XX: Fire Blood and Rain Part 1

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Liam's POV.

Rain trickled down the walls, clinging to all of the crevasses. Every drop that successfully made it to the bottom of the wall streamed down to the tracks where the earth once again observed them. From there they fed the roots of plants that weaved through the ground. Eventually, it ended back up in the sky, resuming the never-ending cycle. I sighed, wishing my life could be as simple as that. But walking down the tunnel with Sylvia, my sister, beside me, I knew it could never be so,
"Are you sure Corny will be able to hold up his part of the plan?" I inquired for the hundredth time. I hadn't known Sylvia's friend for very long, but with what I'd seen he seemed a bit dull. A few feet behind me she let out an annoyed sigh,
"Liam... All he has to do is tell the Ameeregas to attack in twenty minutes, that I was captured and I already told them that Corny was going to stay behind after he came out of the tunnel. Therefore, everything is set up perfectly. Unless, of course, we take to long," I rolled my eyes, as far as I could tell she hadn't changed from seven years ago. What did surprise me however was when she broke out into a run,
"Huh- Hey wait up! You can't go up without me!" I shouted at her sprinting through the tunnel. Sylvia had the light, but she couldn't go out of the tunnel without me incase someone thought she was with the Ameeregas and attacked her,
"Then you better pick it up a pace!" She called behind her. I sighed making my legs work faster. When we could finally see light and Sylvia slowed down to stop I was panting resting on my knees,
"Jesus... Christ... How'd you get so fast?" I glanced sideways up at her, she was standing straight with her one hand on her hips (the other holding the torch), her breathing was barely increased, only a drop of sweat running down her forehead,
"Lots of practice big brother, lots of practice," She replied hauling me back up to my feet with her free hand,
"So... Before we go out there, what exactly happened in your place? 'Cause you know... I was there, I was staying guard outside," I still hated admitting I'd been that close to my sister without knowing it,
"Oh... Well uhm... Jason and I were chilling, the Taipans came out, I said to fuck off, they said no, you're the ones about to get fucked up. We fought, they smashed Simba into a wall, knocked Jason out, and stabbed me in the side with an ax," She smiled brightly up at me (as my Hight was greater than hers by a foot or so,) after finishing her little charade,
"Wait, you got stabbed in the side with an ax and you're still alive?" I asked in astonishment,
"Yep!" She lifted up her jacket and torn shirt to show me a huge scar running across her hole side. I almost laughed at the sheer luck she had, the cut went was just deep enough and in just the right spot to not be completely fatal. But still, I was shocked she'd survived that on her own,
"Now that you know the basics, oh and don't forget that they killed Ben and Beth, who healed me. That also pisses me off. But yeah, now that you know the basics, tell me the names of the main people in the Taipans," I cringed at the added information, the old lady at the farmhouse had died gruesomely, and I guess the hit Walker gave man slowly killed him somehow,
"Uh... Yeah. So, the leader is Nicole, his second in command is Bach. Though, Ashlyn suspects that he's the spy the Ameeregas has in here. Then you have the most distinct people, Viper, who was with us when you almost died, and, in fact, when our parents died. Then there's Walker, who... Rather to say was most likely the person who stabbed you, he specializes in using axes. The best watcher we have is Lindsey, then... I think that's about all of the main people," I finished, running through my head in case I'd missed someone,
"Okay... So, how do you know they won't kill me, or through me into a cell? Also no I do not in fact know who the spy is, if anyone were to know it'd be Corny and we won't see him for a bit," Sylvia added at the end when I raised my hand, about to ask a question,
"They won't, because I'll tell them not to, and because it would be the dumbest choice ever," Sylvia rolled her eyes motioning towards the stairs in kind of a bowing way,
"Lady's first," She said with a smirk. I chuckled maneuvering my way up the broken steps. Looking back down the tunnel, I wondered how different things would have gone out if I'd listened to Lucas and we had just caved the tunnel in on the other side. When we came out of the half-destroyed building I noticed that the fog wasn't as thick as it had been, and the rain had lightened up little. Glancing back at Sylvia (who stayed close by me) I instantly noticed how she was scanning everywhere, how her posture had tensed, she was definitely uneasy about this whole affair... And fairly, so was I. This could end terribly wrong. The Ameeregas might suspect something is up and kill Corny, or we might not get Jason the plant in time... Or maybe the Ameeregas would be able to defeat us. Checking to make sure Sylvia was beside me every couple of seconds, we rounded the building to the front of the main base. I made a note to instantly get Lindsey putting guards over there, if Corny and Sylvia and I had managed to go through there twice without anyone knowing I'm certain the Ameeregas could as well. And even though Sylvia said she didn't know anything about it, I was almost certain they would make a distraction at the front gate to make us think they were attacking from there,
"Liam! I've been looking for you everywhere!" My head jerked in front of us at the sound of someone else. A moment later Mikah ran up to us,
"Well, clearly not everywhere," Sylvia remarked, I almost involuntarily revolted. Mikah had been with us....
