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***The same day before the accident***


"Good morning sir, your coffee." Emma my personal assistant greeted me with her professional smile and placed the coffee on my table. She is great at her work. In fact, she is a very beautiful brunette young lady with a curvy body, with brown eyes that are a perfect match to her brown hair. She was married recently.

"Any meetings?" I asked her in my usual professional tone.

"Yes sir" She recited my schedules for this day and handed some files which I need to go through.

"You can go back to work now." I said to her with that she left my room. I began to go through all the reports from different departments and files which contains some important information which is needed to be discussed in today's meeting.

My phone rang and it was Emma on the extension line, "What is it?"

"Sir, your meeting is about to begin and everyone is already there waiting for you" she said in a professional way, I looked at the time and it was already two hours since I came to my office and there are just five minutes remaining for the meeting to be started.

"I will be there" I said that and ended the call. I stood up and got my phone and files and some reports and left my office for a meeting. After three hours meeting was ended. When I entered my office my phone rang showing John's name on the screen. I sat on my chair and lifted the call.

"Hey, John" John is my best friend. We are friends since from kindergarten. John parents died in a car accident, now his grandfather forcing him to take over his family business as he is the only heir. However, John hates grandpa's idea. He always wants to enjoy his life. He is a carefree, funny guy.

"David, we are going to a pub tonight. No excuses are allowed. You are coming and that's final. No work, nothing." With that, he ended the call.

Again my phone rang, but this time it is showing my mother's name on the screen.

"Mom, How are you?" I asked my mom after lifting the call.

"We are fine. What about you son?" She asked with her sweet voice. My mom is a kind person whereas my dad is stubborn and arrogant like me. I don't know how they fell in love with each other. But they love each other a late till date.

"Son, you need to come home for dinner today." My mom said to me. I love this idea anyhow so without wasting a second I said my decision.

" Sound's great. I'm in it, mom." With that, I ended the call.

I'm 28 years old. I started my own business when I'm of 24 years old but as I'm the only heir so I merged my company with my dad's one. When he retired from his CEO position, he handed our family business to me and thus I ended as the CEO of our company. My first project after becoming CEO of this company is that Asian's project. It is the most prestigious to our company and for my image too as it is my first project I'm gonna deal after inheriting this company. So I decided at any cost I need to win it either by hook or crook.

If we get that Asian's deal then we will be at no.1 position. No one can beat us even for the next decade. So I'm working a lot for it.

I resumed my work on my laptop pushing all my personal thoughts aside. Time started running with the speed of light. When I completed my work then I realized that it's 8:00 pm.
I left the office and started driving my car to my parent's house. After half an hour of the ride, I reached my destination. Butler greeted me first at the entrance and said that my parents are waiting for me in the garden in the backyard. My parent's house is a big beautiful mansion with rich furniture and paintings that are hanged over the walls everywhere and with a beautiful garden.

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