XXI: Fire Blood and Rain Part 2

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(Ashlyn: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1b/68/87/1b6887f207352372ab1943126a9418f1.png  Rylee: https://vietnamesehairs.vn/wp-content/uploads/the-simple-and-beautiful-hairstyles-by-age-1.jpg  Those are close to how I imagined Rylee and Ashlyn, you can imagine them differently if you would like though 😁)

Sylvia's POV

I paced back and forth, numeral thing going through my head. Would the fire stop Corny from getting the plant? Would he be haltered too long and Jason wouldn't make it? Would the fire get over the wall and force everyone beyond it?
"The fire shouldn't be able to get over the wall, as long as the front gate stays blocked. The scouts up there should be able to keep it back..." Liam explained, though he didn't seem like he even believed his own words. My breathing became quick as my heart sped up, the familiar feeling of adrenaline kicking in. The sound of my music in the background was the only thing keeping me here, keeping me from losing myself in my own head,
"There has to be something we can do other than sit here like ducks in a lake," Ashlyn exclaimed kicking the wall. Her sister, Rylee, was squeezing out a rag, changing it every now and then to try and keep Jason's fever down. Rylee seemed to be calm and controlled, she reminded me of the generals and loyal commanders in some of the books I'd read. Ashlyn, however, was frisky, she didn't like staying still and doing nothing, her patience was short, which was something we could relate to. Through the window, you could see the constant orange reminder through the fog that the fire was growing. I knew there weren't many trees out there, and all of the grass was wet. But I guess if you have enough gasoline, anything was possible,
"Go check to see if everyone's in the main building," Liam suggested, he'd been looking through the window at the ground far below for the last couple of minutes,
"Okay, be back in a jiffy," Ashlyn instantly took up on the offer, glad to have something to distract herself, and ran out of the room. I could hear her footsteps running down the halls for a few more seconds before they disappeared. The only thing you could hear being the rain, my music, and the heavy breathing of everyone in the room. So far, I'd managed to control my hate and push it down enough that I didn't get angry at any of the Taipans, but it was hard. At least with Nicole, Walker, and Viper. Ashlyn and Rylee however seemed like the kind of people I'd like hanging out with if I had ever had the choice,
"Why can't the Ameeregas just attack already!" I exclaimed hitting my head on the wall and groaning. I guess I'd found my weakness...
"They'll most likely wait a couple more minutes, until the fires close enough and big enough to cause a huge distraction," I just moaned again wanting to rip my hair out at Liam's remark. Wait... I ran my hand through my hair, my fingers catching on all of the tangles. I definitely didn't want to brush it, and since it was longer it'd be a hazard in fighting,
"Rylee, could you cut my hair?" I asked turning towards the table she and Jason were at,
"I don't think this is the time for haircuts..." She started,
"It'll put me at a disadvantage in a fight," I explained. She shrugged pulling out a smaller knife on her left hip compared to the curved sword on her right. She motioned me over with her hand and I sat on my knees in front of her, facing the windows. I winced a couple of times when the knife cut on a tangle and didn't want to cut. But luckily it only took a couple of minutes before my locks were cut off all the way up to my ears. It was odd not having the weight of my hair, but it did feel freeing,
"Thanks," Rylee nodded turning back to Jason. I guess she enjoyed the distraction of taking care of him. Truthfully, I felt an ache in my chest every time I looked at him. When we'd first met he'd been full of life, now it seemed as if all that was left of him was an empty shell. Which was why Rylee was running a rag down his head and not me. It also killed me when I saw that he still had the necklace around his neck. He most likely thought I'd died... I wanted so much to just wake him up so he'd know I wasn't. All of the emotions I was feeling was like a tornado inside my head, seeing Jason almost dead, having to work with the Taipans, knowing I and possibly everyone I cared about could die in a few moments, and taking in the knowledge of being in the same room as my brother. All of these emotions, I used to boil my blood, I used them to fuel my go, and it worked. I could feel my body tempter raise as I paced the floor, I could feel my hand twitching by the hilt of my curved dagger. I felt like I could run a hundred miles, and then a hundred more. I felt like ants were crawling under my skin like if I didn't do something I would die. Which was why when Ashlyn came running back into the room I'd barely managed to stop myself from throwing my knife straight through her head. I'd had the knife halfway pulled out when I'd realized it was Ashlyn. A second more and she'd be dead on the ground... I really needed to get a hold on my nerves,
