X: Hunting

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(The buildings in the image is kind of the state of some of the ones in the town Jason goes to)

Jason's POV.

"Get up!" I inhaled sharply my mouth frozen agape, I really need to learn to wake up first... I noted to myself slowly crawling to me feet,
"What do you want now?" I groaned pushing myself up, it was the day after Adalius had died and I was still hurting from the long walk here.
"You're going to make yourself useful, now put these on," Mikah threw a bundle of clothes at me before closing the cell again,
"You got three minutes!" He yelled walking away. I unfolded the clothes to see a pair of pants and a T-shirt plus some shoes. They weren't in super good condition but they were better than mine, and not wet. I quickly pulled off my clothes fitting the "new" ones on, the shirt was tight and the pants were long, but they fit well enough. I quickly tied the shoes on and threw my sweater over my shoulders. I turned toward the cell door dusting myself off just as Mikah was turning the key to open it. He just motioned with his head for me to follow before walking towards the stairs. I sighed following him up the stairs; once again I was led through a series of hallways before Mikah pushed open a door and shoved me in. I scowled at him before turning my glare towards the man named Bach, he had blue eyes and dark brown hair.
"As you can probably remember we're low on supplies..." Bach explained trying to choose his words carefully. I just rolled my eyes, of course I remember, it was the reason I almost died and someone did die.
"Well... Now that you're here, you're here to stay as long as you don't be a dumbass. So, you're going to make yourself useful," He continued to explain without explicitly telling me what I was going to do,
"And how exactly am I going to do that?" I questioned leaning against a wall,
"Well, you're going on a search party with me to get supplies. Simple rules... Listen to me, and you live, don't listen to me and you die, try running away and you die, try hiding or taking anything that is not given to you and hiding it-"
"Let me guess, I'll die?" I interrupted him, he just nodded satisfied,
"Walker and Noah will be joining us," He explained leaving the room, I followed close behind. He led us to a different room where Walker and who I assumed to be Noah was at. Noah was well built, he had a spear on his back, his eyes were brown and he had black hair.
"So, we'll be going to Mill's Town, it'll take us about three hours to get there and I know from personal experience they're well-fortified and equipped," Bach said sitting down in a chair while Noah laid a map out on a desk. The room had one window in it letting in light, there were two shelves on either side of the room and a desk in the center with a couple of chairs. It wasn't a big room but it was big enough to fit them all comfortably.
"How many men?" Walker asked looking at the map, I walked over to it, it took me a little bit but I finally found a place called Mill's Town. I then realized I didn't even know where we were,
"Ten if I recall correctly, maybe more. It'll be a hard run... I know they'll be at least five people who can shoot well with a bow, the others have all the basic stuff."
"Where are we now?" I asked, it didn't feel right to be working with them... Knowing what they had done to Sylvia... The fact that they killed her, but I had to do something... And maybe one day I'd be able to get revenge for her but for now I had to play along, so might as well learn something.
"Window's Cove," Bach said simply pointing to a city about 18 miles away I guessed,
"How are we going to get there in three hours?" I asked, it would take all day to walk that maybe longer,
"Horses Jason... Horses," He said before leaving the room,
"Come on," Noah said motioning to follow Bach. I sighed following him once again into a different room, the walls lined with weapons. I decided to try and remember where all the rooms were in case I needed to get around.
"Grab what you're specialized in," Bach informed causing a grin to spread across Noah's face, he walked over and grabbed two long daggers putting them on his sides before switching his spear out for a different one that looks more useful. Walker grabbed two axes strapping them to his side and two on his back, then he put brass knuckles on each of his hands,
"That includes you," Bach whispered in my ear before walking over to some bows. I looked around for a moment before walking towards the wall covered in swords, I grabbed too thin long ones putting on the straps that would hold them on my back before placing the swords in them. Then I grabbed some throwing knives and a dart gun, knowing the dart gun might come in handy. I looked over to see Bach suiting a quiver of arrows on his back with a compound bow at his side. The man then grabbed two long daggers and placed them in some sort of set up of two sheaths on his back but the hilts were facing downward, I wasn't quite sure how he got them to stay like that but quickly dismissed it.
"Everyone ready?" I grabbed a neck gaiter I saw before nodding, everyone else nodded as well,
"Then let's go, we're already behind time," Everyone filed out of the room without a second thought. I walked beside Noah as we went through a set of hallways; I tried to remember where the weapons door and the one that went outside to an overhand was, inside tied to polls were horses, probably about ten or so of them.
