Chapter 7

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Adrien and Marinette exchanged a look with each other before looking at the blonde woman in front of them. "Y-You know where he might be.." A wave of fear ran down Adrien's spine, making him shiver from head to toe. Emilie nodded "I think I might yes.." She replied looking forward at the young heroes

A few minutes of silence passed as thoughts continuously ran through both Marinette and Adrien's mind. Emilie knew where Hawkmoth was? More importantly she knew where Gabriel was?..

Finally the silence was broken, "Where is he?" Adrien asked his face serious and his voice emotionless. Marionette looked over at her boyfriend shocked and worried. Emilie took a deep breath "There is a basement underneath the mansion.. That's where his lair is and also where I believe he may be hiding.." She said avoiding eye contact with the teenagers in front of her. More importantly avoiding eye contact with her son.

Adrien went from feeling completely fine to his heart breaking into a million pieces. He felt an anger build up in him that he had never felt before. "H-He is under the mansion.." Tears welled up in his eyes threatening to fall. All this time Hawkmoth had been under his feet. Memories flooded his mind..

Chat Noir landed on the rooftop of Fransoise DuPont High School and walked towards Ladybug. "Chat Noir did you get my message?" Ladybug asked clearly frustrated he was late. His heart sank and he felt gulity. Stupid! Now you have upset your partner! A voice said in the back of his mind. He shook it off and leaned on his staff "Yeah and I can't wait to know more m'ladytective" He faked a flirt "So who's the suspect?" He asked looking at her.  Ladybug didn't hesitate to answer "Gabriel Agreste" She replied. Chat Noir fell forward, his father? No he couldn't possibly be Hawkmoth.. Sure he did some horrible things to his son but know one knew that? What reason could be have for being Hawkmoth?.. "You know the fashion designer?" The words of his partner brought Chat Noir out of his endless cycle of thoughts. He turned to face Ladybug "You got proof?" Chat Noir asked his voice small scared for the response. "Well I-I" She stuttered awkwardly "I can't tell you.." Ladybug said eventually after much stuttering. Chat Noir felt annoyed "So I'm supposed to just.. accept that?" He looked into her eyes. Ladybug looked away "Trust me on this.."

"Adrien.." Marinette's voice brought him back to reality. He looked around and realized he was on the floor. Tears stained his face and his knees were brought up to his chin. Marinette's hand rested on his shoulder as she looked at him, sorry covered her blue bell eyes. Green eyes met blue. Adrien brought his knees to the floor and rubbed the back of his neck "I zoned out for a minute.. Nothing to worry about.." He smiled using his fake model smile. Marinette saw right through his fake smile, but she knew better than to push her boyfriend to talk. She nodded and backed away to allow Adrien to stand up. "Okay.." She smiled softy. Adrien felt relieved that Marinette never pushed him to talk, he loved her so much for that. He smiled softly in return and sat back in his seat next to Marinette.

Emilie had a look of guilt on her face. She felt extremely guilty that her son had to put up with all the pain he experienced throughout the years. "So what are we going to do about this?" Adrien asked breaking the silence. " I suggest we patrol the area around the mansion to get a good view of what is going on. I could get Alya and Nino in on the situation so we can have more help, maybe even get Chloe to help? " Marinette suggested. Emilie nodded. "That should give us an advantage in case he is planning anything?" Marinette added. She turned to face her boyfriend "As long as you are okay with that?" . Adrien nodded "I want nothing more than him back in jail.." He replied. Marinette smiled softly at him "We begin tonight!"

A/N Sorry it took so long to update! I was stuck on what to write for the chapter and it took me a while to come up with an idea? I hope you are enjoying the story so far! Feel free to leave a vote and comment. I would appreciate some feedback so I know how to make the story better.

See you next time!


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