I: Music, Books, and A Dog?

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(This is rather what her bike looks like except the paint is scratched off and there are a few other minor details)

Sylvia's POV.

I yawned, the action straining my sore muscles, while slowly blinking my eyelids... As soon as blood started flowing through my brain and I became conscious I jumped out of my "bed" and looked around making sure everything I had was still there and that nobody else was there. I sighed in relief, for me, every day was an adrenalin rush. if I messed up one thing, didn't take that one extra precaution, I could end up dead, or lose something I had worked hard to make or find. I gazed back down at my pile of blankets I called a bed, it worked but my muscles were always cramped in whenever I woke up. I lived in an old building, like really really old... It had vines growing all along the sides and went up three stories. I had a garden on top of the roof that I hid with some sheets and made it look unappealing for anyone who might get a glimpse of it. Doing some simple quick stretches that had become natural to me, I put a couple of my knives back in my pockets. One on my hip, one in my boot, one longer one on the side of my leg, and of course a hidden one in my braw on my back, just for precautions. Out of most people in this so-called "world" I had it pretty good. I'd found a nice abandoned city with plenty of loot and objects for me to fix up. Throwing on a jacket (which had holes on either arm) I walked over to a little shelf I had made. I sighed at the memory of when my dad had taught me how to build things. Those had been the good times, the times when I could relax, when I could rely on someone... But I simply shrugged it off, I would have my revenge one day I can assure you of that, I had been envisioning the best ways of slaughtering the people who took everything from me every day, for seven years. Turning my mind away from that, I grinned at the beauty of what was on my shelf... I may have learned how to make an MP3Player solar-powered, I mean my legit favorite part of being where I was, was being able to listen to music whenever I wanted. I might legitimately die if I didn't have it... That or lose my mind, of course, and I loved all of the songs. Turning it on I put one of the earbuds in my ear (one out so I could still hear) and clicked shuffle, my lips widened on each side, a grin spreading across my lips as Bon, Bon came on by Pitbull (whoever that was...). I closed my eyes, dancing around the small room while mouthing the words, music was the one thing that made me feel free like I didn't have to worry about everything I did have to worry about. Running my fingers through my hair to get out the tangles and pulling it back into a poney tie I went to a small shelf. I Grabbed a snack slash granola bar, or more so my breakfast while continuing to vibe to my music. As my energy level increased I ran to one of the windows, swinging down a long bar I had put on the side of the building. It took me two flights down before I hit a platform and jumped onto the second story through a broken wall. making sure no one was at the front door I took my preferred exit, jumping out the window onto an old bed mattress I'd put there. Yeah, I'd basically made myself at home, I mean I did have lots of time to do things... So I made myself useful, by rather making I guess what you could call a now day castle, or I think a better term would be turning the old building into my playground. I grabbed my bike, which I had hidden behind an old dumpster, and hopped on it hooking my bow on a strap I had on my back. Yesterday I had stayed up late exploring a new store. I had found a bitter drink that made me loopy (so I stopped drinking it) and some other drinks. By the time I got back to my base all I wanted to do was sleep so Id didn't bother bringing my bow and backpack up with me... So, deciding not to drink whatever that was again, I swung my pack over one shoulder to carry anything I found. As I rode down the broken-up road I did swerves with my bike mouthing the song Circles by Post Malone. Hey, don't judge me I really like music and after looking at the names enough times I ended up memorizing practically all of their names... But anyway a little bit about the landscape... Many would probably be revolted by the sight but it was my home. The streets were covered in trash and leaves, cars parked here and there that didn't work anymore. The sky was lit up by the sun as it slowly gained altitude, illuminating the clouds that tried blocking it out. Glancing at the sidewalk while trying to blow my hair out of my face (a pony tie never held all of the strands back...) I spotted a cat as it pounced on a mouse and smiled. Another thing about me, I looovvveedd animals. There were lots of animals running around... Not just normal ones, lots of different ones, even wild ones, (I guess all were wild now though). I didn't see them often but here and there I'd see a mountain lion or bear, mainly dear and foxes though. But I did know a pack of wolves lived on the other side of town. Turning my gaze more upwards I marveled at how all of the buildings were decaying and falling apart, rust covering them, mud splattering the walls... Lots of them didn't even have walls! I was rather surprised so many of these buildings were still standing. I suddenly laughed to myself imagining someone's reaction who lived in 2020 from seeing all of the world as it is today... Boy, the look on their face would be priceless! I smiled taking a deep breath of brisk morning air, letting go of the bike handles and standing up on the peddles, closing my eyes and letting the wind blow in my face. Opening my eyes, I steered the bike towards the side of the road. Hopping off as I turned onto the cracked concrete that was beside a store that used to be a library. Yep! If you didn't remember me telling you, I loved reading. Putting a chain around my bike to lock it up (safety first) I then walked in turning my music off and putting it in my pocket. I was always careful when going into stores ever since one time when I wasn't and was listening to music and didn't hear them... Barely got out of that one alive. I pulled out my bow, holding it in one hand, I also have an extra arrow on the side of my right leg for easy excess, the long knife was on my left leg. Walking around I looked at some of the books, How to Solve The Hardest Math Problems I read the title of one, I picked it up putting it in my pack. I mean who wouldn't want to know that? I picked another one reading Useful Things That Are Easy to Make. Observing all of the titles and book covers I ended up coming across one that said Wings of Fire, I was about to pick it up to see what it was about when I heard the floor creek... I froze; my hand an inch away from the book, and listened. There was another creek and I realized it was coming from the other side of the shelf I was looking at. I tried looking through the shelf, but the books covered all of it. So, instead, I slowly stalked to the end I knew the other thing was going to, though making sure not to make any noise. Which was impeccably hard on the wood-tiled floor that was hundreds of years old. I slowed down at the end carefully nocking my bow with the arrow I said was on my leg. Holding my breath I swung around to the other side, pulling the string back ready to release- I breath out the breath I'd been holding through my nose sighing... It was only a dog. I put the string back slowly and knelt down holding out my hand, I didn't want to but if it bit me I would use one of my knives to kill it... But that was only a last resort. It walked up to me with its tongue lolling and sniffed my hand. I pet its head cautiously, it was a golden retriever... I hadn't seen one of those in years; a sad smile spread across my face as I remembered the one we used to have- I sighed trying to leave it in the past and push the memory to the back of my mind. That dog had gotten a disease and we ended up being forced to put it down,
"Where'd you come from?" I questioned aloud in a sweet voice, rubbing its neck. The dog's tail wagged as he licked my arm when suddenly the hairs on my back rose, my inner sense saying something was off... but it was too late. Someone had come up from behind me and miraculously managed to fling me onto my back before pressing me to the ground, fastening a knife to my throat.
"Well hello there," I greeted with an evil smirk spreading across my face; this should be fun.

(Sorry for the short chapter! The second one will be longer I promise... But I hope you enjoyed it anyway! I'll plan on updating next Friday. Pls let me know what you think so far in the comments and leave a like, I'd really appreciate it! But I hope everyone's having a fantastic day or night so far! Thanks for reading. <3 :)

Edit: This book has come much farther than I thought and I have become such a better writer in the future chapters... I tried editing this one and the Introduction, but there was only so much I could do. So, please keep reading if you think this is a good book or like the storyline. My writing does get better and I do make the chapter far longer. Also, I plan on editing the rest of the chapters up to a point, so that they hopefully are a little better until you get to my better-written chapters. Thanks!

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