"Jason, you've ridden a horse yes?" Bach asked walked over to him with two horses,
"Good, this is Flick, he can be frisky times," Bach winked at him before jumping on top of a brown and grey horse. The horse I got was pure black with a beautiful main and tail, and he looked like he could ride for miles; which was exactly what he was going to do. I carefully jumped up into the saddle patting his neck. The horse snorted taking a couple of steps before I urged him out of the overhang where the others were waiting. Walker had a black horse similar to mine, and Noah had a grey and black mottled horse,
"Remember... If you try anything," Bach gave him a warning look before spurring his horse in the side, it snorted in protest before galloping forward. I sighed for probably the tenth time that morning before kicking Flick in the side, the horse backed up neighing and flicking its tail before it obliged and followed the other men on their horses.
I was silent throughout most of the ride, the others would make jokes or comments here and there but I had no need to join. My thoughts were still on the previous day when I had watched Adalius shoot himself, the image was painfully stuck in my mind. My stomach suddenly twisted and it took all my strength not to throw up over the side of my horse. The others would lore it over me forever... I figured, though I realized I didn't really care what they thought of me all I wanted was to get as far away form here as possible, though I doubted that, that was possible...
"Looking a little wheezy over there Jason," Bach comment from a few feet ahead,
"Yeah, are you horse sick or somethin?" Noah snickered glancing back at him from beside Walker and his horse,
"No, it's just the prospect of having to deal with your jokes for the next couple hours," He commented dryly toward Noah. Walker let out a small chuckled, though Noah was glaring daggers at me,
"At least I can make jokes, you've been as quite as that girl in the cells this whole time," Noah remarked trying to keep his dignity, though the comment did nothing to affect me, yet I'd had enough of his cheesy jokes, some including quite insulting comments about myself,
"At least I know how to fight," I retorted, even though I knew I had no idea of how well this man fought, at least I wasn't afraid of him,
"You'd do well to watch your mouth," He growled back his voice dropping a notch. Bach and Walker both silently watched from atop their horses' which were only going at a small trot now,
"Or else what?" I challenged. After the events of the past couple of days I was in a bitter mood and wanting to fight with someone, perhaps even get to punch something or someone if I was lucky.
"Didn't Bach tell you the rules?" He sneered at me,
"Yeah, they were to listen to him not you," I replied simply, in my opinion this man was acting quite childish and not entertaining in the least, which I could tell my not interested look and tone just made Noah even more infuriated,
"If you don't then I'll have to show you some discipline," He threatened once more, though I actually almost laughed at the comment. Discipline? Really? I just shook my head,
"You might care to get some lessons on how to make a proper threat, or insult for that matter," I added patting my horse's side with a smirk. Noah suddenly pulled his horse to a stop until mine was right up next to him and punched me square in the face. I sneered rubbing my nose only to look at my hand and see a line of blood covering it. Instantly turning serious I leapt off Flick taking Noah off his horse at the same time and we both rolled onto the grass beside the road we'd been following. The horses neighed and snorted as Walker and Bach pulled them to a stop watching the seen unfold. I threw a punch at Noah pinning him under me, but before I could land another Noah raised his leg hitting my gut and winding me though I was rather glad his knee had hit my gut instead of lower. Noah took advantage of my momentary hesitation trying to regain my breath and punched me sending me stumbling backwards. He quickly pinned me down taking control of the fight and wrapped his hands around my throat joking me while I tried to gain a single breath of air aimlessly trying to punch and pry his hands off. Though it seemed as if Noah had won his grip on holding me down wasn't secure and I still had enough sense to use one of my hands to punch him in the stomach before using my legs to spin him upside down to where I was now on top. I smiled to myself as I remembered Sylvia playing the same trick on me when we had first met. Without any mercy I started punching him again though this time I made sure his legs were pinned down and he wouldn't have a chance to use his hands to do anything. Suddenly I felt ruff arms grip my shoulders and pull me off Noah followed by a stern command from Bach as Noah got up to try and hit me again,
"That's enough!" He yelled standing between them both, Walker holding me back as I spat blood on the ground, "Your both acting like children! Jason is new, but I expected more from you Noah." His voice was covered in venom as he glared at Noah, "Now both of you get back on your horses, we've already wasted enough time here!" Walker threw me forward before walking over to his horse jumping on, Noah walked past me purposely hitting my shoulder roughly though I just shrugged it off jumping up onto Flick who had been nervously stepping back and forth. I put a hand on his side to calm the creature still glaring at Noah's back, yet a small smile crept its way across my face realizing I had one and everyone knew it too.
