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"Lily," Ruby called out before I had the chance to leave after the game. "Can we talk? Please?"

I debated if I wanted to talk to her, but I sighed and nodded. "Sure."

We separated from the group before glancing back. Liam was still talking to some of the guys, but he knows what was going on. I then faced forward and left with Ruby.

"It's about earlier," I didn't have to ask. I knew why we were talking.

"Yeah," Ruby sighed. "I'm- I'm sorry. Okay?"

"No, no," I shook my head. "It's my fault, really. I was the one who unloaded on you. A lot was going on, and I was just stressed. No, that's not the word. I was being a bitch."

"Yeah, that makes two of us. I've been spending a lot of time with..." She trailed off, looking at me with a knowing smile. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Clancy, yeah. If you prefer Slop Kid, that's fine, too."

With that, Ruby let out a laugh. "Yeah, the Slop Kid."

She was glad that we were able to talk. All of us have gone through a lot together. She appreciates every single one of us, even Chubs. Even though we had a rough start, deep down she feels like we're getting along.


"Hey, didn't you say that Clancy wanted to give you lessons?" Ruby asked as we walked into the cabin. Liam, Chubs, and Zu looked up at us.

I huffed. "Yeah, but I declined. Not sure if I could trust him teaching a Red, you know?"

"Why would an Orange teach you how to be a Red?" Liam asked again.

"How would I know? Honestly, I think it's a bunch of nonsense." I sat down on my bed.

Suddenly, Ruby remembered what happened in her session with Clancy. Her mind went back to what she wanted to tell us. "Um, about earlier, Clancy is teaching me how to control my abilities. I've never told this before, but... I should have told you this but I was scared. When I was younger, I erased myself."

Chubs and Zu looked at her in shock. Only Liam and I stayed calm, knowing what she was going to say. After a moment, Chubs cleared his throat.

"Yeah, well, it's all behind us now, right? I'm just gonna say this Roo, and I'm sure Zu's going to agree, but it doesn't matter. Nothing's gonna change the fact that you're one of us, right Zu?"

We all turned towards her, and she nodded her head. Ruby let out a breath of relief.

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