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(After David's call......)

I want to kill that bastard after his call. What did he think about himself? Arrogant asshole. Who the hell is he to restrict me? How should I live with this old man aka David for one year? Argh.........

No problem I'll kick some sense into his old rusted and rotted brain. For now to satisfy my ego I need to do something to him.

'When killing anyone with thoughts doesn't work, then try a funny prank on them, results may vary. I think at least our ego will get satisfied with the results.' My subconscious said to me while cleaning her invisible eyeglasses with her dress.

'Sounds good. Let us try it for this night.' I said to my subconscious cheerfully.

I went to his mansion and spoke with the trio and ate snacks along with them. We all prepared dinner together and watched few cartoon shows and they left exactly at 8:00 pm. After they left the mansion I got ready to implement my little funny prank on monkey aka David. Once I did this prank on Lily. She almost killed me that day. 

I thought about it in the cafe itself, so while coming back from work I bought few sugary candles.

I started implementing my plan at 8:30 pm. I peeked into his room. It was dull and dark as his heart. We are opposite each other. I took my own time to roam around his room. Finally, at 8:45 pm I entered his bathroom and executed my plan. When my work is completed I left his room and saw that monkey coming through the stairs. So I rushed to my room and slept on my bed. In a rush, I forgot to lock the door. I heard the sound of footsteps. I knew who it is. So I acted like I was in a deep sleep. After some time he left my room.

I slowly went out of my room and peeked into his room, then I heard a water sound from his washroom. I entered his room without making noises, the sound of the water stopped after some time and again it started with few annoying sounds. Now I got it he went back to shower again while speaking a lot of colorful words. So my plan got succeeded. I too annoyed him. Hurrah...

Thinking about his expressions, I laughed loudly. Then I realized that it came out loudly, so without a second thought, I ran out of his room. This time I locked my door and slept happily.

The next day I got up at 6:00 am and did my morning routines and left my room walking on my toes without making any noises. But it seems like my luck is showing its back on my face.

"Where are you going?" David asked me in his dangerous tone. He is standing near my door while resting his back on the wall and folded his two giant hands in front of his chest. To be honest, he is intimidating me right now with his 'you are dead' looks. 

I ignored him and went to the kitchen and grab an apple to eat cause I can't even have my breakfast today as this devil is following me like I'm his favorite prey. I need to leave this house before hearing this idiot's lecture. When I was about to leave his house, he grabbed me to his room by my hand. I think grabbing others is his favorite task. Offff...

Finally, he stopped in his tracks, and on another hand, my head came in contact with the mountain aka David's back. He caged me on the wall invading my personal space. My heartbeat is skyrocketing because of this uncomfortable gesture. But I just folded my hands and viewed directly into his eyes.

"Kitten, when I ask you a question you need to answer it. I hate when you ignore me." Mountain aka David said to me by gritting his teeth. I wish to give a 'world's strongest tooth' award to his teeth. Poor tooth. Tsk Tsk...

"Do you love my lips kitten? Do you want to kiss me? I don't mind it even if you do that." Monkey aka David asked me with his evil smirk. I think I should call him Jellyfish from now.

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