Chapter 3

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A green and pink flash covered Marinette and Adrien transforming them into Paris's beloved heroes; Ladybug and Chat Noir. Ladybug looked at Chat Noir and nodded her head. He immediately understood and took his staff ready to vault across the rooftops of Paris. Ladybug readied her yo-yo and the two heroes made their way to the site of the bang.

An akuma stood up on top of a flower shop. "My name is Fleur and I can put anyone to sleep!" Fleur cackled and sprayed nearby citizens causing them to fall asleep where they were. Her costume was white with little petals dotted across the top. Her belt was made of red roses which went across her waist. Fleur's mask was white matching her top, her ocean blue eyes illuminating against the white mask. Her blonde hair was tied into a high ponytail and had a band of different flowers in the shape of a headband. On her legs and arms were a spandex flower tights. Connected to her belt were leaves representing the petals on a flower. Her boots were a light pink and reached up to her knees.

Ladybug and Chat Noir landed behind her, their weapons spinning ready to fight. Fleur detected them landing and spun around "Look who decided to join the battle" She sung "NOT!" Fleur started firing blasts at Ladybug and Chat Noir. Chat Noir spun his staff blocking him and Ladybug. 

After a couple of hours of fighting, Ladybug had almost given up and called on their last resort "Lucky Charm!" A water can landed in her hands and she looked around. Nothing came to her aid. Ladybug sighed frustrated when an idea popped into her head. "Yes!Chat can you cover me?" Ladybug looked towards her partner. Chat Noir nodded "Hey fifi flower tots! Over here!" The cat themed hero waved his arms gaining Fleur's attention. "Don't call me that you pesky feline!" Fleur stomped her foot and began firing at Chat Noir. 

Meanwhile Ladybug crept around the corner and behind Fleur. She tried to find the akuma but realised that it was in her weapon. Ladybug knocked lifted her water can in the air for Fleur to see. Fleur spun round not realising she had dropped her water can and stomped her foot "You pesky bug" She stropped. Chat Noir caught the water can in his hand before Fleur could realise she dropped it. "Cataclysm!" He called and the water can crumbled in his hand turning to dust. Fleur dropped to the ground as a purple cloud covered her.

An akuma appeared from the dust and tried to hurriedly flap away but failed. Ladybug swung her yo-yo a few times "Time to de-evilse!" She said before catching the fleeing akuma "Gotcha!". Ladybug opened the yo-yo back up and released the now white butterfly"Bye bye little butterfly" She waved."Miraculous Ladybug!" The spotted heroine threw the lucky charm into the air. Little ladybugs exploded fixing the damage caused by Fleur.  Ladybug turned to face her boyfriend her fist formed. Their fists touched "Pound it!" Both heroes smiled together. Beep, Beep. Ladybug's earrings beeped alerting her that she was about to de-transform. "Can you make sure she is okay?" The super-heroine asked. Chat Noir nodded "I'll see you at home" He smiled. Ladybug waved and flew away on her yo-yo. 

Chat Noir bent down next to the very confused adult. "What happened?" She asked looking around puzzled. "You were akumatised by Hawkmoth but everything is okay now" Chat Noir smiled comforting the woman. She smiled at him "Thank you Chat Noir". Chat Noir smiled "No problem" His miraculous beeped. "Must be off now but everything will be okay" Chat Noir stood up. He waved at the woman and vaulted off back in the direction of his school. 

On top of a rooftop of Paris, a woman stood watching him. Her blonde hair fell onto her shoulders tied into a side plait. In the corner of her hair was a brooch in the shape of a peacock feathers. Her emerald green eyes stood out amazingly against a turquoise fading into blue mask. A blue spandex costume covered her entire body. On her shoulders were a turquoise shoulder pads. From her feet too her knees were light blue boots. Across her waist was a dash of turquoise mixed with light and dark blues. On her back was a tail in the shape of peacock feathers which could be taken off and used as a shield or fan. "That's my son" She smiled proudly to herself before disappearing into the shadows. 

A/N: Cliffhanger! Who is this new hero or villain? Will she be an ally or enemy? What did she mean by her son? I hope you enjoyed reading so far! New chapters coming soon! See you next time

Bug out!


(She looks like this in case I tried to describe her horribly)

(She looks like this in case I tried to describe her horribly)

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