Chapter 1

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"Adrien!" Marinette shrieked giggling. Adrien smiled widely tickling her mercilessly. Marinette collapsed on the floor laughing uncontrollably. The blonde landed on top of her and they rolled on the floor both laughing. Adrien now had his own dorm since Nino had decided to move in with Alya. Marinette had moved in with Adrien to keep him company. The couple decided to live off campus and get their own little 1 bed-roomed apartment "You sprayed me with water, what was I going to do?" Adrien stood up and helped Marinette to her feet. "Not steal one of my cookies!" the bluenette pouted. He playfully rolled his eyes and took another cookie from the tray. Adrien quickly ran to the front room and collapsed onto the sofa. Marinette came running in and rugby tackled him trying and failing to get the cookie back. They had been dating for just under a year and were (according to Plagg anyway) 'lovey-dovey'.

Marinette leaned against Adrien's chest "You took my cookies" She pouted pulling 'kitten eyes' that her boyfriend usually used against her. Adrien just laughed at her "They don't work on me bugaboo" He smiled at his girlfriend who just pouted for the third time in the space of ten minutes. Adrien kissed Marinette's forehead making her smile. "Ugh humans and their affections" Plagg groaned. The blonde rolled his eyes and sat up "Plagg how can you say that? You like Camembert for god's sake!" Plagg gasped horrified. "How dare you insult my love!" Marinette giggled at Plagg's dramatic reaction making the kwami huff and puff angrily. "Let's relax for now until we get bombarded by Alya and Nino" Marinette said sitting next to Adrien on the sofa. He nodded "Yeah"Adrien smiled and put an arm around Marinette's shoulder. Marinette smiled and snuggled up against Adrien's chest.

A few hours later Marinette woke up to a brunette staring at her. She jumped startled making Alya laugh "Hey girl! Did you forget I was coming today?" Alya asked still laughing from making the bluenette girl jump. "Where's Adrien?" Marinette looked around for her boyfriend. "He went out to find Nino or something?" Alya replied shrugging her shoulders. The young designer looked at her phone and saw she had a text from Adrien .

Adrien: 'Just gone out for a walk, be back soon xx'

Marinette: 'Okay kitty , don't be long x'

Marinette quickly replied and put her phone and turned to face Alya. The two started talking about random topics like Ladybug, Where was Hawkmoth? Etc..

(with Adrien)

The truth was Adrien wasn't out for a walk he had been trying to visit his Father for months now. Every time he tried his Father never came.. He hadn't seen him since Gabriel told him that he hated him.. All Adrien wanted was to make up with his Father and move on. The blonde took a deep breath as he walked into the visiting area, he sat down in his usual booth and waited for his Father to come. An hour passed and still Gabriel never came. Another half an hour passed and Adrien was getting fed up of waiting. He left and hoped that his Father would come next time.

Adrien arrived back to the apartment and opened the door. Alya had left a few minutes earlier and Marinette was sat on the sofa re-watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. He walked up behind her and hugged her. Marinette turned to face him and was about to ask what had taken him so long when she saw Adrien was near tears. She stood up and hugged him back. Adrien's eyes filled with tears "He wasn't there.. I tried to visit him and he never came.." He mumbled a tear escaping his eyes. Marinette rubbed his back comforting him ad Adrien cried into her shoulder. "Come sit on the sofa, we can talk if you want" Marinette said and smiled softly. Adrien nodded his head and sat down on the sofa next to her. Marinette opened her arms and he lied down leaning against her chest. Tears were streaming down his face. She stroked his blonde hair comforting him. Marinette had never pushed Adrien to talk about what went on in his past or what happened with nightmares, she wanted him to tell her on his own accord. Adrien cried quietly into her chest, his arm was wrapped around her waist.

They stayed like that in silence for a few minutes until Adrien sat up. He wiped the tears from his eyes and looked at Marinette. "Kitty.." Marinette looked into Adrien's emerald eyes, they were full of sadness which made her heart break. It was was a year today since Gabriel's arrest and Adrien had only realised it when he looked at the date on his phone earlier that day..

Adrien felt tears swelling in his eyes remembering the events that occurred last year "It's been a year! A year since his arrest! A year since he was arrested for f***ing abusing me my entire life!" Adrien stood up "He hasn't even tried to apologise! He hasn't reached out to me! I never even got an explanation!" He shouted and slammed his hands into the floor. Adrien fell onto his knees sobbing "He put me through hell and back my entire life.. And I-I" Tears streamed down his face. Marinette got of the sofa and sat besides him. She pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back to calm him down. It broke her heart to see Adrien like this..

Adrien sobbed into her chest, he was shaking from head to toe from crying. His eyes hurt and they were slowly going puffy "I-I didn't even get an a-apology.." He mumbled and wrapped his arms around Marinette refusing to let go. "It's going to be okay Adrien.." Marinette whispered her voice soothing and calm.

After a few minutes Adrien calmed down, some lingering tears fell down his red puffy eyes. He took a deep couple of breaths to steady his breathing. Marinette looked down at him, her heart breaking "Let's go to bed" She whispered. "Okay.." Adrien mumbled quietly. They both stood up and walked to their bedroom. Marinette changed into her pj's whilst Adrien walked into the bathroom.

Adrien sighed and looked in the mirror, his eyes were puffy and sore from crying so much. He hated feeling this way.. Why was he the one to suffer.. Even after his Father's arrest there were days where Adrien couldn't deal with his anxiety or depression. Thankfully Marinette was there to help and support him. He looked down at his right wrist, the scars from his self-harm days where almost disappearing. Some of the scars where still visible. It brought back bad memories for the blonde boy that he would rather bury in the back of his mind..

Adrien took a deep breath and changed into his pj's. He got ready for bed and turned out the bathroom light off on his way out. Marinette was already in bed waiting, she was almost falling asleep. The sight made him realise how lucky he was to have someone like Marinette in his life. Adrien smiled to himself before getting into bed beside her. Marinette rolled over and snuggled against his chest sleeping peacefully. Adrien wrapped his arm around her shoulder and closed his eyes.

A young blonde boy stood in the corner. He was trapped..

"Mommy, Mommy look!!" A young boy shoved a picture into his Mother's face. "Very good Adrien" She smiled warmly. "It's of me you and daddy!" He smiled back very proud of his drawing.

Happiness turned into Darkness as one memory faded into another

His drunken Father returned from the cupboard with a belt. The boy froze with fear "N-No please!" He begged. The Father walked over and slapped him across the face with his palm "Be quiet you unworthy child!" He snapped.

Adrien awoke suddenly, tears clung to his face. He panted trying to catch his breath. Adrien lied back down in the bed and tried to go back to sleep. Whenever he closed his eyes however the distant memory came back to haunt him. Eventually Adrien sighed and walked into the living room. He sat down on the sofa and put on the TV.

Adrien was flicking through the channels when a news report appeared

'URGENT NEWS! A few inmates from the Paris maximum security prison have escaped. Police have identified them as Barry Jones aka 'Bones', Shawn Mackarly, and Gabriel Agreste. They are extremely dangerous! If you come in contact with them please contact the emergency services straight away.'

The news report ended leaving a shocked Adrien. He froze, his eyes fixed on the list of inmates 'Gabriel Agreste'. A wave of terror and fear ran down his spine. His Father had escaped prison..

A/N First Chapter done! It is really long I know! I was unsure what to put at first which is why it may be a bit boring at the start but I promise it will get better! I have big plans for this story and I can't wait for you guys to read it. I would really recommend you to read 'Broken' first before reading this story as it will make a lot more sense. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

Bug out!


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