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We drove silently on the road. I sat in the driver's seat and Liam sat next to me. Chubs, Zu, and Ruby were in the back.

"All right," Chubs said, looking at the map. "So, we're going to take the next exit and a straight shot."

I nodded, continuing to drive.

"To Lake Prince?" Ruby asked.

Chubs smiled. "To your house. We're taking you home."

She stared at us in disbelief. She didn't know how to process what Chubs just said. However, once it hit her, she grew happy.

Once in the town, we pulled up under a bridge, overgrown with foliage. I stopped the car and disembarked, everyone following.

"Are you sure about this?" Liam asked her.

"Yeah," Ruby assured, and we looked at her. She paused, before sighing. "No." She admitted.

Zu came by and hugged Ruby. She returned the hug.

"So, if your parents are there... I guess this is it," I announced.

"Yeah, I guess we'll see."

It was quiet between us, and Liam walked over. He fixed the strap of her hoodie. "Don't take candies from strangers." He said, and I snorted.

Ruby smiled, "Thank you."

She smiled at the others, feeling a bit awkward, but she waved before walking away.

When she reached her house, she went to one of the windows. She looked through them and suddenly everything felt wrong. She knew what would happen. They wouldn't remember her.

She ran to a wheat field and started crying. She stopped when she felt a presence and turned around.

"Hey," Liam whispered, "What's wrong? Don't you want to go home?"

"They won't remember me," Ruby admitted.

"Hey, you're not alone. We've all been here. So take this," He handed her the item, "What is this?"

"It's a present from my dad. It's the last thing he gave me. It used to make me feel like I wasn't alone," Ruby choked out.

"You're not alone," Liam assured. "We have each other. It's kind of like a family. A dysfunctional family, but... that's as good as you're gonna get these days, right? One of these days, you're going to tell us all about you, Ruby Daly. And I can't wait to hear that story. Until then... Zu saved some Twinkies for you. Come on."

Liam and Ruby weren't gone for more than five minutes, less than a block from Betty when they saw the familiar white car. They widened their eyes and started running. However, both were knocked down. I held arms protectively in front of Zu and Chubs, but the white noise sounded, and we all passed out.


Liam woke up, only to see Lady Jane. He glanced at the van. Zu and Chubs were struggling to get free. Me, on the other hand, I didn't know what happened. The last thing I remembered was the horrible sound of the white noise.

"Hey, Liam," she said. "I love that kids can hear frequencies adults can't. There is some good in getting old, after all." She stopped and grabbed onto him, causing him to gasp, and started to put handcuffs on him.

"Took you long enough, Lady Jane. Are they going to dock you for slacking on the job?"

"You alone fetch 150,000, baby. You should be proud. You've gone up in price since the last time I snagged you." She turned him over and pointed her weapon. "What did you do? Start another revolution?"

He glanced at Chubs and Zu, then at me. Chubs and Zu looked at him in fear. "Just let them go, and you can have me. I promise I won't give you any trouble."

"That's a very generous offer, Liam, but considering I'm the one with the gun I'm gonna pass. That Red, she's smart. President Gray would be more than happy when I bring her in."

Ruby woke up with a gasp. Lady Jane heard and turned towards her. Suddenly, Ruby sat up and grabbed her arm, her eyes glowing orange. Lady Jane's pupils shrink and explode back out to her normal size.

Chubs' s face appeared at the corner of her vision, eyes wide. When he tried to stand, Ruby knocked him back down with her foot. Liam sat up, surprised.

"Drop the gun," She said, and Lady Jane did exactly what she was told.

"And the keys."

She dropped the keys.

"Say you're sorry to Zu."

"I'm sorry, Zu."

"Now, you're gonna walk into that forest... and you're gonna keep walking. No matter how tired or how hungry you get... keep walking. Don't stop. Ever."

"Ever," Lady Jane repeated. Ruby let go of her arm and Lady Jane started walking. Far away, into the forest, never stopping, just like she was told to do.

The others looked at her, completely confused at what they had witnessed. The next thing they knew, Ruby fell to the ground with a thud.

"Shit," Liam muttered, standing up. His eyes glowed blue as the cuffs broke, making contact with the ground.

He then walked over to Chubs, Zu, and I, and used his telekinesis to break the cuffs. He carried me bridal-style from the ground. Chubs picked up Ruby, her arm resting around his shoulders, then walked Zu towards the van.

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