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The doctor took that handsome stranger into an emergency room, my imagination is going wild with each passing minute. My stupid brain was busy thinking about all the worst possibilities that gonna happen to that injured stranger. To be frank, I want to stay peaceful but my brain is making it an impossible task.

To divert my thoughts, I started playing with the hem of my white shirt. While I was busy with my new diversion doors of the emergency room opened exposing a handsome man in his late twenties, who was wearing a big white coat, wearing a stethoscope around his neck, currently, he was looking like an angel without wings.

" What is your relationship with the patient?." The angel asked me with his sweet voice, his voice is like music to my ears.

Wait! See, this is the reason why I hate my imagination sometimes. The angel I mean doctor stares at me as I have grown two heads.

" Nothing doc. I mean I don't know anything about him. I just saw the accident and brought that stranger guy here. I don't know any details about him."  I said to the doctor after knocking some sense into my brain. All of a sudden I remembered his phone. It is still in his car.

"Ok." The doctor said that and was about to say something, but he was interrupted by the nurse who arrived by running like a marathon. She said something to him in a very low voice such that not even ants can listen to her whisper.

Wait! Do ants have ears? Whatever, After listening to her murmur  facial expressions of the doctor has changed dramatically. That was enough for my stupid brain to cook stupid unwanted thoughts which do no good for my heart and hair.

"What happened, doctor? Is everything alright? Is there any risk to the life of the patient?" I started to bombard the doctor with my questions. I know it annoys anyone, but sometimes I can't apply breaks to my mouth.

"Don't worry miss. Calm down." The doctor said to me in his professional tone.

"What's the problem doctor?" I asked him again.

'Did you planned to kill that poor soul(doctor) with your questions. If you really did that, then trust me your plan will succeed soon' my subconscious said to me while drying her nail colour.
'Shut up yarr' I said to her while rolling my eyes mentally.
'Please do it. So that you can save him from your wrath. At least give him a chance to speak.' My subconscious said to me while rubbing her temples.

"Well, nothing serious miss, just a few minor injuries. But he lost a lot of blood so he fell unconscious, he will gain conscious by tomorrow morning. If you want, you can see him." The doctor said to me. I thanked him and he walked away and the nurse instructed me about the medicines and hospital bill.

I nodded my head and she left me alone in that corridor. Then, I realized I was covered with blood, my hands and even my favourite white shirt was covered with the blood of that stranger. I think I should ask that stranger to buy me a new white shirt when he gains his conscious. He needs to wake up quickly at least for the sake of my shirt. Argh......

I just went into the patient room and saw him lying on the bed covered with small bandages across his forehead and arms. I decreased the distance between us without making noise and sat on the chair which is just beside his bed. Then I saw his face clearly, I got spellbound to his looks. He is looking devilishly handsome. My phone rang showing the Mason name on the screen. I left the room to attend the call.

"Hey, what happened man? Why are you calling me at this hour? Is everything ok?" I asked the Mason after lifting his call. He never called me at this hour as it is his work times. I felt little uneasy, it's like something bad is going to happen.

"Sweetheart where are you?" Mason asked me.

"I'm in the hospital," I said to him.

"What? What happened to you sweetheart? How? When? Which hospital......." Mason bombarded me with his questions, not even lending me some time to speak.

'Face it, baby. Like a brother, like a sister' my subconscious said to me.
I ignored her.

"Hey, I'm fine. When I was about to go home I saw an accident and I just admitted him in the hospital. Now, he is alright." I said to Mason. I tried my best to answer his unasked questions too because I know those are the answers for his future questions.

"Sweetheart Lily and I are in your apartment right now. Come fast, we both want to say something important to you. Don't ask any questions further, just drag your legs here. Bye sweetheart." With that Mason ended the call.

I knew something is wrong. I don't have time. So I just took a card and wrote 'get well soon' with a smiley and placed that card on the table beside that stranger's bed and I just paid the hospital and medication bills with my savings and informed the nurse to take care of the stranger and left the hospital.

P.O.V ends.........

After Aria left the hospital then the senior doctor who came for rounds in the morning noticed that stranger(patient) is none other than the most popular and eligible billionaire bachelor DAVID WILLIAM. And he (senior doc) enquired the junior doctor who treated David last night, about his health condition.

Actually, that junior doctor and nurse who treated David last night were new to both city and hospital so they failed to recognize David. But unlike them, that senior doctor knows very well about the power and wealth owned by David and his family. In fact, they own this hospital too along with their restaurant chains, textile business and few other businesses.

When that senior doctor was about to inform David's condition to his(David's) family, David opened his eyes..............

Aria didn't know anything about David. She yet didn't know that she saved a billionaire, as she was never interested in business news.

Everything happens for a reason.


*Will Aria and David again cross their paths in their lives?🤔
*What happens if they meet again?😉

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