"The Ameeregas... They're coming through the tunnels!" She panted resting on the door frame,
"Well, we know that," I retorted bitterly, I was frisky... Anxious and jumpy,
"No... They'll be out of the tunnel any minute, one of Lindsey's guys spotted them," Ashlyn swallowed standing back up to her full height, which was maybe about five and a half feet tall,
"Nicole said to shoot everyone you see down at the bottom, everyone should either be with Lindsey or in the scout towers. And he gave them orders to come in the secret way, so anyone below us should be Ameeregas," We all nodded. I went back over to my rifle, making sure the barrel had as many bullets as possible in it,
"Wait, you saw Nicole? Did he tell you anything else?" Liam questioned eyeing Ashlyn,
"Nothing, he said he and Viper are looking for Bach, but he's missing... As said, it's got to be him," Liam ran a hand through his hair, taking deep breaths,
"Rylee, you still have the blow-dart gun on you right?" My brother changed the subject glancing at Ashlyn's twin, she nodded setting it on one of the tables beside the window,
"So I have permission to shoot anyone I see down there, correct?" I quarried, wanting to make sure. I had built up energy and wanted to release it on something, or more so someone. When Liam gave me an affirming nod I turned my gaze back out of the window to the ground. I clicked the safety off my rifle, my finger an inch from the trigger. Since I could see down to the bottom, I used my eyes to look down, I'd zoom in on my scope once I spotted someone. Beside me on the table I could hear my music playing, it was dramatic and high tempo, which helped me to focus my attention on my purpose and keep it there. Once again, the only sounds were the rain, my music, and everyone's heavy breathing. Liam was watching the window that overlooked the main gate, keeping an eye on the fire and that area. Rylee continued catering to Jason, whilst her sister cracked open the window beside mine, her sister's blow-dart gun in hand and ready. I didn't think you could shoot one so far... But this one seemed like an extreme version of some of the simpler ones I'd seen,
"It has poison on it," Ashlyn explained, giving me an evil smirk. I smiled, loving the idea of the Ameeregas dying slowly. Yet... I guess I also liked that idea for the Taipans. Jesus, I needed to get away from all of this, if I wasn't distracted I'd most likely have a headache right now. Turning my attention back towards the ground, I tried to control my breathing as my heart raced,
"Three O'clock! Zoom in with your scope I can't quite tell!" Ashlyn whispered harshly pointing towards an alley. I tilted my rifle, my finger hovering over the trigger as I scanned the area,
"I don't see anything..." I said after a moment
"I swear I saw movement..."
"Wait!" I zoomed my scope in. I'd seen something... It had looked like a shadow, but not quiet. It was hard to see through the rain and fog, but after a couple of more seconds, the shape moved again, this time far more than the shadows playing tricks on you. I took a deep breath, aiming where I assumed the head of the assailant was and pulled back the trigger. My eye was instantly back on the scope, looking over I sighed in relief. There was now a small shape far bellow laying on the ground,
"I did not know that was going to be so loud," Rylee complained rubbing her ears, whereas her sister was smiling brightly. I rolled my right shoulder, I hadn't shot my rifle in quite some time and didn't remember how much the kick could sting,
"Can I try?" She asked, I nodded stepping back. I told her the basics of what to do before picking up my bow and looking out the window. A few seconds later the boom of the rifle rang out as Ashlyn tried shooting someone who I think was checking on the guy I'd shot. I think she hit close to his heart, for he stumbled forward a couple of paces before collapsing. I gave Ashlyn a high-five before we focused again,
"Hey, Rylee..." I started, looking closer through the window. I pushed it up more, turning to Rylee and telling her to come over,
"What is it?"
