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One Year Later

One year. One year in this camp, and it already feels like I have been here for a lifetime, with one day bleeding into the next. Since then, I have barely slept or eaten anything. I have been in the same classroom, or "dorm," for one year, never going anywhere. Girls have received supplies once in a while, but that was the only thing we have gotten, and they were barely helpful. 

I rummaged through the items and looked at them in disgust. Pads and tampons were insufficient. Bras? More like thick cloths with straps. You can only get a new bra if your cup size changes. So much for saving...

I have already gotten familiar with one of my roommates, Suzume, or "Zu," as she allowed me to call her. It was weird, though, I recognized her when I was first brought into the camp. She must have recognized me, too, because she perked up, and I swear I saw her eyes lit up a little.

I kept my red powers a secret, not that I needed to display them, anyways. I know what would happen to me if I did.


I was shoved awake from my small nap. I groaned, turning my head in the direction of the noise. Everyone in the dorm was immediately woken up when a PSF walked in, violently opening the door.

I walked outside. It was the same routine, picking the weeds out of an unused garden. I didn't understand the point of it: why would you have a bunch of children out picking weeds in a garden if no one is going to use it? I silently scoffed at the thought.

Suddenly, an alarm went off, and everyone covered their ears. The PSF who was watching us yelled in pain. However, as soon as everyone was situated with the noise, they ran over to where it was coming from.

"What's going on?" The PSF yelled, holding his hand over his earpiece, trying to block off the noise of the alarm, along with the kids' screaming.

"Kids are breaking out," Another man said into this earpiece.

"How did this happen?" He asked, but we were long gone, figuring out where this breakout was.

I finally stopped at the electric gate, where all of the kids have gathered. I tried to make my way to the front, but I kept being pushed back. After a lot of struggling, I finally made my way to the front and paused, widening my eyes.

In the front of the group, I saw a Blue, his arms out in front of him. His eyes were blue. No, not the iris, but his eyes glowed a bright blue color, indicating that he was using telekinetic powers. He made the fence shake, before he grunt and made the fence break and fall to the ground.

That caused everyone to start running out towards the open. An enormous amount of people ran in the same direction, causing some to trip and almost be trampled.

I stayed behind, watching everyone run. When I was sure no one was behind me, I turned around, facing the soldiers. My eyes glowed red and my cheeks heated up. Then, I opened my mouth, and out came all of the power I was afraid to use. The screams of the soldiers echoed in my head, and I tried my best to shake them off. 

I looked around the area and saw Zu. She glanced at me and widened her eyes, either in fear or in surprise, but I didn't want to know which one. I was about to help her, however, another Blue beat her to it. I felt myself go limp, but I once again felt myself being picked up by a set of strong arms. He set me on his back, then continued to run.

The last thing I remembered seeing before passing out was the flames of the fire destroying the camp.

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