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Unknown POV.

The red light glistened, reflecting off the glass that kept out the sound. Below there were buildings, lights flickering on as the sun sunk into the sea. And beyond that were the woods, where crows flew, waiting for everyone to leave so they could feast. And just beyond that, laid the village where my enemy slept. Behind me my guard shifted nervously on his feet, sweat falling down his face as he tried to quietly wait for me to speak. Clearly, he hadn't been taught composure... Turning around in one quick, fluent motion, I lifted a hand, indicating for him to speak, before placing it once more behind my back,
"Sir," He began, bowing low to the ground, "The attackers are falling back," His voice was masked in fear,
"Casualties?" I said in an even, deep, and commanding voice, making it clear my status and to whom he was speaking,
"A hundred, maybe more," I slowly breathed out of my nose, making a low clicking sound with the tip of my tongue,
"I'm sure you are smart enough to realize, that is far too high of a number. In this case, I prefer lower numbers," My tone held a distinct warning to it,
"Y-Yes sir," The man gulped, standing straighter as if to pretend he wasn't afraid. I let out a soft sigh, turning back to the window,
"And how goes the search for my son?" The guard seemed to sag in relief at the change of subject; pathetic,
"Well, sir. We couldn't catch him for a while, but he stopped somewhere for a couple of days, so we should catch up to him soon,"
"Good... And make sure he doesn't escape again, would you?" The man nodded, even being a few feet away I could still see his hands trembling,
"Of course, sir," He said shakily,
"You are dismissed," I stated with a flick of my wrist. The man bowed once more, before quickly shuffling out of the room. I observed the colors that were spreading across the sky; I hated it. They reminded me of Corny's attributes, and anything that encouraged my forsaken son was something I wouldn't stand for,
"Don't worry... Son of mine," I said in a dark voice, "I will find you, and if you continue to refuse my wishes, then you shall die in the war you have created," Publish

Other than editing... This book is officially finished! I plan on making one maybe two more books that follow this one. When I will start writing them, I am uncertain. But I will publish a chapter on here when I do start it, so everyone who has this in their library will get a notification. If you have any questions, please just ask in the comments! I will answer them as soon as possible. I hope you all have a fantastic day though! Thank you for reading my book! 😊💗

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