"I want you to hold me out, I think I hear something..." Over the sound of the rain, it almost sounded like footsteps close to the building, but we were so high up there was no way for me to be sure other than looking. Loading an arrow into my bow, I crawled towards the window over the table. Rylee grabbed my thighs, keeping a tight hold of me the further I went down. Soon I was far enough out of the window that I was able to see all the way down the building. Sure enough, there were a couple of people creeping along the side. Being in such a difficult position, it was hard for me to pull back my bow. I could hear Rylee struggle to hold me up as she was the only thing keeping me from falling to my death. Pulling the bow back until I heard I click, I blinked the rain out of my eyes taking aim. I almost yelped in victory when my arrow went straight through one of the guys' heads, it was a clean shot and he was probably dead without feeling anything, lucky,
"Oh shit!! Pull me up!!" I screamed holding onto my bow with one hand and using the other to try pushing myself up. Down below I saw one of the guys pull back a bow aiming it up straight at me. Panic coursed through my veins, I swear everything had slowed down at that moment when he released the arrow. I could feel the air rush across my face as Rylee hauled me back just before I got shot in the head. I panted hard as we laid sprawled out on the ground. Slowly pulling myself up, I realized Ashlyn had left my rifle and helped to pull me up,
"Is everyone all right!?" Liam practically yelled in our ears as he ran up, I nodded wiping the water from my face. I felt bad for him... He wouldn't have been able to help with his broken hand,
"You're bleeding," Rylee exclaimed pointing to a cut on my forehead, I touched it wincing, I pulled my bandanna over it, only now remembering the cut on my forehead from falling in the tunnels,
"I'll be fine..." I shook my head before jumping back up to my feet,
"They're going to get into the base!" I exclaimed, there were at least five guys in that group... Maybe more that I hadn't seen,
"Rylee!" Liam called swinging his head towards the door. She ran over letting out a high-pitched whistle that almost hurt my ears,
"It's to warn the others," Liam explained looking back out his window. I grabbed my bow heading back towards the left window,
"What are you doing?" Liam went to grab my arm but stopped himself, he was holding the blades still,
"Oh nothing," I said innocently, opening Liam's window, there wasn't a table in the way so I was able to use the ledge to hold me in place. Ashlyn ran up grabbing hold of my legs anyways though just in case as I leaned backward until I was upside down. I pulled my bow back, firing at the slightest movement before lifting myself up before the returning arrow could pierce me. When I heard it zoom by, I assumed that they were either using a crossbow or someone down there had a really high pounded bow. Bending back down I pulled my bow back releasing another arrow, both had hit their target,
"You weren't lying when you said you were still good with a bow..." Liam noted observing me cautiously, I just shrugged. Looking back out the window for a split second I realized they were all huddled along the wall... It would be hard for even me to hit them now. Thinking fast I grabbed a random wrench on the ground and threw it down towards them. I heard them jump out of the way yelling as it hit the concrete bellow, taking the opportunity I swung backward again pulling back my bow and releasing. I heard someone grunt as they stumbled,
"Just run for it!" I heard someone yell. Fuck! I turned around quickly but there was no way I was going to be able to hit them moving in the rain. Or at least I wasn't going to risk wasting an arrow if I wasn't sure it would hit its target,
"I can't do any more... Whoever's on the bottom story will have to take care of-" I was cut off when I heard a huge explosion on the other end of the base. I wrapped my arms around my head falling to the ground from the aftershock of it which caused the entire building to shake,
"What the fuck was that!?" I screamed, my ears ringing,
