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Third Person View:

"What do we do?" Chubs asked, Liam's arm draped over his shoulders. "He's hurt. Lily's god knows where."

"We need to take him back to the cabin," Ruby said. "We're not being followed-"

"That is such a dumbass idea," He lamented.

"Where else can we go?! We can't have him out in the open. Plus, Lily's still here somewhere." Ruby told him.

Chubs sighed. "Well, do you have a plan or something, cuz I'm sure as hell not - oh shit!" He cut himself off as he looked past her, not expecting to see someone.

"Mike?" He asked after he realized who he was. "What are you doing out here?"

Ruby turned around to look at him. He ignored their confused looks before gesturing to Liam. 

"I can help him."


Chubs and Ruby were inside their cabin, waiting as Mike checked up on Liam.

"Where did you learn to talk like that?" Ruby asked him.

He casually shrugged. "I spent a lot of time with Liam. I guess his influence rubbed off on me." Suddenly, he looked down on the floor, embarrassed. "Did I really say he had pretty princess hands?"

Ruby laughed. "All that. And more."

Chubs silently chuckled, but their happiness was cut short. Mike came stumbling in, his arm around Liam's shoulder.

"Shit," Chubs whispered as he and Ruby walked up to him. "Lee. Lee, can you hear me?"

Ruby helped Mike lay him down on the futon. 

"Nothing's broken, thankfully." Chubs told them. "Got one hell of a beating, though. He needs antiseptic, bandages, something-"

"We took care of that," Mike told him. "I need to get more supplies, though. Check on him?" He asked and Chubs nodded his head. Mike nodded and went out of the room.

Liam groaned, causing Ruby and Chubs to turn towards him. He sat up, which made Chubs run towards him to help.

"What happened?" He asked, confusion laced in his tone.

"Clancy happened. You took one hell of a beating," Chubs informed.

"How do you feel?" Ruby asked in a soft voice.

"I've been better," He said, then looked around. "You guys okay? Where's Lily?"

Chubs stammered. "She... um... She went to find Clancy."

"She did what?" Ruby turned her head sharply. "I told her to not go to him. Wait, she said she went to go find you. So how did you know she went to Clancy's?"

"I thought that, too. I guess the only options for her were either finding us or giving Clancy a piece of her mind." 

"What?" Liam looked at the two. "No, we need to get her."

Suddenly, they heard something from outside. Chubs, Liam, and Ruby stood up as Mike ran back inside.

"What's going on?" Ruby asked.

"We need to leave. Right now." Mike told the group.


They all looked at each other before Liam helped them up and they all went outside. They heard helicopters and looked up. Then, they saw what was going on in front of them as the kids tried to run away. People slid down from ropes, ignoring the screams coming from below. 

Another figure walked out of Clancy's office, eyes glowing. She walked towards the row of people, disregarding everyone's confused looks. When the people landed on the ground, their coverage was removed. They looked up at everyone, their eyes red and their faces already burning. The figure turned around, her expression matching those around her. Liam's, Chub's, and Ruby's eyes widened in realization, but before one of them could say anything, one person yelled out.

"Reds!" He screamed in fear before the Reds breathed out fire.

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