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I woke up at 6:00 am as the cafe is a little far from this mansion, I got ready for my work. I left my room and went into the kitchen. Yesterday rosy said to me that they will come at 8:00 am to work, and that David will leave the mansion at 9:00 am with or without eating breakfast. This idiot didn't even take care of his health.

'You hate him right. Then why are you thinking about his health dumbass?' My subconscious mocked on me. 

' I neither care about his health nor about him. It's just that, as I'm living in his house and eating his food so it is my courtesy to take care of his health.' I said to my subconscious while thinking about what to prepare for the breakfast. 

' What an excuse? I'm quite impressed dumbass. Just accept that you are fascinated by David.' My subconscious chastised me. I ignored her.

As it is still 7:00 am I thought of doing breakfast for all of us including the devil, and my favorite trio. I think nothing beats diner-style potato hash, pancakes smothered in syrup, bacon egg, and cheese sandwich with a cup of coffee in the morning for breakfast. There's something about this morning coffee that brings happiness instantly to my soul. Of course, I'm a coffee lover.

I wrote a note for the devil stating to eat his breakfast before going to his office with smiling devil emoji, and I stick that note on the door of his room. I wrote another note to the trio to have their breakfast before engaging themselves in the household work with a small heart at the end of the note. And I stick this note on the kitchen counter. And left the mansion. I went to the bus stand as it is of walkable distance from the mansion. Finally, I reached the cafe in my usual morning time. As soon as I entered the cafe, the coffee aura instantly hugged me warmly which brought slight curves on the edges of my lips.


I dropped her at my house and left for the office. I thought of staying with her and giving company to her for the whole day so that she can feel easy around me and in my house. But she loves to annoy me. I feel like giving divorce to her even before marrying her. I kept aside my thoughts and focused on my work.

I was so immersed in work that I forgot about the time and my kitten. My work was completed around 11:30 pm. I glanced towards my phone in the hope of seeing any calls or at least text messages from my kitten. But how can I forget that it is my Kitten on the other side? If my guess is correct she might have eaten her dinner and might have slept soundly. With these thoughts, I took a glance towards my phone but there are neither messages nor calls from her.

I left my office and went to my house. I don't feel like eating anything right now. So I took a beer can from my fridge and left to my room before checking on my kitten. But she locked her room. Maybe I can see her tomorrow morning. With that thought, I entered into my room and done some leftover work which is required for tomorrow's presentation on my laptop. After that, I slept on my king-sized bed.

I woke up around 8:00 am. I did my morning routines and left my room. While I was closing the door of my room I saw a note on my door. I got surprised by seeing it. I'm damn sure that it is from my kitten, I knew that because she is the only one who will leave these types of notes with emojis instead of text messages on mobile. While I was descending the steps I was staring only at the note left by my kitten, which reminded me about our first meet in the hospital.

When I reached the dining room, everything is already set on the dining table. I decided to eat the breakfast because of my kitten's request aka order. Pancakes taste too good. Then rosy came from the kitchen and informed me that today's breakfast is prepared by my kitten. I felt so happy because of this caring gesture of my kitten towards me. She is treating my maids like her own friends. She even prepared breakfast for them. Wow...she reminds me of my mom. She is the same as her except my mom is kind both in and out whereas my kitten is feisty from out but the kind from in. She intrigued me a lot.

I left for the office after my quick breakfast. I attended meetings and even Asian clients got satisfied with my presentation. But I can see their reluctance. I think it's time to make some moves in my life. I knew my kitten went to the cafe today for work, but what is the reason to got to work in such a cafe serving different types of customers. She is going to be my wife, a billionaire's wife. I felt angry thinking about it. It gonna affect my image in the media and public. So I just called her.

"Aria, from tomorrow onwards you need to stop working in the cafe," I said to my kitten as soon as she lifts her call.

"May I know the reason monkey? I think, in the contract, it is mentioned that one should not involve in another's personal life. Am I right monkey?" My kitten asked me. I knew about that rule in the contract, but still, why can't she understand my intentions? Argh...

"Stop it kitten. You are not going to work there. And it is final. End of discussion." I said to her leaving no space for further discussion.

"I think moron's like you are installed in this world to test my anger management skills and my patience levels," she said to me. I knew she is about to burst out. I knew how to face her and how to change her decision.

"Ok then, if you don't stop working there by tomorrow, you will never see that cafe in your life again, not only you no one can see it. Listen kitten, I'm a kind-hearted person, so I'm giving you a choice. Choose it carefully." I said to her with a smirk on my face.

"That's preposterous." my kitten yelled at me.

"Kitten, I think you knew very well about me.  I'm a man of my word." I said to my kitten.

"Do you know what? I heard somewhere that to live happily we need to kill the stress in our life. Get ready you moron." with that she ended the call. How can she end my call just like that, after saying such funny words?

I laughed to myself thinking about her funny warning and engaged with my work. Today I completed my workaround at 9:00 pm. I left my office and went to my house. I went directly to my kitten room. But to my surprise, she didn't lock her door, I opened her door, she was in her pajamas sleeping on her bed. She is looking damn cute in her pajamas. I want to ask her whether she had her dinner or not? But she seems like hell tired, so I didn't disturb her. Without making any noises I left her room and went to my room.

I feel exhausted. So I took a shower, but when I came out of the shower and started to dry off, my whole body and even my hair feel completely sticky. So I took a shower again, when I started to dry off I felt the same sticky feeling on my body. Then I heard a burst of laughter coming from my room. I immediately rushed back to my room, but there was no one. I knew that sound, it is my kitten's voice. I immediately rushed to her room, but this time her door is locked. Now I got it. It was her little prank.

Argh.....This little brat, I want to kill her right now. Because of her, I feel sticky and disgusting even after hopping right back into the shower. I knew that she won't unlock her door right now. I gritted my teeth and rushed towards my room and this time I locked my room door. I opened my shower head and I found three sugar candies of light yellow, light green, and white color. She used light colors as their color won't show up in the water. She deliberately selected these light-colored candies as they neither change the watercolor nor create a strong noticeable odor. 

Get ready to face the consequences kitten, for pulling your sticky, disgusting prank on me.......................





Never take decisions when you are in extreme anger or sadness. Cause there is a high probability that those decisions may backfire on you.

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