"Holy shit!" He almost looked like he'd actually jumped out of his skin. He stumbled backward falling into the mud,
"What... How..." He fumbled for words, I saw his Adams apple bob up and down as he swallowed,
"You're... You're supposed to be dead..." I swear, Mikah's reaction was practically worse than mine and Sylvia was my sister! And I'd thought she had been dead for seven fucking years...
"Well I'm not, so get over it, we have better things to do than think I'm a mother fucking ghost come to haunt you for all you've done to my miserable life," Sylvia's retort surprised me as she walked past Mikah's still stunning face,
"Well, are you coming?" She said exasperatedly lifted her eyebrows and opening her hands in question. Sighing I helped Mikah up whispering to him,
"Go get Nicole, Walker, Viper, and Lindsey, and tell them to meet in the library. But make sure Bach doesn't come," Even though I'd none Bach forever I couldn't risk it. With a bamboozled look still plastered to his face, Mikah ran off,
"Come on! It had to have been ten minutes by now, we don't have much time!" Sylvia yelled at me before shoving me towards a door the I'm assuming she assumed was the door into the building. Pushing it open, I nodded at Elijah, who nodded back. I'd found him passed out before heading off in search of Corny and Anisha. As we passed saw Sylvia eyeing Elijah up and down, her eyes on him until we rounded a corner. Knowing Sylvia would bite my head off, it didn't take us long to reach the library because I ran as fast as I could,
"Alright! Everybody out or I'm ripping your eyes out and making you eat them!" Sylvia randomly called out into the room we all called the library. In a matter of seconds, the few people who had been in there were out,
"What?" She hissed at me when I didn't stop staring at her,
"N-nothing..." I replied averting my eyes elsewhere,
"Come on, we need to find a map," I changed the topic looking around. I filtered through the shelves and the books. Looking through some of the files I found one on the layout of in our wall and around it. I stood up as I heard footsteps approaching from outside the door. I walked over to one of the tables pushing aside the few things on it and setting down the map, using a cup, book, knife, and rock to hold it down at the edges,
"About time," Sylvia muttered pacing around as Nicole, Lindsey, Viper, and Walker filed into the room. Mikah locked the door behind him. His eyes never leaving Sylvia as he walked up to the table,
"What is it?" Nicole questioned looking down at the map,
"First things first, you touch her, and I'll kill you, you think about killing her, and I'll kill you, and if you cause all of us to die because you got distracted by her, then well, you'll be dead," I instantly asserted,
"Who are you talking about?" Lindsey furrowed her brow in confusion,
"Everyone, I would like you to meet Sylvia," I motioned towards Sylvia, surprised nobody, except Mikah, had noticed her pacing back and forth. She stopped walking up to the tabling, placing her hands on either side of the end with a smile,
"Yes, I am the person who was with Jason, yes, I should be dead, and yes I want to kill all of you. But right now, I have a more pressing matter, and currently, the Ameeregas have something I want and I guess I have to work with my brother, therefore I am now working with you. If you have a problem with that I will tail you to a wall slowly skin you alive before pouring acid down your throat," She smiled coyly once she finished. Mikah rubbed his throat as if imagining acid running down it, Walker was staring at her side where he'd stabbed her, and Viper was smiling biting her bottom lip,
"Why didn't we take her instead of that wimp? I like her way more..." I rolled my eyes at Viper's snarky remark against Nicole's decisions. Sylvia had been hurt, it would have been stupid to take her,
"Well, I don't see any problem, so explain to me the things that need to be discussed," Nicole glanced between me and Sylvia, I shrugged turning to the map,
"Sylvia is here to get me and Jason but to get Jason she needs that plant. Originally, she set up a bargain with the Ameeregas, so one of her friends, Corny, is over there now with Anisha, the girl that can't talk. They are going to get the plant while we deal with fighting the Ameeregas. We told Corny to wait twenty minutes before going to tell them, so we only have between five and fifteen minutes to prepare," I explained as quickly as possible. It only really dawned on my now that we were most likely going to have a huge fight... Or battle I suppose you could call it,
"Wait, but I caught someone named Corny at the gate with a dog," Lindsey cut in glancing at Sylvia,
"Yeah, that was part of my plan with the Ameeregas, Corny was supposed to get out and take out all of the traps in the tunnels, which he did. That's when Liam followed them and found me. Oh, and you have someone ratting on them. I don't know how many but someone gave Corny a key to get out," Sylvia explained, adding the last part,
"Alright... So, they're attacking through the subway tunnel?" Nicole questioned,
"Yes, but I think they'll set up something at the front gate to distract us while they come in that way," I expressed my thoughts from earlier. Nicole nodded observing the map,
"Lindsey, right away, I want you to grab as many men as you need and set up a watch all along here. Make it to where you can get a message to us quickly if the Ameeregas are spotted. And perhaps if you can figure out a way to slow them down," Lindsey nodded with her hands behind her back with her formal posture before exiting the room,
"Walker, Mikah, I want you two to go and grab the stash of guns, hand them out to the people who know how to use them," Walker and Mikah nodded before running off,
"Now... Liam, do you have any idea who this imposter is?" Nicole questioned turning his attention to me,
"When I was setting up traps Ashlyn said she suspected it was Bach... She said it was obvious, that's why I didn't want him at this meeting, just for precautions," I explained. I knew this was a touchy topic... Nicole had already been stabbed in the back by Cyrus, it could affect him badly to find out he'd been played by his new second in command a second time,
"It... Is possible..." Nicole reluctantly admitting, sighing he continued,
"Liam, I want you to try getting everyone ready, have them all head into here and tell them to get ready for a fight," I nodded,
"And keep an eye on Sylvia, she might b your blood and seem reliable, but you never know," Sylvia shrugged, as if to no offense by the comment. I nodded getting ready to leave but Nicole stopped me,
"What happened to hand?" He questioned eyeing my wrapped-up hand,
"Oh... heh... Sylvia may have broken it when we first met, I'll just have to use my left," Nicole didn't seem satisfied with the answer but nodded for me to leave,
"Viper... It's time we go hunting," Was the last thing I heard Nicole say as I motioned with my head for Sylvia to follow as I left the room,
"I need to get something, you have horses, here right?" Sylvia's question surprised me, what did she need?
