remember, when my first crush dumped me, mason hit him until his face turns blue and black with a lot of bruises. I laughed a lot after seeing that video which was recorded by miss lily. Trust me guys his handsome face became priceless. But that is not the case here. Why can't these two idiots understand that jackass aka David is a devil? And unfortunately, he is the only way through which we can save the orphanage.

"Mason, lily, do you have a better plan? If you have a super cool plan then tell me guys or else just zip your mouth." I said to both of them gesturing my hand to zip their mouths.

"Come on Aria, for god sake we are living in the 21st century damn it. Who will marry a stranger, that too contract marriage? Oh god! seriously Aria, for this foolish stunt, congratulations buddy, you will inherit the title 'best stupid person in the world'". Lily said to me by clapping her hands.

I knew it sounds weird. But who am I kidding? It is Lily.

"I knew it lily because you are my best buddy. Of course, I'll inherit that title from you." I said to Lily with a wink.

"Shut up Aria. Aria listens to me, think once again about it please." Lily said to me by holding my hands in her warm hands.

"Aria, you are not a kid. Think about it again sweetheart. You know that we both love you a lot right." Mason said to me while giving me a side hug. These two people are my lovely idiots as always.

"Guys, trust me. I'll be okay with this. That too it is only for one year. " I said to both of them with my bright smile.

"Ok sweetheart. Your wish. But remember that we will be with you always. But promise me, sweetheart, if he hurt you in any way, you will tell me right away. Then I'll break his bones and I'll kill him with my bare hands." Mason said to me while embracing me in his wide arms warmly.

"Ok. Stop your melodrama guys. Error........" Lily said to both of us while wiping her invisible tears. Drama Queen.

"Ok. Then come let's go shopping." Lily grabbed my hand. While this whole time Mason just followed us like an obedient puppy. I enjoyed it a lot with them. They always knew how to lift my mood. After shopping, we ate dinner at the restaurant, then Mason and Lily dropped me in my home and left for their apartments. I'm exhausted both mentally and physically. When I was about to hit my bed I got a message from that same unknown number aka David.

**Tomorrow morning at exact 10 am, I'll come to your house. Pack your luggage. According to the contract, you will shift to my house by tomorrow itself.**

I think I need to buy a lot of patience from others or else I might end up in jail for killing this jackass aka David.

'We can't kill him because of his handsome face. If you kill him, then I'll kill you .' my subconscious again started her admiring session towards David.

I think if this continues then she will be the head of his fan club.

'Oh god! someone, please tell her that if I'll die then she too will die.' I said to myself. Hearing it my subconscious just shrugged her shoulders.

I didn't reply anything to him because I'm already hell tired today. Again I don't want to start a fight with that idiot aka David. So I just kept my phone aside and slept thinking how my life gonna change from tomorrow. Of all these thoughts, I was annoyed with the thought of seeing that bastard face again. With this flow of thoughts in my brain I slowly drift into my dreamland.....





Sometimes life will take unexpected turns, we need to hope for our bright future and should move on.

'Everything happens for our good.'

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