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  • Dedicated to Deadlox and Sky


...no. Not all squids are like that. I'm an intelligent squid who does NOT act like those... outrages.

I'm a bit different from your average squid. I live on land, and I don't look like a squid either. I'm the result of a failed experiment by another human.

He captured me from the sea, and imprisoned me in a tiny room filled with water. There were many other squids in the water with me. The walls were made of gold, but the human called them butter.

"Hey, what are you doing? Lemme out! Hey!" I shouted, along with many other squids. At this point, I was still a dumb normal squid, shouting idiotically and flailing about uselessly.

"Never!" replied the human, and I gasped. The human could understand me. Normally humans can't understand mobs. But somehow, he could hear me.

"I trapped you in here for a reason," announced the human, "I'm sick and tired of hearing your voices. So I'm going to destroy you forever!"

"How? You're not smart enough! Huh?" we taunted, yet the human did not care. He stared at us with his pixelated, emotionless eyes.

"I have my ways," he said, and pulled a lever. I heard the clicks of redstone and suddenly, sand came falling from the ceiling. He was going to suffocate us. But then everything froze. The game was lagging, and it was lagging a lot.

Suddenly another player appeared, and even though I was a stupid squid, we all recognised him. For some reason, he wasn't lagging. It was Notch.

"Help! Save us!" we all shouted, clamouring to touch the hands of the mighty god. He picked up the whole contraption, and flew to a village. He let us down in a dusty room filled with cobwebs. In the centre was a white glowing portal, miraculously untouched and polished, unlike the rest of the room.

"Here is the reality portal. Through here, you can escape the clutches of Sky," Notch told us, before we tumbled through the portal.

Sky. I remember his name now. SkythekidRS, to be exact. What a man.

Wait. I know another man. He hates squids as well. His name is SkyDoesMinecraft. But his human's name is...


He was the one. He was the one that made us go through the portal and lead me to be saying this today. I play minecraft with him. I don't know if he knows I'm a squid. If he found out, he might attempt to kill me again.

But anyway, when I went through the portal, I landed in a small room with Notch. I looked different and I felt different. "Now, squids, you have been turned into humans," Notch told us. "Find your way around this world that is called reality."

So we did. Some went on to lead normal lives. Some were killed. I went on to play minecraft with Sky under the name of Ty, or my pseudonym, Deadlox.

I hope Sky never finds out I am a squid. If he ever did.... I don't want to think about it.

Normal squids are stupid, but I am not a normal squid. You may hate us if you wish, yet you must remember that intelligent squids are everywhere. Who knows, maybe even you are a squid. You may have just forgotten.

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