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Liam threw himself back on watch duty, but it took a generous amount of coaxing from me and the others for his mind to refocus on the camps. I tried talking to him, but he told me he was fine. Chubs didn't go back to garden duty, but he wasn't ratted out for it. Ruby went back to taking lessons with Clancy. Or at least tried to.

"Where is your head today? Show me what you're thinking about." He said when she opened her mouth. "I don't want to hear it. I want to see it."

She closed her eyes again. She brought to mind the memory of Zu's backpack disappearing into the wild thicket of trees. Over the past few weeks, fewer and fewer conversations had involved words. They would get a point across using their own way.

"Sorry," she mumbled. She couldn't even bother to feel disappointed. 

"I do have other things I could be doing," he continued. "I have rounds to make and people to talk to, but I'm trying to help you. I'm here with you."

She sat up straight against his headboard, ready to apologize again, when he rolled off his bed and moved across his room to his desk.

"Clancy, I really am sorry." By the time she came to stand in front of his desk, he was already typing away at his laptop.

"You know, I really thought that letting your Yellow go would help you focus, but I guess I was wrong." He shook his head. "I was wrong about a lot of things, apparently."

Many emotions brewed up inside of her. First guilt, then anger, then hurt. 

She needed to leave. If she stayed a second longer, she might say something that would ruin their friendship. He should have realized that she could have spent the last few weeks with her, but instead, she'd agreed to work with him.

She turned sharply on her heel and stalked toward the door. As she opened it, Clancy called, "That's right, Ruby, run away again. See how far you get this time!"

After that day, things haven't been the same. Once, Chubs had pointed out East River's similarities to camp life, and all of us haven't been the same.

Kids in jeans and black T-shirts. Uniforms.

Kids waiting in line for food. Mess Hall.

Lights going out in the cabins at nine p.m. sharp. Back to the cabins.

Ruby did try to go see Clancy a few times to apologize, but he always sent her away with a stern I don't have time for you today.

When she went to tell me what was going on, I couldn't help but roll my eyes, something I've been doing a lot of lately.

"Okay, this kid is getting on my last nerves. Did he really just tell you all of that?"

Ruby nodded her head. I scoffed as I headed to Clancy's office, but she pulled me back.

"Lily, no. I don't want you to get in trouble for me. Just, please."

My face was hot with anger that it looks like I was going to use my abilities. My eyes focused on the building in front of me.

Just then, Liam came back with the others. He glanced at where Ruby and I were standing and quickly ran over when he saw my expression.

When he arrived, he immediately wrapped his arms around me. He turned to Ruby, raising a brow. She shook her head, telling him not to ask.


The three of us stood where we were. No one spoke a word, and frankly, it was quite awkward, since a few kids glanced at us while they were passing by. Finally, Liam cleared his throat.

"So... I'm guessing it was a bit stressful?" He asked.

Ruby and I both let out a short laugh.

"Yeah, that's... that's one way to put it," Ruby responded.

"I... um..."

"Ruby, you don't have to tell him if you don't want to," I gently said.

"No... he needs to know. It's about Zu."

Liam turned to her, having his full attention. I sighed.

"I'm going to check on Chubs, okay? You two can talk about it."

I wasn't going to see Chubs.

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