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I want to divert my mind from David so I concentrated on my work. I went home late and found David in the kitchen. So today he was preparing dinner for us. Maybe he was doing it to cover his scandal.

"Hey monkey, what's special? Why are you cooking dinner for us?" I asked David while keeping my clutch on the couch.

"I just want to prepare it, kitten. That's it." David said to me while shrugging his shoulders.

"Now spill the beans monkey," I said to David by raising my eyebrow.

"Kitten, trust me that was fake. That scandal wasn't real. I mean it is true, we used to date before, but trust me after our marriage I never went to date with her. I...." David started his blabbering. If this continues then I'm pretty sure that I'll get a headache which I hate the most.

"Stop it, David. Now take a deep breath and sit here on the couch without thinking about anything please. I'll come again, until then just sit here ok. Don't do anything, and don't think about anything." I said to David while making him sit on the couch and I went inside the kitchen and brought a glass of water and handed the glass to the monkey.

"Now drink it," I said to David while giving him the glass of water. He drank it and I took the empty glass from his hand and placed it on the table.

"Now listen David, I'll ask you one question. just say yes or no. Ok. No more explanations and no more blabbering. Just either yes or no. Am I clear?" I said to David while gazing into his blue eyes. He nodded his head.

"Did you maintained any kind of affair with Rachelle after our marriage?" I asked David.

"No," David said to me while seeing directly into my eyes.

"Ok cool. That's it. The problem is solved. Now come, let us finish our dinner." I said to David with a bright smile.

"That's it? Are you not going to ask me about her or the scandal and so on?" David asked me while following me to the kitchen.

"No. I believe in you. Now just shut up and I'm hell hungry right now so don't spoil my mood with your silly questions." I said to David while eating my food.

"Indeed you are the best cook. I should agree with it. It's yummy. Thank you monkey for preparing such an amazing dinner." I said to David while placing my plate in the sink.

"Thank you kitten," David said to me with his rare genuine smile. Did I forget to mention that he has dimples? And trust me guys whenever he smiles, those cute dimples will appear on his face which melts my heart instantly.

"Good night monkey," I said to David and left to my room. I was hell tired today as many things happened today.

The next day I woke up early and did my morning routines and prepared breakfast and wrote a note to David to have the breakfast and left as today I have a meeting with my client in his office itself. We started doing corporative events in past one month. We signed one year contract for arranging corporate events for Noah's father's company. Alexa took care of it very well. She advertised our business with her vast creative ideas which brought craze for our business. Thus our business stepped up.

Today we are going to make the same one-year corporate event contract with our new client Elijah. He is Noah's cousin and he is a billionaire and famous businessman like David. Elijah is the CEO of his company... He has a news channel, chains of restaurants, fabric business, and many other. I heard that he gives more importance to his employees so he was interested in signing this contract with us. He intended to enlighten his employee's mood with few weekend parties and events so that they can relax from their stress.

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