"Either the Ameeregas got TNT or Lindsey's using one of my traps to hold them back!" Liam yelled in response holding his head as well. I stumbled up to my feet, holding my hands out as I reached for a wall. Luckily, the shaking stopped pretty quickly and we were all able to gain our bearings,
"If that happens again it'll take down the whole building!" Ashlyn exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air,
"It'll hold; besides, Lindsey knows what she's doing," Ashlyn snorted shaking her head, but she didn't oppose his statement,
"There has to something more we can do..." I mumbled pacing the room, everything was happening too quickly yet so slowly. Rylee had abandoned Jason who was groaning but obviously didn't have the strength to question anything. She took up her blow-dart gun whilst Ashlyn knelt over the table with my rifle,
"Not really... Not until they actually start getting into the building, then we'll have to protect Jason," Liam crossed his arms, careful of his knives, "And that fires getting bigger... Even though I have no clue how the rain isn't letting up," He gazed out the window towards the growing light,
"They must have someone tending to it," Rylee suggested loading a dart into her barrel,
"Possibly," Liam seemed as though he too was getting itchy. Logically, we all were. I mean, knowing that fighting was going on all around you... And having to stay in one spot, not being able to help, was worse than fighting against twice as many men than what you had,
"Maybe we should try getting Jason out?" I suddenly thought, but Liam instantly shook his head,
"No, taking him out in this weather would worsen his condition. And he has a better chance of staying protected in here than if we tried getting him through the wall; they most likely have the whole pace surrounded," I nodded realizing all of the faults, it was far too risky. I jerked my head towards the windows hearing a sharp but light sound. I sighed realizing it had only been Rylee shooting her blow-dart gun. I grabbed my bow nocking an arrow and peeping out of one of the windows. I almost growled as I heard screaming coming from all around us. Whether it came from inside the building or not I couldn't tell. As I scanned the area below my eyes caught on a figure moving through the fog, he seemed almost as if he was apart of it, moving with nimble limbs. I pulled my bow back without a second thought and fired it, but to my dismay, I heard the snapping sound of the arrow splitting in half. Whoever it was had somehow known the arrow was coming and moved out of the way just in time, causing the arrow to hit concrete instead. Not willing to risk another arrow I instead observed the imposter closely, something about his movements was just slightly familiar...
"Liam!" I whispered harshly without taking my eye off the guy. He had turned and looked up at me... I knew that he couldn't have identified me through the fog and darkness, but when he turned, the simple action jogged my memory,
"What is it?" My brother questioned walking up to me,
"Cyrus is by the base.... He'll be able to get in..." I felt a wave of burning anger in my gut as I remembered our little match in the mud. He was skilled, very skilled, he knew it too and was going to take advantage of it,
"Shit..." Liam cursed under his breath, clearly, he also knew who Cyrus was, "Sylvia, watch the door, keep your bow and pistole at ready," I nodded planting my feet in a stable stance where the door opened. If someone tried getting in I'd instantly be able to shoot them if need be. The only risky part was the fact that I didn't know the Taipans or the Ameeregas that well... So, I wouldn't be able to distinguish them from one another too well. I bit my lower lip holding my bow at the ready. If someone came in I'd need to pull it back fast... Which my muscles already disagreed with. I'd been using my body throughout the past month or so without really giving it too much time to heal. Even though I could pull back a decent amount of weight (and this bows poundage was lower than mine) I had found it difficult the last time to pull back. I'd just have to hope that my adrenalin would be enough to keep me going throughout the night...
