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"So why are we at a mall?" Ruby asked as she got out of the van.

"Somebody's got to get supplies, right?" Chubs answered.

We walked into the abandoned mall. It was completely dark, and we struggled to find a light source. Liam walked around the area.

He finally found a lightbox and called out to Zu. "Zu, would you do the honors?"

Zu walked over to where Liam was, before taking off her glove and resting her hand against the box. Immediately, electricity escaped from her fingers, and the entire building lit up.

"Let's go shopping!" Chubs announced, and we all separated.

Zu and Ruby were at the clothing section, trying new items. Chubs was trying out different pairs of glasses, and I gave him a thumbs-up before Liam pulled me to the music section. We listened to anything we found interesting.

We rejoined after a few minutes as we walked across the mall with new items. Zu in the front, Chubs behind her, then Ruby, then me, and finally Liam. I then walked towards the escalator, looking around. However, I stopped when I saw something painted on the ground. I walked closer, then widened my eyes when I realized what it was. It was the Psi symbol, along with the words: GET OUT.

Liam walked near when he realized what I was looking at. Suddenly, haunting noises were being made. We both stopped, then I was roughly pushed to the ground.

Liam looked over, but before he had the chance to help, he was suddenly floating. He got higher, but then he was forcefully dropped.

Liam groaned as he roughly hit the floor. Immediately, I ran over to him, helping him sit up.

"Hey, hey, you okay?" I asked as he pushed himself up. I knelt, cupping the sides of his face. Our foreheads touched, and I kissed the top of his head.

Zu ran to the location and saw what was going on. She didn't waste any time taking her new pink glove off and touching the streaming lights in front of her.

Bolts of electricity erupted and streamed all over, causing everyone to duck and cover themselves. Chubs and Ruby grabbed hold of Zu, before making their way towards Liam and me. I spread my arms out, protecting the group. My eyes glow red as a warning, but I'm not trying to use my powers.

The lights sizzled as the strangers stood up. Four kids, dressed in black, wearing goggles and masks. Liam jerked forward, but I pulled him back, glaring at the kids.

"Hey, what the hell?" He exclaimed.

"You could have been Tracers," The redhead told him.

"Yeah, well, why the hell would we be Tracers when we're not carrying anything?" I spat, turning around in a circle and emptying my pockets, proving my point.

"Look," The redhead said, "No hard feelings. We're sorry."

I scoffed, ready to pounce at him, but Liam pulled me back. He leaned forward.

"Darlin', deep breaths," He whispered. I inhaled sharply, then let out a breath.

"We're not looking for trouble," Liam spoke up, "We're just looking for supplies."

"Well, we can give you some food, and you can sleep here tonight," The redhead offered, but his pal looked at him and smacked his arm.

"But only tonight," He added, looking back at his group.

Liam and I looked at each other, sharing the same expression.

"Tonight's good enough," I replied, "We'll be out of here by early morning."

"Whatever," One of the kids said, before walking away. Liam glared at his retreating form, obviously not liking the way he was talking to me.

The girl sighed. "Just... don't worry about him." She rolled her eyes.

"Thanks for the hospitality," I muttered sarcastically.

It seemed like the girl heard me because she made a face. "Come on, we'll get you situated. Follow us." She turned her heel, walking away. The two walked beside her.

Zu sat up from her position, and Chubs removed his arms. Ruby sat frozen next to them. The three then stood up, watching Liam and I follow the three kids. They tagged along.

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