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(Translated from Squelchese)

The result of a very strange occurrence. We were zombies, just relaxing under the shade of a large cliff. It was the middle of the day. We had to stay in the shade, otherwise we would burn up in the sun.

The afterlife was actually pretty boring. We had nothing to do all day until the sun went down. We just had to wait it out, unless we wanted to die again.

Until my friend decided to move. Into the sun. Where we would die.

Naturally, we panicked. We didn't want him to die. So of course, we chased after him. "Suicide's not the answer!" someone cried.

However, he still continued on. That was when we realised - he was possessed. By the enderdragon. It was controlling his mind, leading him directly into the sun. But why? It wasn't like the enderdragon to attack us like that. Humans, maybe, but why zombies?

In that case, there was no hope for him. If the enderdragon had targeted him, then we could never be able to resist his power. We never did find out why he had tried to murder my friend that day. He was probably just bored, like us.

Then he took that fateful step. His body set alight, and he immediately snapped out of his trance. He turned to us with terrified eyes. "Help me!" he cried, fear in his voice.

We couldn't help it. We had to save him. Without thinking, we charged towards him.

Our own bodies caught on fire. There was no going back now. In a blind panic our burning friend ran further away from the shade. We ran even faster.

Finally we caught up with him. "Let's go back quickly," we panted.

However, it was too late. The first of us started to fall. When zombies die, we don't turn to ash straight away; our bodies evaporate slowly, until there is nothing left.

Soon there were only a few left. The shade was so close now, yet so far. I felt the heat attack my own body, and made one last effort to reach the shade.

My body was literally a puddle now. But with one last push, we made it. We had rescued our friend and survived.

"Guys! We did it, guys! Guys! Guys?"

That was when we realised that we had changed. We had melted, but had solidified into a slimy, green, jelly-like substance.

"We're not zombies anymore," someone pointed out.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," said someone else.

"But then, what are we?"

Everyone fell silent. Then I spoke up. "I vote we call us slimes," I said. A murmur of agreement rippled through the others.

"So... now that we've changed, will we survive in the sunlight?" someone asked after a while.

"Only one way to find out," said somebody else, and tried to move into the sunlight. Only then did we realise that we were all one creature.

"We can do this if we cooperate!" I cried, and we all jumped. We moved forward a bit.

"It's working! Yes!"

Inch by inch, block by block, we finally reached the sunlight. We braced ourselves for the familiar burning feeling; but it never came.

"We survived! Yes!" we cheered gleefully.

"What now?" someone said. We thought for a moment. Nobody had any idea.

So we simply wandered around aimlessly, hopping around until a human attacked us. The enderdragon doesn't control us. I don't think he even knows that we exist.

We are few and far between, but very special creatures. Unlike the others, we don't care about the enderdragon. It doesn't hurt us, so we don't hurt it. Simple as that. And we would like it to stay that way.

But you humans hurt us. So don't complain when we hurt you back.

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