Chapter 13

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It had been two weeks. Two weeks of planning. Of working alongside the police. Two whole weeks spent trying to get him back..

Marinette was at her breaking point. Consumed with worry and paranoia. She had seen what Gabriel could do to Adrien. Witnessed it happening before her..

But now the time was here..

She was going to get him back. Make sure he was safe and warm, and happy. Even if it killed her to do so..

Ladybug stood on top of the rooftop across the road from the Agreste mansion. Her teamates stood behind her. Down on the streets below, the police were getting 'geared' up ready for battle.

The police would enter first, they would signal via a radio saying the top floor was clear. That was when the heroes would enter the building, heading straight for the painting of Emilie in Gabriel's office. From there they would punch in the code Emilie had provided them with and head down to the basement.

If anyone tried to escape out the top, police would be waiting for them. They had an ambulance on stand by in case any serious injuries accoured, mostly resulting how bad of a condition Adrien was in..

Finally it was time to go. After getting the all clear from the police, the heroes headed out. Ladybug taking the lead.

Damp. That was the only way to describe the room. Damp. And cold. It was damp and cold. In the corner sat a young boy. Bruises littered across his body. Dried blood surrounded almost starting to heal wounds. His bright blonde hair was stained at the end with matted blood. He was weak and dehydrated. The boy couldn't muster any strength to even hold his head up anymore, let alone fight. All he had was the faintest of hope that she would come for him.


The light in his dark and gloomy light. When he was at his low, she came and listened and helped him. Helped him to escape, to be free..

He just hoped she would come again. A small flicker of hope, slowly dying with each passing day.

The door creaked open. Adrien braced himself for the impact of punches, bottles, cigarettes, anything really. But instead he felt the rope loosen around his arms. His hands dropped to the ground. "Stand up Adrien.. Please you need to get out of here.." A voice begged . A voice he recognized but couldn't put the voice to a face.

He felt himself being lifted to his feet. "Adrien please.. You need to go before they realise.." The voice begged again. Adrien staggered slightly and leaned against the wall. He could barely stand without topping over. How could this person think he could escape?!

The person moved into the light. "Adrien, trust me please! You need to escape". Recognition hit the blonde faster than his brain could process it. It was like looking into a much neater version of himself. "F-Felix..." He mumbled his voice hoarse.

Felix nodded, his facial expression filled with worry. "You need to go!" He urged once again. He walked over to Adrien and took his arm over the other's shoulder. "I can take you as far as the lift but then it's up too you to escape. I still need to maintain my cover on the inside.." Felix added as he began to slowly walk, supporting Adrien's weight against his own.

Adrien leaned against him as they began to walk. He stopped all of a sudden "Plagg.. I can't find him.. They took him I-" he was cut off by Felix opening his pocket to reveal a black kwami tucked inside safetly. "He's safe" The blonde smiled slightly.

After a couple of minutes, the two blondes finally reached the elevator. Plagg floated out of Felix's pocket and hoovered above his holder's shoulder. "I'll take him from here" the kwami announced. Felix only nodded in response and let go off Adrien who sunk to the floor of the elevator out of breath and exhausted.

Felix pressed the button and stood back as he watched his brother and kwami disappear up the elevator shaft.

"Be safe little bro.."

Ladybug crept along the corridor, Rena and Carapace behind her. Viperion and Ryuco where on the sidelines waiting for the signal of back up alongside La Paon. The spotted heroine carefully opened the door to the office. She.flinched as it creaked and groaned after not being opened for so long.

The bluenette looked round the corner of the door making sure the coast was clear. An elevator sound dinged, she whipped her head back around the door and held her breath. Ladybug motioned to Rena and Carapace to be quiet and keep ears open.

She slowly turned to face back around the door and caught sight of the familiar blonde hair. Her breath caught in her mouth. It was him. He was there.

She looked around for any signs that it might be a trap. There were none that she could see. Ladybug swung her yoyo and slowly ran towards Adrien. Her eyes scanning as she passed for any traps.

The heroine ran over and almost sobbed when she saw the state he was in. Bruises littered his body. He was pale and severely dehydrated. His eyes were shut and his mouth open slightly. She could have cried right then and there. He was on the brink of death..

Ladybug gently picked him up in her arms and almost jumped when she saw Plagg. A wave of relief flew over her when she realised he was okay. Panicking slightly she doubled checked Adrien's hands trying to find his miraculous. It wasn't taken.

Adrien head rested in her lap. She shakingly took the radio suppiled by the police in her hand. She pressed the button to speak "I need medical attention. I've found Adrien Agreste in a bad state. He is in need of urgent medical care." She spoke through the radio.

She gently picked him up in her arms and turned around to walk out the door of the office. A man stepped into the doorway. He has Rena by the throat, a knife rested against it. Carapace has been knocked out and was lying flat on the floor.

"Not so fast"

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