For the next two hours of their ride everyone remained silent. At one point we ended up stopping at a stream to let the horses drink and both Noah and me washed the blood and dirk from our hands, arms, and face. It was cold but also refreshing from the humid air around them. The sky had a thick lair of clouds covering it, though it wasn't cold or raining, or looked like it would even snow or rain anytime soon, it was just locking more heat in. But we only stayed there for maybe three minutes or so before moving on. The moist air kept making my hair sticky and my cloths cling to my skin, I could tell the weather was just as annoying for the horses but they kept running along the road obediently anyway. It was only when we could see some structures on the horizon that Bach called us over to the side of the road and we dismounted,
"Over there is Mill's Town... We'd get there in about five minutes on the horses at a run so we'd better figure out our game plan now," He knelt down motioning towards Noah who grabbed some binoculars out of his pack. It seemed as though his excitement had returned to him. He laid down on his stomach, holding himself up with his elbows, and looked toward the small shapes in the distance.
"Three men and two women on higher shelves around the main points of the town," He stated after a moment, "Looks like they all have bows."
"Can you see anyone else?" Walker cut in kneeling on a leg,
"Yeah... There's one at the front entrance on the ground. Then I think... I might be able to see another two or three walking or hiding along the walls in and out of the base." He said moving from side to side to try and get different angles,
"Do you see any rhythm to it?" Bach questioned rubbing his chin in thought,
"Nah, I mean the five up top stay around the same places, just walking back and forth a couple of feet to each side of them, and the one in the center. I can't tell what the others are doing though." He explained sitting up to glance at Bach, "What's the plan?" He asked after a moment's pause. Bach thought for a second longer before motioning for them all to gather around him,
"So... It'll be hard, seeing as they have many more men than us but that was to be expected. I and Noah will go on either side and take out the top guards." He then turned toward me and Walker, "I want you two to take out the guard on the ground exactly when the two above are taken down, me and Noah will take the front ones first before taking any others in the back, though we'll have to be quick so that nobody else notices.
"Once that's taken care of make a Honey Guide whistle and we'll move in more. I and Noah will take out the people in the front and make our way toward the middle, Jason and Walker will make their way from the front to the middle. If... Everything goes to plan and there are no surprises that should work out fine. Now get ready to head out," He ordered before motioning me to the side,
"I just wanted to let you know there shouldn't be any young kids here... And if there are they're going to be ruthless and are going to try and kill you," He said with an arm around my shoulder. I just nodded looking at the ground, I'd killed plenty in my life... But that didn't mean I liked it,
"I expect you to help Walker out a great deal... And if he dies I will personally hang you after I beat the living shit out of you. So, I suggest that if there's a choice where either you or he dies, you'd be better off to make the sacrifice." His voice lowered threateningly, though he remained a calm persona. Though I knew he meant every word,
"Duly noted," I said before walking back towards the others. I noticed the terrain started to change closer toward the town. There were more trees and shrubs though not enough to efficiently hide the town, though it would be enough to hide the four of them.
"Jason, Walker, you two go and head toward those bushes, hide there until the two guards above are gone, then execute the rest of the plan," We both nodded before moving off where Bach told us to go, the leader headed over to Noah explaining what they'd do before riding off. I and Walker rode the horses until He jumped off his and explained that if they kept riding the horses the watchers would end up spotting them,
"We'll walk them a little farther before tying them up so that they are as close and easily accessible as possible," They then continued forward until reaching a thicket that would be able to hide the horses and keep them distracted on the grass under their feet. Then they continued the last sixty or so yards without the horses. I crouched low to the ground as we moved forward trying to be as quiet as possible and not do anything that could lore the guards' attention towards us. Soon enough we could clearly see the two people on top of the buildings at each corner and the one in the center of the front gate. All the buildings were worn down, a lot of them only rubble remained, but there were a couple of lucky ones that remained mostly intact even though they had holes in the side or windows missing, something that showed how old and how much nature and others had taken a tole on them. The person on the ground had a sword at his side and some sort of curved blade that he flicked in his hands. The man also had a sort of vest covering his chest that I'd only seen maybe once or twice before... They were way harder to cut through. Then there was a lady and man on top of the roof that we could see, the man had a metal plate on both sides of his shins and held a bow with and arrow nocked and ready to fire at any sign of danger, he also carried a long dagger at his side for if he had to do hand combat. The lady was similarly equipped though she also had a tube-looking thing hooked to her side with some feathery things strapped to her belt that I assumed were blow darts, I could only guess whether or not they had poison or not... We could only hope nobody else here had poison darts or anything poisonous for that matter. A flesh wound could be very dangerous if in the right spot, but lased with poison, if strong enough or the right type, it could kill you with a single scratch.