"I think they're in the building," Rylee jumped back up onto her feet from where she had been kneeling down, pressing her ear to the floor,
"By the sounds of it the Ameeregas are going full force," I agreed, my fingers twitching as the sounds of fighting grew louder. I could hear grunting and people slamming against the walls down below. I swallowed closing my eyes, my grip on my bow tightening. I was used to killing and protecting myself, yes, but never have I ever fought alongside anyone else before... Never have I ever fought against an enemy this large. I shook my head, no I had fought an enemy this large my entire life. I've been fighting myself, pushing myself to the brink every day ever since I was born into this reached world. I wasn't about to just let some fear take away everything I've been working towards. I've been fighting the inner fear of losing my parents for seven years, I taught myself how to survive on my own since I was ten. If I could handle that, I could handle this no problem. And, you may wonder, what if I'm not strong enough? Well, then I'll leave these bastards with a scar to remember for the rest of their miserable lives. I opened my eyes with new self-confidence lingering in them, I knew I could do this, and I knew I was strong and skilled. Besides... I had something nobody else had, sheer and intense determination. Sure, everyone here most likely had determination, but has anyone here been brooding over the loss of their parents for the last seven years? Has anyone here been planning and trying to figure out every possible way to kill the people who made their life miserable? Has anyone here, been wondering whether their brother was dead or alive, or whether he even remembered you, for the past seven years? For my whole life, I've fought, I've killed. When I was twelve someone who was probably thirty or so tried to get me to give them all of my stuff, thinking I was gullible. Want to know what I did? I grabbed a fucking screwdriver on a table in the house and shoved it in his knee before hitting him over the head with a cinder block. That had been the first person I killed, at twelve; he was way older than me, far more skilled, and far, far stronger. Yet here I was, and yet there he was, rotting away in some old abandoned house. I planted my feet, bending them slightly to help give me balance,
"They'll be here soon... Ashlyn, Rylee, leave the window," Liam's voice lowered as the sound of people slowly increased... The sound of footsteps running through halls... The ring of gunshots... The screams of unlucky victims... Rylee and Ashlyn silently obeyed pulling out their curved swords and standing in fighting positions two feet or so in front of the door on either side,
"Liam... I know this is a lot to ask, but please, keep Jason alive... Without him, I wouldn't have mustered the courage to find you or have met Corny, and I'd like to thank him," It wasn't the full truth... I felt drawn to Jason, and fairly, even though I wasn't sure, thought I might rather like him. Liam nodded taking his stance a few meters away from Jason on the table. I gave him a curt nod in thanks turning my attention back to my surroundings. Realizing the full extent of my situation I set my bow carefully, as to hopefully not make much noise, on the wall and pulled out my two long curved blades. Before I'd left with the Ameeregas I'd made sure to load myself up with as many knives as possible, I'd even taken some from the Ameeregas. I had two on either side of my legs (not counting my curved blades) two on my hip, and two on my back. I also had two hidden ones, one in the front of my bra, the other in the back. I had made sure nobody saw where I put those ones,
"Sylvia," Liam whispered just loud enough for me to hear, "Let Rylee and Ashlyn go first, they'll be able to recognize if they're Taipans or Ameeregas. And listen to them," I realized that Liam planned on us getting separated from the room and he planned on staying if he could to guard Jason. I nodded. My body instinctively tensed when I heard footsteps louder than all of the others. Ashlyn walked up to the door, Rylee holding up a hand and slowly putting her fingers down, mouthing the numbers. I spun my blades in a circle flexing my wrists. As soon as Rylee put down her last finger Ashlyn flung the door open and Rylee ran out. She let one person pass then sliced the next guy open from his rib cage, under his armpit, to his back, who had been chasing the first person. The girl who had been running turned around in a flash pulling back a bow she had and hit one of her other pursuers. I momentarily hesitated as I realized she'd been the girl in the room with Jason and one who had been there when they almost killed me. I shook my head stabbing both of my blades into a girl's chest, pulling them out with a flash of silver and blood as she fell to the ground,
