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It makes me smile when I see their thoughts. They all think I'm just another boss. That I'm just another mob to be killed. Oh, how wrong they all are. 

I've been here ever since the game was first created. You see, when Notch started editing the game how he pleased, he wasn't very experienced, and he created multiple glitches and bugs. It didn't take long, though, for him to remove most of them. Most. 

The majority of these problems were fairly minor. Lighting bugs, sprint glitches... but there was one huge glitch that had grown too powerful for him, and sprung out of control. The glitch grew more powerful, and more powerful, until it was so powerful that it became part of the game officially. And that's how I joined Minecraft. 

Ever since Indev, I've been trying to join. However, Notch had managed to keep me back from joining the game - by not giving me a body. Without a body, I couldn't roam free, and I was stuck to hiding in code. So I decided to try and take another mob's body. 

I bribed many mobs. Beast Boy, Steve, Rana... I told them that I would make them all-powerful if they helped me reign free. But they all declined, and so I banished them from the game, making them simply a forgotten remnant of the past. 

Time went by, and I still lay dormant, watching and waiting. I had to find a mob that would accept my offer, and still I looked on, trying to find a suitable host. More and more creatures of all shapes and sizes started to appear, but none of them were good enough. Then I met the skeletons. 

I saw how unhappy and weak-willed they were, and I knew that they were the ones for me. I helped them in their moments of need, and showed them what true power was. They liked me, and I liked them. In fact, they liked me so much that they made one vital error. 

They trusted me. Gaining their trust was the edge I needed to convince them to help me. For when they gave me their trust, they weren't careful around me, and they let me into their heads. I fiddled with their minds, and twisted their realities, to make it seem like they were undefeatable. And if any of them started to doubt me, I could alter their minds however I wished, forcing them to forget all their negative thoughts. 

It was a flawless plan. I had everything set up and ready to ask them for their help. So when I asked them, they instantly agreed. Now all I had to do was to choose how I was to enter this world. 

It took many days before I came up with the perfect idea. Using the skeletons' delusional heads, I would give myself a way of sensing the world around me. I didn't want just one head, though. Ever heard the saying 'two heads are better than one'? Well, I did that. And put another one on to make sure I didn't miss anything. 

I needed a way of binding the heads, though. And I knew the best way to do it. I would use soulsand, a substance that traps souls of unfortunate mobs. My own soul would be able to traverse through this, and connect with the heads of the skeletons, adopting them as my own. 

Finally, I needed a source block, the block where I would store my life essence. I decided to place another block of soulsand on the bottom of my body. My new form was complete. 

After getting the skeletons to donate their heads for me, I realised that I still couldn't enter Minecraft the normal way. I needed someone to place the blocks for me. The endermen were property of the enderdragon, and humans were property of Notch. It was risky, but I decided to try and bribe the people. 

Taking control of people was pretty easy. However, the people were peaceful folk, and weren't willing to kill the skeletons for their heads, no matter how much I bribed them. These weren't the people I knew. I soon realised that people had two personalities: the player and the human. The human was their peaceful, normal half. The player was the half being controlled by upper beings, who in turn were told what to do by Notch, and was unpredictable, with varying personalities. 

I had no idea how to contact Notch, and seeked help from every mob I could find. My search lead me across the Minecraft world, crossing jungles and deserts, oceans and mountains. Finally I tracked down a witch who claimed that she had met Notch's brother. 

The witch directed me to a small village, like any other, where she claimed Notch used to live before he left. I searched the village carefully, and sure enough, I found the fabled reality portal, where Notch had made his final appearance. 

It was neglected, though, and dusty. A block was missing, causing it to be ruined and useless. I recognised the block, but from where? Then I remembered. I had to go back to my dimension, the world where everything was bleak and the same, and things that once were and once will be in Minecraft lived. 

I passed broken code, lonely mobs, old textures, until I found what I was looking for. He was the only one that still had his original look, and was floating aimlessly, with a pained look on his face. I glided towards him and asked him about the portal. 

In reply, he looked at me with those remorseful eyes, glowing a bright white, and pulled out a block from his pocket. "I found this on a mining expedition, long, long ago," he whispered. "I didn't know what it was for, and I never told Notch about it. Somehow I always knew it would come in useful one day." 

I tried to take it, but he held tightly onto it. "I'll only lend it to you if you help me get out of this place." Desperate, I agreed. He gave it to me, and I asked him one final question about what Notch looked like. 

He described Notch's appearance quickly, and I was soon back at the portal. Since I couldn't place blocks, I took control of an enderman briefly, and placed the final block to complete the portal. Although worn and crumbling, the portal still worked, and I glided through. 

It was simple after that. It didn't take long for me to find Notch, and I twisted his mind, making him believe that all my plans were a part of the game. When I got back, I broke the portal again, and gave the precious block back to my assistant. Then I waited. 

Soon, players everywhere were creating me, dividing parts of my soul to terrorize them. I killed many players, which was the first step to taking over Minecraft, but the real plan only began when they killed me. 

I had planned it all out. When I was killed, I would drop a nether star, or as I like to call them, soul shards. Although my body had been defeated, my soul lived on in the form of the soul shard, and these soul shards could be used to make beacons. 

The beacon was my best idea yet. The player would innocently craft a beacon, but they were actually sources of power. I had witnessed the strength of the enderdragon's towers, and wished to create some myself, in the form of beacons. The problem was, the towers were easily destroyed. My beacons - not so much. 

I am still waiting. Waiting for there to be enough beacons to repay my promise. For as soon as there are enough beacons to fuel my power so much that I freely traverse between this dimension and my helpful friend's, I will take him out of his prison, and he can return to Minecraft once more, to do whatever he wishes. 

But for now, I am still watching. Waiting. And the day that the fatal beacon is placed will be the day that Notch falls, the Wither takes over, and the white-eyed prisoner will return to this world.

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