"Get ready," Walker whispered eyeing the guards closely, I nodded taking out one of my daggers, Walker taking out an axe. A second later the lady on the left fell to the ground with an arrow in her heart, nice shot Bach, I noted to myself before looking over to see the man fall to the ground. In an instant I lounged forward, quicker on my feet then Walker who had a bulkier build, and reached the guard first. He didn't see me coming until I was almost right on top of him. Though he had good reflexed and dodged my first blow punching me in the gut, I ignored the pain moving to the side and throwing my knife before he could pull out his sword. It sliced right threw his throat and the man slowly fell to the ground clutching at his throat as he made a gurgling sound, but wasn't able to create actual words as blood filled his lungs. I dragged him over to the side where some bushed were, pulling my knife free, before looking over to see Walker knelt down and looking at something from up above. I walked over cautiously only to realize that the man was quite skilled and Noah hadn't actually taken him down yet. I watched waiting to see what Walker would do, he watched for a second but as soon as they reached a stand still he stood fast and threw his axe at least eight feet into the air hitting the man square in the chest, Noah quickly covered his mouth and cut his throat before he could make a sound. I sighed silently, not quite realizing how good Walker was with an axe. They both nodded to each other before Noah jumped out of sight. Walker made a whistle I hadn't heard often before motioning me to follow him before creeping up along the wall, making sure to stay in the shadows and looking around for anyone. He looked over the edge of the arch leading into the town before waving his hand to tell me to come over, I swiftly ran over to his side looking around. I saw two people walking threw some of the rubble that used to be building, though they seemed to not be focused at all, yet more so... Bored? I shook my head slightly, I couldn't believe that their boredom would be there demise. Walker motioned toward the two before pointing to himself, then at me and another person on the other side of the little clearing. I nodded in understanding following the shadows along the wall toward the person to the right. The clouds up above were tinted a little darker making me realize the sun was starting to sink in the sky causing more shadows and shapes to play along the walls and crevasses. I pulled out a knife intending on silently cutting her throat without anyone noticing, but that plan quickly went to south as one of the men managed to scream in pain from an axe to his leg before Walker hit him over the head with the back of another of his axes. I sighed as the lady I was going after quickly spun around becoming aware of the situation and pulling free her sword. I put my knife away pulled out the two long swords at my sides and spinning them between my fingers skillfully. We both got into fighting stances eyeing each other, waiting to see who would make the first move. Seeing that Walker had almost finished off the second man my opponent decided to stop waiting and charged at me sliding on the ground with her knees, her blade inches from my side as I quickly dodged the attacked spinning around and cutting her arm, though it wasn't the one wielding her blade. She came at me again and I blocked the blow with my swords, she glared at me furiously before lifting her leg and kicking me in the shin. My leg instantly buckled and I fell forward giving her the advantage, she quickly tried slicing my head off but I managed to fling my swords up in time to block it. She pressed down harder and I found it difficult to keep her blade away from my body. But in one fluent movement I swiped my leg under hers and she tripped backward on to her back. I jumped up on to my feet quickly crossing my blades across her throat panting. I saw fear flash in her eyes as she realized she'd lost the fight, I looked behind me to see Walker heading towards the road leading to another part of the town. I glanced back down at the lady and then back at Walker before quickly turned my blade and hitting her over the head with it, she instantly went limp going unconscious. If she woke up before they left then I could just say she'd fell and I'd thought she was dead... I tried convincing myself before running back over to Walker, we both made our way around the corner but came face to face with a bulk of a man... He was gigantic, at least seven or so feet tall, he had shaggy hair and huge arms and legs and- Well, you get the point. He had a hammer in each hand, and on the ends of each hammer there was a spike, just the thought of it being impaled into someone's skull sent shivers down my back. I looked over at Walker to see him pop his neck and knuckles before pulling out two axes from his back, I readied my swords not expecting the blade that swung across my face, I swung backward just in time, though I could feel the air run across my skin as it swung by before returning to the thrower. I stood straight again to feel my face and realized it'd nicked my cheekbone, blood slowly trickled down my chin, I looked over to see a lean man catch the blade with ease as it spun back