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  • Dedicated to Benjamin Pracy

Well, what is there to say? I'm a wolf. I live in the Minecraft world with Zynux, my owner. We're good pals, him and I. Well, we used to be.

Every day, we went somewhere different. I never knew where we were going to go. Sometimes it was to the underground caves, where we went hunting for diamonds while fighting off the mobs. Or we went exploring, looking for new mobs to slay and more friends for me.

I've seen wolves come and go. Zynux had owned many wolves in his time. Some were killed while fighting mobs, some ran away, all never stayed for more than a few days. But me? I was different.

I'd lived with Zynux all my life. He took the greatest care of me. Every time I got hurt, he would rush to my side, feeding me meat and asking if I was okay. I'd answer with a wag of my tail, and a big grin on my muzzle. Then he'd say, "Good boy!" and hug me.

That was my life. It was great. Then the world crumbled around us.

We were hanging about in our world one day, when Zynux switched from being controlled, to being himself. You see, humans have two sides to them - one side is being controlled by a player, the other is who they really are. I preferred the real side of Zynux. But this isn't his story, it's mine.

So anyway, Zynux was back to himself, and we ran around pointlessly for a while, laughing and generally having a good time. That was when it happened.

I'd heard tales of this happening. When a player deletes a world. Some wolves used to claim to be from a deleted world, but I had never believed them. I'd thought they were just spooky stories, made up to scare us. Then I realised it was true.

It was a huge, empty void, swallowing the horizon. It was deepest, darkest black, and was slowly growing, as it sucked in more and more blocks from around us. Occasionally I saw a sheep, or a cow, or even another wolf get sucked into the gaping beast. It struck fear into me like no mob had ever done before, not like creepers, ghasts, or even the enderdragon. It struck fear deep into my very heart and soul.

"Get down!" Zynux shouted, looking panicked. His loud voice frightened me. I'd never seen him like that before. He was usually calm, smiling, but not that day. He looked at me with frantic eyes. "Get down!"

Whimpering, I obeyed. I was loyal to Zynux, to the tiniest command. Then he headed towards the hole.

I tried to stop him, I really did. I shouted at him, but of course, he couldn't understand me. The void was still getting closer.

"Save yourself!" Zynux cried, and looked at me one final time. Horrified, I stared back, as he turned to face the void. His iron armour shined dully, and he raised his sword up high. It was a shame, really. In all the time we had lived together, he had never struck diamonds. Still, he fearlessly opened his arms wide, and screamed, "Take me! I'm not scared of you!" Then he was gone.

I didn't know what to do. Now I was a wolf with no master. No-one to obey, no-one to command me. I was all alone.

Then I remembered his last instruction. I had to save myself. It was his dying wish. Just before the tear in the fabric of the universe deleted me forever, I jumped.

It wasn't a normal jump though. I jumped higher, higher than I ever had before. I jumped over the hole, but into it at the same time. I jumped out of the world.

I couldn't jump in the form I was now. I felt my body dissolving into code, and I lost conciousness. The next thing I knew, I was in a new world.

Now I live with another Zynux. His player is the same, but his self is different. Although he loves me, I'll never have a relationship quite like the one I had with the old Zynux ever again.

Why would the player delete our world? We were happy together. I thought that the player cared for me. But he had deleted our paradise, knowing full well that I would most likely be deleted along with the world. Did he think of me as just another wolf, a tool that once used, could simply be thrown away?

He knew that if he deleted our world, I would be gone forever, yet he still abandoned me. And that breaks my heart.

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