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*In the hospital*

I heard a few faint voices. Slowly, voices became clear. I tried to open my eyes but failed to do it. After a few attempts, I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the room lights. Then I started analysing my surroundings which seems like a hospital.

'Why the hell I'm here?' I thought to myself, I tried to remember how I end up here, but nothing was coming into my brain. Slowly my memories came back like a tide. Now I got it. Dinner with my parents, dream project, marriage, accident, a beautiful girl. My lips curved up a little thinking about that beautiful girl.

I shifted my gaze to those foolish doctors who were present near my bed and murmuring something to themselves, but I guess one doctor is rebuking the remaining two. I made a small noise to gain their attention.

I think I got succeeded in gaining their full attention. The doctors were looking towards me with fear dancing in their eyes. Their faces became pale. My inner demon got satisfied with their looks. Of course, I like the fear of the people towards me.

This is my hospital for God sake. I need to be in my VIP room, but these stupids humiliated me by treating me like a normal person. 'Get ready folks to face my wrath'

"Now explain it." I said to them after moving into my VIP room. Dean was panting like a pig. I smirked looking at him.

"Sir, you got into a small car accident, your car hit a tree on the roadside, a girl saw you and she admitted you here. At the same time, our junior doctor was on duty sir, he is new to this city so it seems like he doesn't know about you. He thought you as a normal guy, even the girl didn't inform anything about you,  it seems like she too doesn't know anything about you, sir. " I glared at him, with that he took two steps back with fear.

I was now fuming with anger, for the fuck sake I'm the most popular guy in this entire city, but how come she doesn't even know my identity. My blood was boiling thinking about this. It seems like I need to handle these foolish doctors and that foolish girl.

"Where is that girl?" I asked the dean, thinking about that I didn't see her till now.

"Sirrrrr.....she left......the hospital....."
Dean uttered with a stammer.

"WTF. What do you mean by she left the hospital?" I roared on that poor dean.

'How dare she? She didn't even recognize me and moreover, she left me. What the fuck she thinks about herself?'

"Sir, she was there with you the whole time. My staff informed me that she got a call and after receiving it she wrote this card and placed it on the table and she paid your bills and then she left the hospital in a hurry, sir." Dean said to me while giving a card which contains 'get well soon' and even a smiley was also drawn on that card.

This small gesture of that beautiful girl brought instance smile on my face. A warm feeling hit my heart by seeing that card. A sudden desire to see her face stirred in my heart.

"Bring the CCTV footage and fire that fool who treated me. Listen, no one should know about my accident, if this leaked to media then that day will be your last day on this earth. Got it?" I ordered that dean and dismissed him. I love my image a lot I won't tolerate anyone or any rubbish act which damage my image in a society.

I started playing that footage, I saw that girl and her every move. She is indeed beautiful and hot. While I was busy staring her moves, John came by rushing into my room.

"Hey man, are you alright?" John asked me as soon as he entered my room. He was looking like a mess. Then, I remembered about his invitation to the pub. I just nodded my head and then resumed in my staring work.

"Dude, who's she? She looks damn hot and sexy." By hearing his confession I felt jealous and anger. This is new to me. But I knew very well about my annoying buddy, so I shut my mouth and closed my lappy.

"Cool dude, I won't snatch her from you. " John said this with a smirk. I know he won't let it go easily. To my luck, my manager entered my room. Looks like dean used his brain. Good.

"Good morning sir. How do you feel now?" My manager asked me? I just nodded my head. Actually, he is my dad's manager, he is trustworthy. So I kept him as my manager. John was shaking his head seeing my attitude.

"Take care of this whole shit. Even my parents shouldn't know about this. And inform to my PA that to clear my schedule for the tomorrow morning session. Inform her to adjust the schedule. And I need each and every detail about this girl by the end of this day." I said to my manager while showing the footage of that beautiful girl. After giving him a few more instructions regarding work I gestured him to leave the hospital.

"David, why the heck you were roaming carelessly on those small streets instead of coming to the pub. I knew about your driving skills. So spill the beans dude." John asked me with a serious look on his face.

Then I informed him about the project, dinner, marriage and everything. At the end his expressions were priceless. I think he imagined himself in my situation during the marriage topic.

John is going to inherit his family business from his grandpa by the end of this year. He wants to spend his life like a carefree guy without any responsibilities but he can't escape from it as it is his grandpa's condition more like order.

"Dude, why do you want to know about that girl?"  John asked me with a smirk.

I just shrugged and got ready and left to my office as my injuries are minor so I can at least attend my meetings without much delay. I went to my office and got stuck with my usual routine meetings.

After completion of those lineup meetings, I sat on my swivel chair in my office, then I opened my mail. Among all one mail grabbed my attention it is about that mysterious beautiful girl, I read about her to know each and everything about her, then an idea popped up in my evil brain.

I smiled devilishly thinking about my evil plan which gonna change my kitten's life completely and it is also the best solution to my problem.
It is like killing two birds with one stone.

On the other hand, our Aria is working hard doing various part-time jobs. Poor girl, she has no idea about the evil plan of David. She still doesn't know that her life gonna take a complete u-turn by tomorrow.


*what is David's plan?*

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