to him. I stared in awe at it, the fact that someone could master how to catch a blade in the air without cutting off their own fingers... I quickly shook myself back to reality though as Walker charged at the burly man well I ran at the thin man who had one of those blade in each hand, I noticed that he even had two hooked on each of his sides plus a curved sword hooked to his back, though he made no motion to grab it witch just told me how skilled and how much trust he put in his ability to use his blades. I cautiously approached him and he watched me just as carefully, I sighed in my head once again, this man seemed skilled as well as smart. I yelled as I charged at him swinging my blade to try and cut his arm as well as his chest if I got lucky, but he dodged the first blow and deflected my second with one of his blades while also nicking my back at the same time. I growled spinning around, of course he had to be flexible as well! I yelled in my head before putting one of my blades away and quickly pulled out a knife throwing it at him before instantly sliding past him and cutting his thigh while he reflected the knife with his blade. I noticed him ground his teeth in pain as he stood back up straight grimacing at his new found wound. While I panted, sweat pooling down my face, Walker was busy dodging blows from the brut's hammers and trying to land his own blows with his brass knuckles as he'd already lost one of his axes. The agile man took a swing at me put I ducked punching him in the gut and rolling away before he could hit me with his knife things. The man grunted flinching from the impact of the blow but he quickly shook it off taking a fighting stance again. I glanced around to see some old stone stairs leading up to a cliff, I suddenly paused realizing that there was a chance if I helped out these people that just maybe... I'd be able to get away, to go back and see what happened to Sylvia and Simba- My thoughts were cut off as I heard a bark and quickly realized that these people would kill me or do the same thing as the Taipans without hesitation. I quickly regained my focus of reality and ran towards the stairs as fast as my legs would take me. I heard the man quickly following me, the only thing to my advantage was that I'd gotten a head start. Right as I reached the top the man grabbed my ankle causing me to fall face forward though I luckily caught myself on my forearms. Without a second thought I spun around nocking the guy off his feet with my legs, I watched as he yelled stumbling down the stairs. I looked around to see Noah and Bach stumbling into the clearing where Walker continued to fight off the huge bulk of a man. Noah was fist to fist with a woman while Bach had fallen on his back trying to keep a Doberman from biting off his head. I pulled out my blow dark gun loading one of the darts in before firing it towards the dog, I didn't have a lot of experience with it but once I'd come across someone who'd tried teaching me, I still remembered some of his tips. The dart flew threw the air with a wiz before hitting the dog in its thigh. It yelped in surprise giving Bach enough time to throw it off and shoot it in the heart with an arrow. I then turned my attention back to where Walker was fighting and tried aiming a blow at his opponent, but they kept moving and I wasn't confident enough in my shot to shoot so instead I jumped down to a lower shelf on the stones where Walker was being shoved into a corner. I got ready and as soon as they were close enough I yelled, "Duck!" And Walker went down rolling to the side as I shot a dart right in the man's neck. I yelled in frustration as he only grunted pulling the dart out, I gave a quick glance around steadying myself before leaping off from my hiding place as the man reached for me. I wrapped my legs around his neck squeezing as hard as I could and trying to cover his eyes and duck down enough to where he couldn't reach me. Walker took the help willingly spinning around the man and stabbing both his legs with his last two axes while the seven-foot fuming man was distracted trying to get me off his shoulders. As he fell to his knees I pulled out a knife hooked to the side of my leg and used all my force to slide it across his throat and blood instantly started pooling out covering the ground in front of him. I jumped off his back as he tried to stop the bleeding but within a moment he fell face forward not being able to stop his inevitable doom. I panted looking at Walker who gave me a nod leaning on his knees trying to catch his breath as well,
"Good job," Was all he said before turning around to look at the others, Noah had ended up switching off fighting off a man while Bach took the woman. Noah was pushed out into the middle of the dust-covered clearing. From the corner of my eye, I noticed the man I'd been fighting before stumble to his feet before pulling his hand back and eyeing Noah. Without a second thought, I ran forward pushing Noah to the ground right as the blade flew over us before returning to its owner but it didn't get away without nicking just below my shoulder on my back, it stung more than usual but my adrenalin quickly ebbed it. I sighed before pushing myself up and lending Noah a hand but he just scoffed hitting my hand away and helping himself up,
