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When Ruby said to wake her up with things were back to being simple, she didn't actually mean it.

Zu and Hina bust into the cabin door. Liam and I woke up from the sudden noise. The three of us were now sitting in the bottom bunk. We were too surprised to process what was going on, and it wasn't until Zu got a bag and started pulling things inside that we realized with was happening.

"Okay, okay, slow down," Liam said. Zu was darting around the cabin, collecting her things, as Hina's mouth ran a mile a minute. Every time she opens her mouth, the four of us reverted back to the same state of shock.

Zu. Leaving.


I caught her on her way to the drawers, steering her to the futon and forcing her to sit. She most likely didn't pick up on our shock because her face was bright and glowing.

"Us and three others," Hina said, breathlessly. "Two Blues and a Yellow. Kylie finally got permission to leave the camp."

Liam twisted around to look at Zu when he said, "And go... for a hike?"

Zu made an Are you serious? look.

"Sweetie, you need to help us out here," I told her. "Tell us what you want to say."

Hina was finally silent, and for a moment, one crazy second, it was thought Zu was actually going to open her mouth and have out with it. Liam's body tensed as if he was expecting the same thing, and I froze, not wanting to disrupt her. But Zu only slipped her notebook back out of her pink duffle bag and wrote: I want to go with them to California.

"I thought Clancy turned down Kylie's request to leave?" Ruby asked Hina.

"He did, but she said she finally wore him down."

"What's in California?" Liam asked, leaning against the bed.

"My parents have a house there," Hina explained, "and they're waiting for us. The West Coast government isn't going to turn us back over to the camps."

"What about Zu's parents?" Ruby asked. "They-"

Hina knew what she was trying to ask. "My father has not been on speaking terms with my uncle for some time."

"Zu, that's a long trip," Liam began. "What if something happens? Who else is going? That Talon kid?"

She nodded, and all of a sudden her eyes were on Ruby. She tried to give her an encouraging smile, but she was worried she might burst into tears instead. We all waited as she scribbled out another note. This time, she showed it to me.

You don't have to worry about me anymore. Isn't that good?

"I like worrying about you," I said, putting a hand on her head. "Ever since day one. When would you be leaving?"

Hina at least had the decency to look guilty. "We actually leave right now. Kylie was worried Clancy might change his mind. He wasn't... all that happy."

"That's a little fast," Ruby choked out. "Have you really thought about this?"

Zu looked at her and nodded. The next note was for all three of us: I want to be with my family. I just don't want you to be mad at me.

"Mad?" Liam shook his head. "Never. Ever. You're my girl, Zu. We just want you to be safe. You're the princess in this little family, right?" He smiled at her.

"And it would kill us if something happened to you," I added.

We were interrupted by Talon, an older Yellow, who appeared first, followed by a wide-eyed Chubs.

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