"Hey, leave me some!" Ashlyn yelled jumping up onto the guy who the blonde had shot (or the girl who had the bow) and wrapping her legs around his neck. He flung around hitting the walls, but Ashlyn was persistent and managed to shove her curved sword straight through his chest and out the other side. She leaped off his shoulders as he collapsed to the ground flicking her hair from her face,
"Jasmine," The blonde said with a quick nod,
"Sylvia," I replied, turning around to see if there was anyone else, but that group had been dealt with,
"Split up, these halls are too crowded. Ashlyn, take Jasmine, I'll go with Sylvia," We all nodded going down different sides, I and Rylee went down the left side whilst her sister and Jasmine went down the right side. I only glanced back once to see Liam close the door behind us. I felt slightly relieved knowing Jason was in good hands. I cringed, realizing the joke in that statement... I hoped Liam would be alright by himself... Focusing on in front of me, we ran through the halls, Rylee slightly in front of me,
"Ahh!" I suddenly grunted barely managing to cut off my scream as something hit me in the shoulder. The fact my ears were ringing and whatever it was left shock running through my body told me it had been a gun of some sorts... I blinked fiercely, trying to regain my focus before whoever had shot me took advantage of my state. I leaned against the wall, glimpsing Rylee's run at whoever had snuck upon us. I gritted my teeth trying to look at my shoulder. It was bleeding... Badly... But as far I could tell it hadn't broken any bones, luckily, though I was slightly worried I'd bleed to death if I didn't stitch it up. I pressed my hand over my shoulder, spitting through my teeth at the sheer pain amitting from it. But I had to stop the bleeding... I knew it must have hit a main artery or something because I was already lightheaded, my vision getting even further blurred,
"Rylee..." I whispered the only name I could think of to call as I stumbled forward grabbing the wall in front of me as if it was my only life support. Shaking my head, I managed to focus just enough to gauge the situation; Rylee was fighting three men, one of which was already laying on the ground but...
"No..." I tried walking forward to help her but as soon as I removed my hand from its support I collapsed to the ground. Blood. There was blood everywhere. I couldn't see anything... Was that my blood I felt on the ground? Or was it from the guy Rylee had slaughtered? I felt my world shake and spin. I chuckled, the ceiling was spinning... It looked so funny... I coughed, my hand falling from my shoulder. I felt all of my strength slowly abandon my body... My head lolled to the side as it too lost the strength to hold itself up,
"No... No...!" I tried to reach towards Rylee, tears pricking my eyes. She had lost her blade... He walked up to her saying something I couldn't hear... Had I lost my hearing as well? I barely made out Rylee spit on him and then...
"No! No, no, no! Wait stop no...!" My voice was so weak I wasn't even sure if I had actually said the words out loud or not. But I didn't care as I watched the other guy grab Rylee's head pulling it back and... I winced closing my eyes tightly, I felt a shudder in my chest as I started crying. Was I crying? Or what it just from the shock my body was going into? Were those tears falling from my face, or was it blood? My vision blurred further when I opened my eyes, looking up to see that same stone-cold expression I'd seen on his face the first time I met him... My eyes rolled to the side, spotting Rylee's limp body, her blood pooling everywhere... Her arms slightly twitching... The dark slit running along her throat... And that was the image that implanted itself deep into my head as I blacked out, from blood loss, shock, or maybe even from someone knocking me out, I wasn't entirely sure. But I was sure of one thing, the cold, dark, blackness that surrounded me like an endless pit that was ever so familiar, consuming me whole, never to see the light of day ever again...

So- I hope that chapter was intense enough for you guys. 😁 I did my best... Lol. It's not over yet though don't worry! We still got a couple more chapters left for this fight... The book is actually rather close to ending though... Though I do have at least one more planned >:D So, anyway, what did you guys think of this chapter? Were you sad when Rylee died? I was... I liked her... :( And imagine her sister- She'll be devastated!! >:O And can you guess who Sylvia saw? Do you think she survives? Do you think the fires going to get worse? What about Corny? Heh... I'm asking lots of questions, sorry XD But, I hope you all liked this early update! Stay safe and stay tuned for the next update! And Happy Mothers Day to all of the mothers out there! You're amazing! 😁

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