Chapter 4

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Chat Noir landed in an alleyway behind the college. He detransformed a green flash covered his body. Plagg flew out of his ring and stretched "I need cheese" He moaned. Adrien laughed slightly and held a piece of camenbert which the kwami took eagerly from his hand. Marinette popped her head out from behind the door "Hey you took your time" She smiled. "Sorry didn't want to cause suspicion" Adrien smiled back. Tikki emerged from behind Marinette eating a half-eaten cookie "I heard you stole my cookies earlier" The kwami pouted. Adrien rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. It sounded stupid but Tikki scared his sometimes, she was a little devil without her cookies. "Sorry Tikki.." The blonde apologised. "I'm joking Adrien it's fine" Tikki smiled. 


"Dammit!" Gabriel detransformed and threw paper onto the ground. He was so angry. "Pesky bug and cat!" He muttered. "Chill Agreste take a sip of this" Bones offered him some whiskey. Gabriel took it from his hands and drunk the whole bottle. Once he was done he threw the bottle against the wall, pieces of glass flying everywhere. Natalie moved out of the way quickly. She was holding a tablet "Sir you need to see this" She handed him the tablet. Gabriel took it from her hands and his eyes widened. "What? Have they found us!!" Bones asked confused, he grew worried. 

On the tablet was many pictures of a peacock superhero, Gabriel's lips curled into a devious smile "So? She is back" He chuckled to himself. "Let's see how long you stay hidden for now La Paon or should I say Emilie.." Gabriel placed the tablet on the table and looked out the window of his lair. 

(With Adrien and Marinette)

"Should we go on a patrol since akuma attacks are suddenly back?" Marinette looked up at her boyfriend. Adrien shrugged his shoulders "It's probably best to go back to our old routine, besides it wouldn't hurt to make sure Paris is safe?" He asked. "Your right Kitty, best to let Paris know that we aren't going anywhere whilst Hawkmoth is still around" Marinette stood up. Tikki flew to her side and nodded at Marinette. "Tikki spots on!" A pink flash covered Marinette's body as she transformed into Ladybug. Adrien stood up next to her "Plagg claws out!!" A cry was heard coming from Plagg as he was dragged away from his camenbert. A green flash covered Adrien as he transformed into Chat Noir.

The two heroes split up going in opposite directions, Ladybug going right and Chat Noir going left.

Ladybug scanned the roads and rooftops of Paris as she flew through the streets. People looked up at her as she passed and Ladybug waved at them. Many kids smiled brightly. Chat Noir on the other hand had an instinct that he was being followed. He tried to hide behind rooftops and shake the follower of his tail. Eventually assumed that his instinct was wrong and carried on his patrol.

After a few hours passed and the heroes met up on the Eiffel Tower. "How did everything go with you?" Ladybug dangled her legs over the edge. "Everything was fine, although I had the feeling someone was following me but I never saw anyone?" Chat Noir replied "What about you M'lady?" He asked. "Everything was fairly peaceful nothing out of the ordinary" She smiled. "You felt like someone was following you?" The spotted heroine turned to face her partner. "Yeah I thought it was weird? My instinct is usually never wrong, but I never saw anyone?" Chat Noir replied shrugging his shoulders. "Strange?" Ladybug mumbled. "It's probably nothing" Chat Noir assured his partner. 

The heroes chatted for a few minutes before Chat Noir's ears twitched "Do you hear something?" Ladybug asked. Chat Noir placed his finger on her lip making Ladybug go quiet. He stood up and looked around. Taking his staff from behind him, Chat Noir's eyes darted around looking for a shadow "Who are you?" He asked. 

A blonde woman with green eyes stepped out of the shadows wearing her miraculous suit and looked Chat Noir in the eye. Ladybug stood next to her partner swinging her yo-yo. "Calm down I just want to talk" The blonde put her hands in the air. The two heroes kept their weapons in front of them ready, they didn't trust this stranger. "Please.." The woman begged "My name is La Paon I want to help you!" La Paon pleaded. Ladybug looked at Chat Noir, his pupils where thin. "Why are you following us?" Ladybug asked. "I want to help you defeat Hawkmoth, I know who he is and I want him back in jail for what he did to my son" La Paon explained. Ladybug and Chat Noir's eyes widened in shock "You know who Hawkmoth is!" They exclaimed in unison. La Paon nodded "Yes.. He was my husband before I left.. " Her eyes saddened from the memory. "Can you tell us?" Ladybug asked. "Yes" La Paon replied "Hawkmoth is..."

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