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Anyhow, I want to get out of this hell, so I took those papers and started reading them. After reading them, it's like the ground under me slipped away......

"Contract Marriage"...these words made all the air pump out of my lungs.

" This is so funny. Nice prank." I said to David while laughing. Seriously it is the first thought that stuck in my brain after reading them.

"Do I look like a Joker?" David asked me. He was fuming with anger.

"Of course yes. Didn't you know that?"
I said to David.

"You are crossing your limits kitten," David aka monkey said to me while pinching his nose bridge.

"What? Limits? Can you please enlighten me?" I asked David with sarcasm dripping in my words.

"Stop it kitten. Just sign these damn papers." David said to me while gritting his teeth. Poor teeth...

"Are you my boss? For as long as I remember I was never your employee. Wait why are you commanding me to sign them. Who the hell are you, idiot? Are you the king of this universe?" I asked him by placing my hands on my hips to intimidate him.

"Emma, can you please bring popcorn?" John asked through the intercom. With this, we both look towards John with a 'shut up' look.

"Guys, please carry on. Ignore my presence. Trust me, I won't disturb you at any cost." John said to us by keeping his hand near to his throat like a promising gesture.

"John. I think you both are born to irritate me." David aka arrogant bastard said to John while gazing at us. John just shrugged his shoulders. We heard a knock on the door. John rushed to the door and came back to the couch with popcorn. He is a crazy man and a drama king too.....

"I think, I should leave, there is no use of coming here," I said to myself still in an audible tone.

"Wait Aria, I said to sign those papers. I'm not going to give my whole time to you to make the decision. And without my permission, you aren't going to leave my office." David said to me while slamming his hand on his desk.

"Are you insane idiot?" I said to David while throwing those papers on the desk. My subconscious was telling me to slap his face with those stupid papers.

"Just shut your mouth and sign them. Don't irritate me." David said to me by sending daggers towards me through his eyes.

"How dare you?" I said to hulk aka David by throwing a glass of water on his face, which was there on the desk.

"You bitch, I think you won't listen to sweet words. If you don't sign them then trust me I'm gonna damage your life along with your dear ones, like Mason, Lily, Zoe. I think you like them a lot in your life. So consequences depend upon the decision you take darling." David said to me in his devilish voice.

'I think we should have shot him with the gun rather than the glass of water' my subconscious glared at his image.

'But I think I can't do anything right now, he knew everything about us. I can't keep the lives of my head ones in danger. I can't do that. I think he can even kill me without any evidence. Seeing his office which screams richness confirms to me that he can bribe any officer. Well, I think even law and cops are on his side. Argh... I can't even marry this arrogant ugly bastard." I said to my subconscious

'Correction, arrogant handsome bastard. Though he is a jerk, he looks hot." My subconscious said to me while drooling at his image.

'Yuck....handsome my foot. Stop drooling on him. You just said that you want to kill him. He is our enemy now. You should be on my side, not vice versa stupid.' I chastise my subconscious.

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