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Finally, the car came to halt in front of a beautiful mansion. Well, it is not as big as this monkey's mansion, but still, it looks beautiful with a beautiful garden. In this era, why these people living in these mansions? Our car entered through the large gates and halted in front of the mansion. While I was immersed in my thoughts of this beautiful mansion, David opened the car door for me and handed his hand like a gentleman. I raised my eyebrow and saw a beautiful lady and a handsome man who is an exact copy of a David except he is a little old while compared to this devil, they both were standing at the entrance of the mansion holding their hands.

Now I got it. Devil is acting in front of his parents. Devil aka David cleared his throat and signed me to take his hand. I gladly took his hand and finally we were standing in front of the beautiful couple. Devil aka David greeted his parents and introduced me to his parents.

"Hi Aria, You are looking beautiful." David's mother said to me while hugging me close to her like I'm her favorite teddy bear.

"You are looking, gorgeous miss...." I said to her while smiling sheepishly as I don't know how to call her.

"Oh dear, I'm Sophia. You can call me mom." Mom said to me while holding my hand. This warm gesture made my heart melt instantaneously.

"What happened darling? Why are you crying?" Mom asked me while rubbing my tears. I didn't know that I was crying until she rubbed my tears. I hugged her tightly calling mom testing how it comes out of my mouth for the first time. Finally, I got a person whom I can call mom.

"Aria. I'm Ethan. You can call me dad." Dad said to me while keeping his huge palm on my head like I'm his daughter. I cried again and hugged him tightly calling him dad. At first, his body became stiff after some time he relaxed and laughed out loudly hugging me like I'm his daughter. I glanced towards David, he was in shock. I can't understand his expression as he masked his real feelings with his fake smile.

"I like you guys a lot. Thank you so much for allowing me to call you as mom and dad." I said to both of them with a bright smile. They both gave their genuine smile to me.

"Come cupcake. Let us go inside to our home." Dad said to me and mom dragged me inside with her beautiful smile. 'Our home' that word gave warm vibes. Dad came inside with David. They are speaking something most probably about business. Mom showed me the entire mansion, she was so energetic and kind. She said to me that she always wishes to have a daughter, and now she is so happy that finally, her wish came true.

We sat for lunch and instead of sitting beside Devil I ran around and sat between mom and dad. Mom and dad including servants laughed because of my actions except for the Devil aka David. Mom filled my whole plate with a variety of food items. I gulped thinking about how to complete this whole food. And mom gave me strict orders to complete it. I glanced towards dad for help, dad just said sorry, that he can't help me in this aspect. Mom is too stubborn. Finally, we completed our lunch. While during this whole lunchtime, David sends daggers while speaking about something with dad. I ignored his stares and involved in a conversation with mom.

And we sat in the living room and David announced that we are going to get married by day after tomorrow. Wait? What? Wedding? This moron doesn't even have a common sense it seems. While maybe I'm the most stupid bride in this whole world, who came to know about her wedding in this way. Argh... I want to kill him now, but because of him I got a wonderful mom and dad so I decided to spare his life. Lucky guy.

Dad didn't get surprised with his sudden outburst while mom got surprised about it. Dad is most like David. While mom is the complete opposite to them. She is an angel while these people are like Devil, even though dad acts cool with me and mom but I observed his actions towards others. David is a replica of dad. David said that everything is already perfectly planned for a wedding including our wedding dresses. Idiot, he snatched my memorable moments of wedding shopping. I don't know why but the devil is behaving strangely with me. He is acting like a lover boy in front of his parents. Trust me no one can act better than him, despite knowing everything about his extraordinary act even I felt his love act as real. 'Don't fall for his act' I chanted to myself that this is just a reel and he is a devil in real.

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