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When a person dies, they turn into code which slightly changes so that they turn into a zombie. However, not all people have this fate. Sometimes the code changes too much, the numbers shifting until the gift of life is granted upon the person again.

But everything comes at a price. The code for life cannot appear out of thin air. Instead, the numbers are stolen from the code for appearance. This means the person's appearance changes, until they are transformed into a villager.

I remember being a person. Having someone controlling you every day, forcing you to fight monsters, not having a moment of free time. But when I turned into a villager, I could finally relax. There were no players controlling me. All I did was walk aimlessly, occasionally talking to people by trading items with them.

I don't miss much about being a person. There is one thing I miss, though - the ability to defend myself.

When I was a person, I could wield a sword and fight back against anything that posed even the slightest threat towards me. I could wear armour, powerful armour that was almost indestructible. I could carry a bow and some arrows that could be used to attack monsters from many blocks away.

Now I am helpless, walking around my village uselessly. I don't dare go out, and spend most of my time cowering in my house. Even one zombie is fatal to me.

That's another thing I miss. The adventures. My player would lead me to fantastic places, lands filled with giant mushrooms, a literal hell, a grey land home to a giant black dragon.

When I remember all these amazing experiences, my death seems foolish and idiotic. After defeating the enderdragon, my player was elated. My level was really high, so high I could almost enchant everything to level 30. Since my diamond sword was running out, and I only needed a couple more levels, my player decided to go out in the darkness and get a couple more diamonds, as well as hunting monsters along the way.

It was a big mistake. Soon I was trapped in the mine, monsters everywhere and not enough food for me to regain health.

Then came that fateful arrow. A skeleton shot me, causing me to lose that final half heart. I still have the wound on my knee to this day.

I'm one of the lucky ones. I was given another chance to live. But I still miss being a person.

If only I'd gone to bed, I'd have been all right. Don't mine at night. It can only lead to disaster, and who knows? If a person turns into a zombie, perhaps a player's previous person could potentially punish new people.

Ha, try saying that ten times fast.

Life as a Minecraft MobWhere stories live. Discover now