Chapter 10

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Adrien woke up too a lonely bed, he sat up confused and looked around for Marinette. Green eyes darted around the room as he tried to locate his girlfriend. Realizing she wasn't in the room, Adrien climbed out of his bed and walked to the door. Opening the door, a smell of freshly baked goods hit his nose. Memories flooded his mind..

"Adrien stop stealing the cookies!" A blonde woman scolded her son. The mini blonde son smiled sheepisly as he dropped the cookie back onto the tray "Sorry mama" he apologized looking at his feet ashamed. The mother smiled softly at her son "It's okay minou, I forgive you". The boy looked up at her with big green eyes full of happiness and hope. Shouting could be heard coming from across the hall, the mother signed deeply before looking down at her son "Shall we go water the flowers?" She asked. The boy nodded and took his mother's hand practically dragging her outside

Adrien smiled softly at the memory and walked to the kitchen "Smells good" he smiled at his girlfriend. Emilie was say across from Marinette chatting away happily whilst the bluenette took out a tray of croissants.

Marinette turned around and almost dropped the tray she was carrying "God! You scared me!" She scolded. Adrien just laughed and took a seat next to his mother. Marinette at the blonde boy in front of her and placed the croissants on a plate. "Breakfast!" She called even though the two other people were sat in front of her. Before Adrien could open his mouth to ask why she called when three little kwami's flew into the room. Plagg helped himself to a piece Camembert whilst Tikki helped herself to a cookie from the plate on the side. Dussu shared a piece of Emilie's croissant.

A few hours later Marinette called Alya and Nino over. They all sat on the sofa, Alya and Nino looked at Emilie confused as to who she was. Marinette sat on a chair, Adrien on the floor looking at their best friends unsure how to start the conversation. Alya was the first to break the silence "So who is this strange woman?" She asked directing to the blonde woman in front of her.

Adrien was the first to reply "Alya, Nino meet my mother.." He watched as Alya and Nino's facial expressions changed from calm and confused to pure shock and slight anger. "This is your mother?! No wonder she looks so recognizable" Nino exclaimed. Adrien nodded "Yeah.." He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. Marinette placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him and smiled softly at her boyfriend.

Marinette turned to look directly at Alya and Nino, she took a deep breath "Now before we start talking I must tell you, none of what is said here leaves this room.. Nothing about this conversation is posted on social media.." She paused. Alya and Nino nodded in response. Marinette opened her mouth and continued to explain "As I'm sure you have heard Gabriel broke out of prison earlier this week.." Alya nodded and Nino have Adrien an sympathetic a look. The blonde averted the gaze of his best friend instead he opened his mouth taking over from Marinette "I'm not going to beat around the bush, Hawkmoth is back and he is my father..." Adrien took a deep breath "We need your help in bringing him down" The blonde looked directly into Alya and Nino's eyes determination in his eyes.

Alya and Nino exchanged a puzzled look before looking back at Marinette and Adrien "What do you mean?" They asked in unison. Marinette held out her hand and revealed their miraculouses. In her hand lay the miraculous of the fox capable of granting powers of illusion, next to it lay the miraculous of the turtle capable of granting the powers of protection. Nino shook his head in confusion "How do you know? How did you get them? What's going on?!" The tan boy ranted.

Sat besides him, his girlfriend was deep in thought. The questions Nino was saying kept circling her mind. Then it hit her like a bus..

Marinette and Adrien were Ladybug and Chat Noir..

"You are!" Alya gasped looking back and forth from Marinette and Adrien "And you are!" She blurted. Both Marinette and Adrien nodded. "My mother is also the holder of the peacock miraculous La Paon" Adrien explained. Alya looked at Emilie who had stayed quiet this entire time, the blonde woman nodded confirming Adrien's statement.

Alya was incredibly shocked and confused, she and Nino say gawking at the two blondes and bluenette sat in front of her. Marinette was the first to break the awkward silence "We have an idea where his lair is thanks to Emilie.." She paused for a minute to catch her breath. "We are patrolling out there in case he makes an appearance.. Me and Adrien patrolled there last night we just need more eyes and ears helping us.."

After explaining more of the plan to Alya and Nino, Marinette once again held out her hand with the miraculouses in. Alya took hers and placed it around her neck. Trixx emerged and stretched, she noticed Alya and flew to her cheek cheering happily. Whilst Alya and Trixx were reuniting, Nino proceeded to put his miraculous around his wrist. Wayzz emerged from a blue light and bowed to Nino "Master" the turtle kwami greeted. Nino smiled softly.

A few minutes after Nino and Alya had reunited with their kwami's, they had flown off with Tikki, Plagg and Dussu. Adrien looked at the time on his watch before looking at everyone in the room "It's getting late? Do you guys want to stay and we will go over the plan in more detail?" The blonde asked. Nino looked at Alya who nodded in response "Where would we sleep though?" He asked. "Well my mother is staying in the office where Marinette's  design stuff is.. The couch can fold out into a sofa bed would you be okay staying on that?" Adrien replied earning a nod from Nino and Alya. "Then it's settled!" Marinette smiled softly.

For the rest of that night all five heroes stayed up late into the night going over the plan..

A/N Sorry it seems a bit rushed towards the end! I have been trying to write this chapter all weekend and needed to get it published. Things will definitely be getting a lot better soon!!

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