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The next one week everything went so fast and in the same way, like waking up and preparing breakfast for the devil, later having breakfast with him and then enjoying the whole day with the trio and having dinner with the devil and going back to my lovely bed. During this whole week, me and devil fought a lot for many silly things. But we started eating together, at first it used to be my toughest task, but slowly it turned into my habit. David even helped our orphanage. He bought the building and took care of everything that is required for kids. Thus how I decided to pay back him least by preparing breakfast and dinner for David. As he is taking good care of the orphanage so I decided to take care of him.

Today I woke up and sat on my bed trying to think the ways through which I can convince the devil so that I can do my job. I prefer doing the job rather than sitting alone in this mansion. In this week I tried for many jobs but that devil made it into an impossible task using his power. Argh...

I did my morning routines and went to the kitchen to prepare pancakes and bacon. I set the dining table with breakfast and with devil's favorite black coffee. Devil came down and sat on his usual place for breakfast. While having breakfast I cleared my throat to gain his attention.

'Speaking while eating is bad for health dumb head.' My subconscious hit on my head.

'Shut up. Then tell me when I should speak with him?' I replied to my subconscious.

'Well......... Argh.. ok...I got it. Still, Do you think he will allow you to do it, silly? Still, Permission granted.' My subconscious said to me while adjusting her invisible glasses.

'Seriously, who asked your permission. God....' I said to myself.

"Honey, I want to work in the cafe," I said to David. He choked on a mouthful of pancakes. I gave a glass of water to David while rubbing my hand in circles on his back. Soon he regained his posture, I sat in my place and stared towards David.

"Are you okay Baby?" I asked the devil. 

"I'm fine. So this is the hidden reason behind your endearment." David said to him while eating his pancake.

"Please David. I want to work in the cafe. You didn't mention anything about our professional lives in the contract even. Let me do my job." I said to David with my best puppy-dog eyes. Even Lilly can't resist my puppy dog eyes trick. I'm sure that, this devil will fall for it. He should because this is my last weapon.

"Stop giving me those puppy-dog eyes. It won't work for me. And it's final Aria. You are not going to work for one year, because you are my official wife now. If people see you working in a cafe, then that will damage my image. I gave you my card right, go for shopping, parties and enjoy yourself." David said to me while placing his plate on the kitchen counter. 

'Is it wrong to kill him?' I said to myself.

'Of course yes. Don't you even dare to do it?' My subconscious mocked on me.

'You should be on my side partner.' I said to my subconscious.

'No. How can you kill a guy with such a handsome face? Well in this case I'm against you, partner. If you kill him then I'll kill you for sure.' My subconscious said to me while adjusting her invisible eyeglasses.

'Someone please tell her that if I die then she will die along with me.' I said to myself while gripping a chocolate syrup bottle in my left hand.

"Be as a good girl. Don't bring this topic again." David said to me while rubbing the invisible dust on his white formal shirt. Seeing his white shirt an idea popped in my brain.

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