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A couple of months pass. A lot of time has passed for all of us to get to this point. The van piled up with supplies, but it was still comfortable for the four of us to sit.

A lot of things changed between the four of us as well. I didn't expect to be that close to anyone besides Zu, but Liam and Chubs have become as close as family. They didn't care that I was a Red, and I was glad about that. Chubs have treated me as his younger sister, just like he treat Zu. However, I seem to find a friend in Liam, as I share everything with him, and he listens intently. 

Liam eventually taught me how to drive, and, surprisingly, it was quite simple. We made a promise to take turns driving since Liam used to drive everywhere and I still needed some practice. I stopped the van in front of a gas station and turned off the engine. Liam looked at me and gave a thumbs-up, indicating that I did a good job. 

"So, now what?" I asked, turning towards him. 

"Zu, you're going to find whatever supplies you can at the gas station, okay?" Liam said, turning towards her. Zu nodded her head.

"Chubs and I are also going to find supplies as well. Lily, be on the lookout. Guard the van and get Zu in case of anything."

I nodded, and Chubs turned to Zu, pointing a finger in her directions. "And no strays, understand?"

"What am I, then?" I asked.

"Technically, you're one of us. Liam picked you up when we escaped," Chubs informed.

"And I thank him for that. Let's just go," I replied.


Zu walked around the station. She heard a noise and stopped in her tracks. She looked around and widened her eyes when she saw the silhouette of a person. Slowly, she removed one of her gloves and made contact with the fridge behind her, her eyes glowing yellow.

Electricity flowed from her hand to the fridge, causing everything around her to glow with sparks. Taking advantage of her surroundings, she ran out of the building, the person following close behind.

Zu rushed out of the store, passing me. She entered the van, quickly shutting the door behind her.

I quickly stood up, my eyes glowing red. The unknown female stopped a few feet in front of me, debating whether or not she should come closer. Still facing her, I slowly made my way to the van, opening the door.

"Zu, what happened to no strays?" I hissed, my eyes returning to their normal colors.

"Please, you have to help me! I have nowhere to go, no one to trust," The female told Zu. She turned to me. "Please!"

"Ruby!" I heard someone call at a distance, and Ruby slowly walked towards us. 

"Please, I think they're trying to kill me."

Zu stood up and walked towards the door. She glanced at me with pleading eyes. I huffed, before motioning her to open the door. Immediately, Ruby went inside the van. Before she closed the door, however, I turned to Zu.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," I advised, before focusing my attention back to the store. Suddenly, Liam and Chubs appeared, both of them panting.

"It was Lady Jane!" Chubs told Liam, "I saw her with my own eyes, dude!"

"No way," Liam dismissed him, "Let's just focus on finding East River."

"Guys," I called out, "What's going on? Zu's back, she's fine."

Both of them turned to me. Chubs sighed, "Look, I told you they're fine. Did Zu run into any trouble?"

Liam got into the van and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Thank God, no time to explain. I don't know what's going on, but I don't want to stay long enough to find out. Skip tracers were bad enough -"

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