VII: Recovery

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(Picture is Ben's field and the surrounding area)

Sylvia's POV.

I stumbled forward falling onto my knees beside the couch,
"Ben...?" I asked slowly, after everyone I'd lost, now including Beth, I wasn't sure if I could handle losing Ben... He had helped me a lot when I was younger and still learning how to survive in this harsh hateful world. My breath caught in my lungs as I saw him move a little groaning. His eyes slowly opened as he turned is gave onto me,
"Sylvia...?" He asked in a weak voice,
"Don't worry I'm here now... I can take care of you," I said trying to stop the tears from falling down my face but it was too late for that,
"What happened?" I asked wiping my face, I hated it when my emotions got the best of me... But they always did eventually,
"Some raiders..." He whispered taking deep breaths, he slowly rested his elbow on the charge arm to lift him up,
"They... They killed Beth..." I nodded slowly hugging him but then pulled back as he winced and I tried not to wince from the pain that shot threw my gut,
"What happened to you? Are you alright?" I asked trying to clean my mind to focus,
"My wounds are internal... There is nothing you nor I can do to help me now," He said sadly, then his eyes drifted to my side where blood was started to seep throw my shirt. I hadn't realized it'd reopened again, it had to be bleeding a decent amount to already have soaked threw my bandage,
"I may not be able to help myself... But I will help you. Come, sit down and tell me what bring you here and what happened well I fix you up," The old man stood grabbing a walking stick that had been lying beside the wall and stood on shaky legs. I was about to sit down when I remembered Simba-
"Do you know how to heal animals?" I asked, he nodded slowly,
"I've had to heal plenty on this farm dear," I smiled,
"Then I'll be right back," He knew there was no stopping me from moving so he just sighed going into the kitchen to get healing supplies. I walked slowly back out to the wagon finding it difficult to walk without my mental bar. Simba was lying on it, his breathing was so shallow I could hardly tell he was still alive,
"Come on Simba... Don't die on me now," I said grabbing my bide and feeling it closer to the house, then I unhooked it and dragged the wagon inside, even though I knew it would get the floor muddy I didn't care, lives were more important them a clean house,
"Where did you find a dog?" He asked shocked half running half walking over to where Simba was,
"Sit," He said in a kind but stern voice, and I did as he said,
"While I tend to the both of you tell me what is going on... All of it, no leaving anything out; I feel like our stories are connected and I would like to know if it had something to do with why my Beth is no longer beside me," I lowered my gaze to the ground, I knew he wasn't blaming me but I was pretty sure he was right, and that made me feel guilty for it anyways. So, while he switched between caring for me and Simba I told him everything, from the day I met Jason and Simba to when I was stumbling through his field wondering how much farther I'd be able to go. When he put whisky on my wound to clean it I momentarily stopped talking as I gritted my teeth against the sting, then continued. He stitched my wound witch didn't hurt as much as I thought, but don't get me wrong it was still very painful. He put medicine on a mandate and then put it on my side with a sticky kind of material to hold it in place. Then I helped him treat Simba well finishing up the story, he put a brace on his broken paw and... Well, the next step was hard, I had to hold Simba down as he pulled out the shard of glass sticking out of his ribs, I was pleased that he did thrash around because that meant he had enough strength to do so. After that Ben got a knife and cut all the hair off around the wound, using a shaver to get the smaller pieces so that nothing was in the way; he had me pull back the skin so that he could get the little shards of glass out of the wound that was still there. At one point he had to cut the wound bigger so that he could grab all of the pieces; luckily the cut hadn't broken any bones or important arteries. As we tended to his wound cleaning it and bandaging it I finally finished retelling my story,
"Well, I assume that it was the same Taipans that killed my wife as the ones who took this Jason. I do believe I know which one he was. He was still alive and well-" He said as he noticed my concerned face, "But he looked beat up and didn't like where he was." I nodded slowly,
"So... What should I do now? What are you going to do?" I asked realizing I hadn't thought this far ahead, I really didn't think I'd actually survive this far.
"You? You will stay here as my guest until you are healed and fit to ride, you and that dog of yours. As for me? I don't know... I'll live the rest of my days here where my wise will be buried until one day when I can join her again." I nodded sadly... I planned on helping him bury her. Then I became confused as I realized he had said "when I was fit to ride" ride what? I decided not to bother him about now.
"As for right now though, I want you to get some rest. Once you've healed enough do function well enough I plan on teaching you some things," With that, he walked out of the room, I sighed laying down on the couch and looking at Simba, we had made him a bead on the ground so that he'd be comfortable. I didn't want to go to sleep and didn't think I needed to, but the longer I laid there the more tired I became, I'd gone through a lot in the last couple of days in it was now just started to catch up to me... And before I knew it my eyes were closed and my mind drifted through darkness.

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