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(Picture is Sylvie though looks a little different of course)

The years 2300, 280 years in the future, the Apokolips happened in 2023, well technically it started in 2020 but it didn't start getting really bad until 2023. Oh, sorry where are my manners... I'm Sylvia, 17 years old living alone in this... Whatever you want to call this world now. My parents died from a raiding group when I was 10, taking my older brother with them to (as far as I know) make him join. Sounds ruff right? Well, that's not that ruff compared to some others, so don't give me that sympathetic shit. Either way, I've tried keeping track of everything that's happened, I've found some journals from people, I've listened to elders tell me things from their time... All that good stuff. Currently, I'm living in a town close to the one I was in when my parents died, I know it's foolish but I still want to get back at them... For you know. Here so that you know more of how I felt I'll just do a small recap.

I was sitting outside rocking back and forth on a tire swing. Our dad had set it up so that we could relax and actually enjoy ourselves for once. Currently, my dad was teaching Liam, (That's my older brother) how to use a knife. He was only 12, yet I was only 10 and could shot bullseye at 30 yards instinctively with a compound (That's changed to... like 150 yards? Maybe... Close to that at least, what can I say I like shooting) I hung upside down on the tire, watching my brother throw the knife at a tree. Not surprisingly it had bounced back, ricocheting off the tree; my dad picked up the knife showing him what he did wrong. Beside a fire that she had made, my mom was cooking some meat, we were currently in the backyard woods of someone's abandoned house. Seemed like the perfect day, family hanging out... Nothing to worry about... Well, it wasn't, for I had suddenly I'd heard a twig snap and I looked up, being the curious rascal I was. It seemed that no one else heard it so I had gone to investigate, I'd usually tell dad but I felt safer where we were and figured it was just a rabbit or something. How I regret that decision now... I had stalked through the woods toward the spot where I had heard it when I'd suddenly jolted to a stop. I had glimpsed a man signaling another person to the right of him something, (which of course I didn't understand); then I had realized they were heading towards where my family was. It might have been something normal back in the days but... Nowadays that could mean something very, very bad, and I truly hate how right I was. I was frozen in place behind a tree for 30 seconds, (in shock... Fear... I have no idea to this day) before I heard my dad yelling which jolted me out of my state. I had run back towards them only to come out of the bushes to see someone stab my mom in the gut. I fell to my knees not sure how to comprehend what was happening, the fact the someone had just stabbed my mom, and I was witnessing it all. My dad was fighting two of the men when he suddenly saw mom lying on the ground blood pooling around her as she slowly and painfully bled to death... Which just distracted dad, creating enough time for someone to come up behind him and pull back his head, slicing his neck. The motion was so effortless... Cutting the flesh and tendons like butter. Blood streamed down his chest as he fell to the ground, unmoving. The person who had trained me, raised me, always been with me, was now gone... Whether I knew it or not, he was gone, and I wasn't getting him back... Then I had heard my brother scream and turned my attention to see him struggling in the hands of a woman. He still had the knife he'd been practicing with and tried cutting her but the lady had easily removed it from his grasp and shoved it in one of her hiding places on her leg which had lots of other knives,
"What do think? Should we keep this one?" She asked one of the other men in a slithery, evil voice that made a shiver run down my spine. She looked at my brother in the eyes still holding him tight, he just started crying as he realized everything that had just taken place, which I was close to following... Or so I'd think, but I was actually just still frozen, I didn't know how I felt, I felt... Just frozen like time had stopped.
"He seems like he'd make a good addition, and he's still young so he'll learn." The other man said simply. Liam was looking around sporadically, I think he'd finally noticed I wasn't there,
"Someone else here you'd like to tell us about?" Another younger man asked Liam, noticing how his eyes were traveling over everything. My brother had stopped shaking a little and shook his head. The man pulled out a knife smiling and I gasped realizing I might lose my brother as well... The thought seemed impossible. If I'd even comprehended that I'd lost my mother and father already, not sure if I had yet. Though to my horror, they all looked over towards me, my eyes widened realizing I was in danger, grave danger. The man who'd pulled out the knife started walking toward me, spinning the blade in circles around his fingers. The movement was hypnotic and if I hadn't been running on fear and adrenaline I might have continued to be frozen in place, just watching the metal spin back and forth... But I was hyped on fear, my body forcing a thought, and one thought alone, through my mind, run! And before he even took three steps I'd turned around and ran into the woods. I ran fast and I knew how to be quiet and hide. After running for 5 minutes I climbed a tree fast as my dad had shown me, tears blurring my eyes at the memory. I curled up in a tight ball in the crevice of three branches holding my breath, not long after that I heard footsteps and voices but my vision had gone blurry and my ears were fuzzy feeling so I couldn't make anything out... And I didn't want to at the time.

So there you have it! Fun, right? Yeah no. Anyway, After that the next morning I had gone back to get some stuff... I didn't have the strength to bury mom or dad sadly so I just got what I could, which was 1: my rifle 2: my compound bow (I have a better one now, though I still have the rifle) 3: food and water and 4: my pack. Then I just ran until I found a different town; it was a little bigger. I now like riding a bike around it and have my own hideout. I like reading and learning things and I don't see or talk to anyone that often... And when I do you better hope I don't have an arrow in my nock.

(Hello everyone who decided to read this book and thank you for doing so! I did this for fun and so there may be a lot of grammar mistakes... So pls bear through them! And I'm sorry if it gets hard to read or understand at any point, I will do my best. I plan on updating every Friday... But since this is just the prologue I will add the first chapter today! Please like and comment your opinions! I love to hear all, especially advice don't be afraid to do so I love all advice just try not to be mean about it. =) This book is also copyrighted, so pls no stealing anything from my book!

Edit: This book is complete other than editing. It is copyrighted, so please do not steal any of my ideas. If you enjoy this book, please share it with your friends! But thank you to everyone who reads my book, I hope you enjoy the story!


this book belongs to Andrea Moggo and no one else. Anyone who copies's this book will be prosecuted.

Copyright © 2019 by Andrea Moggo

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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