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After that issue, David never interrupted my professional life, except he still hates Noah even though Noah confessed his love to Alexa in front of us. Yes, finally they were officially together now. I'm so happy for them, and our business was back on its track.

Many things happened in these three months. Mason and Lily got married to each other. They were happy together right now. I started spending time with mom and dad, especially with mom. I was so happy because I got mom and dad in my life. I knew this is temporary still I don't want to waste my time thinking about my future and thinking about this contract. So I started enjoying myself with mom and dad and started collecting as many happy moments as I can with them. I'll cherish these happy moments that I was spending with them till the end of my life.

And at the same time, I got close with the trio( Nancy, Rosy, and Sam )
. I got more close to Benjamin, he is Rosy brother. He is 18 years old and he is so funny. I like him a lot. He is like a little brother to me. Everything was going smoothly except with that David. He will bring my most annoying character out of me every time without any effort. Only he has that talent. 

Nowadays Rosy was zoning out a lot. Her face lost its glow, she was looking like she aged a decade. One day she lost consciousness while she was cleaning the area near to pool and she fell in the pool. David saw this whole incident through the window of his room while speaking on his mobile and he immediately rushed towards her and dragged her out of the pool. Then he carried her inside and then we all noticed her unconscious body, I said to David to place her on my bed in my room and I called our family doctor.

After some time doctor came and checked on her. He prescribed few medicines for her and he said it occurred because of fatigue and due to malnutrition and he said that he injected her so that she will wake up after some time and she needs a lot of rest. Later David went out to send him off, while I was busy thinking about Rosy.

She woke up after some time and I prepared porridge for her. I stayed beside her until she completed the whole bowl and handed her few medicines which were prescribed by a doctor. Then I let her sleep on my bed itself giving strict orders not to argue with me regarding her rest. She shut her mouth after our small argument like an obedient kid and slept quietly on my bed. I want to ask her many things but I decided to do it later and I gave a ride for Benjamin from his college to the mansion. He loves my car a lot. This is not our first ride too. I often pick him up from his college when Rosy was busy with her work.

He got panicked when he heard about his sister, then I informed him that she is alright now.

"No Ari, it's my fault. She was suffering because of me." Ben aka Benjamin said to me while crying like a small kid.

"What? What do you mean by that Ben?" I asked Ben while staring towards David who was busy with his laptop lifted his head for the first time.

"I began experiencing pain and fatigue about one year ago. One week ago while I was helping our neighbor granny with some yard work, I could barely help her. It seemed like she could do more than I could. Rosy noticed my symptoms and we went to consult a doctor. Then the results shocked us." Ben said to me while sobbing. I hold his hands in my hands and encouraged him to say more.

"We came to know about my rare bone disease that afflicted me with excruciating pain and left me struggling to work. There is a medicine named xxx which treats my rare bone disease." Ben said to me while watching the floor like it is the most interesting thing in the world for him.

"Then, that's great. There is a cure for it." I said to Ben trying my best to cheer him.

"If I won't take that medicine then I will get bedridden soon and even though I want to take that medicine to escape from these pains still I can't take them," Ben said to me.

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