"Careful, if you're so busy trying to save others you're gonna get yourself killed," He snarled before pulling out his long daggers and continuing his fight with the other man. I growled cursing myself, I should have just let him die! It would have solved multipole problems... I shook it off excepting the fact that what was done was done and instead turned my attention back to the other man, I had quite a bit of anger built up and was ready to let it out on anyone I could. I circled the man eyeing him closely before throwing my bloodied dagger on the field before pulling out my sword and throwing them to the side as well. The man snorted a cocky grin on his face,
"Last mistake you ever make..." He said throwing his blades to the side and unhooking the belts on his sides that held his extra before moving his hand in the motion of saying 'come at me'. I charged at him throwing a punch which he quickly dodged hitting me in the side. I rubbed it tenderly knowing it would bruise quickly then threw another punch, one after the other, as he blocked holding up his hands. I was slowly exhausting myself but he was getting tired as well, I suddenly side stepped hitting him right over the chin and he fell to the ground out cold. I spit at him before looking around to see Noah snap the neck of the man and the lady Bach had been fighting was laying on the ground with a pool of blood seeping into the dirt around her,
"Nice show," Bach said nodding as he walked by before taking out a knife and throwing it straight into the man's heart without even turning his gaze away from in front of himself. I glanced down to see the blood soak into his shirt, he shook a couple of times before falling completely still. I sighed before following Bach,
"Any serious injuries I need to know of?" Bach asked surveying the clearing,
"Gash on my chest but I'll be fine until we get back," Noah commented pulling some knives off the guy he'd been fighting,
"I've got a deep cut in my leg and twisted wrist but I'll be just fine until we get back," Walker said tying some fabric around his left leg though babying his right hand. I looked at myself before shrugging,
"Nah, I'm fine," Though my muscles not noticeably tightened as I felt a wave of pain from my shoulder though it was almost instantly gone.
"Alrighty, Noah, Jason, go grab the horses," He ordered walking towards some buildings, we both nodded before running off in different directions. The horses were right where we had left them, grazing peacefully, not having a clue of what had just occurred past the trees and bushes. I untied them patting Flick on the nose before jumping onto his back and leading Walker's horse by his reins toward the town. As I came into view of where Walker and Bach had been I saw them piling up food and weapons. I pulled off one of the bags that had been attached to the horses and started loading food in it, Noah appeared soon after me and did the same except with the weapons. We all silently worked and at one point I'd caught myself staring at the dog I'd shot that lay dead on the ground. I had suddenly been reminded of Simba and realized that I didn't actually know what happened to him, he'd been barking from the side lines while I and Sylvia were trying to fight off the Taipans but then Sylvia had been stabbed in the side and I'd been knocked out, after that, I didn't have a clue of what occurred until I woke up. Which meant that even if Sylvia was dead... He winced at the thought of someone who might have become his first actual friend dying a day or so after meeting them. But Simba could actually be alive, wondering around and looking for him or someone to take care of him, the idea of him dying of starvation or of something or someone killing him made me sick to the gut and I suddenly felt another strong urge to escape the Taipans and go back to where I'd first met Sylvia,
"Hey, come on! We don't have time to think about whatever's distracting you!" I sighed as Bach called over to me standing up and leaping up on top of Flick, we had a long trip back, and I could just tell it wasn't going to be any funner than the trip here.

16.9 pages and 6,156 words not counting this- Woowww... anyway! How have you been? Or more importantly how'd you like this chapter? I know I had a lot of parts where it wasn't well detailed and sounded bland... And I am very sorry for that, I gave this chapter a quick read threw unlike most of my other ones... So hopefully it won't have as many spelling mistakes! (Crossing fingers 🤞) But yeah how'd you like the fighting scene? If you have any tips on how to better write some of the sense in this chapter pleeaasseee let me know! I love all advice bad or good and what'd you think of Noah? Wasn't he overreacting? Or was Jason overreacting? And what do you think of Noah, Walker, and Bach's fighting skills? Or Jason's? Also hint... Next chapter is about Sylvia and I'm trying to put more humor into it because everything just been so serious... So if you have any tips on good humorous things with other people or just little things I might be able to add just put it in the comments! I read them all and love to do so. I hope y'all be doin good! And I hope you stay safe and healthy! <3 :)

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