Chapter 15

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It had been 4 weeks since the defeat of Hawkmoth. Exactly a month today since he was arrested again and taken back to jail. When they found him, Adrien was in a horrible state. He was incredibly malnourished and dehydrated. His body was covered from head to toe in wounds and bruises. 

His condition was that severe that doctors had to put him into a medically induced coma. Marinette refused to leave his bedside. She herself was a mess to summarise it nicely. Her usually well-kept hair was dishevelled and messy. Underneath her eyes she had dark eye-bags from lack of sleep. The others begged her to take care of herself, yet she refused. She had to be there when he woke up. 

She was terrified that if she left him, he would disappear again...

Emilie was the same. After years of not seeing her youngest son, she was terrified to lose him once again. She wouldn't lose him again.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into a month. Before they knew it, it had been a whole month since that dreadful incident. Adrien had begun to show signs of waking up. His condition was improving tremendously day by day.

Finally he did..

As soon as Marinette saw the eyelids of the man she loved flutter, she took a hold of his hand and squeezed it tight. "Guys he's waking up!" She shouted to the others. Emilie, Felix, Alya, Nino, Tom and Sabine all rushed into the room. They sat themselves around the bed and waited eagerly. 

Adrien's eyes fluttered open. The first thing he saw was Marinette. Their eyes met and she smiled brightly at him. He smiled weakly in return "Long time no see Princess" He said, mustering all his strength. Marinette laughed quietly, her eyes filling with tears.

He was safe..

He was home..


"Dude hurry up, your going to be late to your own wedding!" Nino called through the door. Adrien nodded firmly "Right just let me-" He was cut off by his best man dragging him out the door. Nino stopped walking and spun around to face his best friend "Dude you look awesome! Don't stress" He placed both his hands upon Adrien's shoulder "Everything will be great! You're marrying the girl of your dreams!" He smiled. 

Adrien returned the smile. Nino was right, he was marrying the girl of his dreams. Felix poked his head around the corner "People the ceremony is starting soon, we need to go!" He called. 

"Coming!" Adrien shouted.

A few minutes later and Adrien found himself standing at the alter. The music began and people stood up.

That's when he saw her..

She looked gorgeous as always, her parents were either side of her. 

Their eyes met..

Emerald meeting Bluebell. 

It was then that Adrien knew that everything would be perfect from here on out. He was marrying the woman of his dreams and together they would build the family he always dreamed off. Three children: Emma, Hugo and Louis. 

After all the hardships he'd faced so far in his 24 years on this Earth, he couldn't wait for the future..

The ceremony seemed like a blur, until finally he said the words he'd always dreamt of saying ever since he was a child. The couple looked into one another's eyes, with so much love for one another.

"I do.."



Aaarghhhhhhh I'm so so so so sorry for the delay in this chapter! Tbh I'd completely forgot that this story existed :/
It's finally all over however, a
nd our precious cinnamon roll gets the happy ending he deserves! 
Thank you so much for reading this fanfic, I hoped you enjoyed reading both the fanfics as much as I loved writing them! <3

Until next time :)


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