Spider Jockey

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We're a bit of a strange mob. Two mobs, fused together as one. We have to make decisions together, and agree on what we do.

We remember spawning. A normal egg, but an abnormal creature. The other skeletons and spiders shunned us, leaving us with nowhere to go, no one to be with. We don't belong anywhere. Finding another one like us is so unlikely it's not even worth looking.

It's very inconvenient, you know. If we want to watch the creeper boxing, we have to pay for two tickets, not one. When we want to take the minecart, we have the same problem. They hear our protests, but they won't take any of it. They just say that we're trying to get away with paying less. We've lost so many gold nuggets because of this that it's not even funny.

Why don't they understand? We don't want to be stuck together like this. We want to lead our own lives, without being controlled by each other. It isn't our choice to be permanently with each other. We have different thoughts, but we have to share everything together.

It wouldn't be that bad if we were actually friends, or even acquaintances. However, we're two completely different mobs. More often than not we argue over our decisions, but we can't go off and sulk, because... well... we can't separate. We have to make do with sulking right next to each other.

Someday something might happen to relieve us of our misery. Even if this means that one of us is killed in the process, we won't mind. It's a worthy sacrifice even if only one of us can be freed from this pain. We just want to belong.

A long time ago, when we hadn't even seen the sun yet, a human called Garrick found us. Instead of slaying us, though, he trapped us in a glass cage with a wooden roof. We see him every day, coming out of his house and looking at us like we're some sort of exhibit as he goes about his daily business. He kills others of our own kinds right in front of us, yet he spares us, and still leaves us trapped here to this very day.

We still don't know why he didn't kill us. We're only two mobs stuck together, nothing more. We're not that special.

We wish that he had slain us that day. Instead, he doomed us to an even worse existence. Living in a cage, with only eight blocks of air to live in. We hate it even more than we hate each other.

For a thousand ticks we've waited here for revenge, waited every day. Ticks turned into days, and into weeks. Patience had to fade. Don't they see that there is vengeance in our eyes? Don't they see that we hate this prison? We want freedom. We need freedom. We're just like them.

They wouldn't do this to another human, would they? So why do they do this to us?

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