"Great, you can follow me and we can try rounding up people on the way," I ran up grabbing Sylvia's hand as she went in a random direction. She glared trying to break free, but I used my good arm to hold her back against the wall,
"Sylvia!" She finally stopped, releasing a breath through her nose,
"You need to realize something... I know you aren't used to working with others, but here I'm in charge of you, you have to follow my orders, alright?" I said sternly, though I still held a softness to my voice... It was hard for me to get mad at her, I knew I only half-understood all that she had gone through after our parents died... I mean, she was only ten and had to fend on her own... I felt an ache in my chest as I remembered Sylvia saying that mom had been pregnant, I once again pushed it to the back of my head. Returning my focus back to my incredulous sister, who nodded stiffly, her muscles slowly releasing their tension,
"Good, because you were heading in the opposite direction of the horses," She broke out into a laugh shaking her head,
"Now come on, let's work together, you don't have to do things on your anymore," I motioned down the hall, Sylvia paused as if thinking of something, before sighing and rolling her eyes,
"Why not," I smiled, accepting my momentary victory as we raced down the hall. Every couple of moments I'd forget about what was to come, and then remember and rush everything as quickly as possible, it was quite irritable. Saddling up a horse, I hopped up behind Sylvia, who instantly heeled the horse forward. It neighed before galloping through the old streets, its muscles straining as he forced his body forward. Every couple blocks we'd see somebody and momentarily stop so I could yell at them to head to the mane base and prepare for a fight. As we headed to what seemed like the other side of the wall, I reluctantly resisted the urge to ask Sylvia what she was doing. Soon, we did actually reach the other end of the wall and Sylvia steered the horse along the edge following it,
"What are-" I was cut off as Sylvia made an "ah-ha!" sound jumping off the horse and running up the wall a couple of feet in front of us. I watched her in confusion before she walked back up jumping up on the horse in front of me with a rifle on her back,
"Wait is that...?"
"Yep," She replied, smiling back at me before forcing the horse back towards the main base again. Wrapped around Sylvia's shoulders was the very rifle dad had taught me to use... I couldn't believe she'd actually kept it all this time. Soon we arrived back at the base and I flung myself off the horse,
"I want to see Jason," Sylvia stated as we walked through the halls,
"We need to get you some more weapons... Besides I think I already have a plan for that," Sylvia glanced sideways at me in suspicion but followed me anyway as I led her to the main weapons room. Inside, Rylee and Ashlyn were grabbing their curved swords and other weapons,
"You still good with a bow?" I questioned, remembering our parents teaching her how to use a bow, she excelled quite fast if I remembered correctly,
"Really?" Sylvia said raising her eyebrows in disbelief, "I could shoot the wings of a fly from thirty yards away," I laughed motioning towards the rack of bows we had. She walked up grabbing one of the compound bows without a sight, looking over it. After a minute she grabbed some arrows walking back over to me,
"Mines better, but malevolently I left it with the Ameeregas... So, this will have to do," I acknowledged her with a nod of my head picking up my two-sided sword... I tried swinging it round with my good hand, but I could tell I wouldn't be able to use it well until my right hand healed. Sighing, I looked around the room for something else that I might be able to handle better,
"Here, try this," Sylvia stalked over to one of the table grabbing two blades that had a handle in the middle and then a blade going around it, small, but effective,
"I could only use one though," I observed doubtfully,
"No, here, come on," She beckoned for me to come closer, I did so with caution. She gave me the left blade, which I grasped in my hand, then she grabbed a piece of a rope, somehow, managing to tie it around my broken hand (though it rather hurt as she wasn't very gentle...) to where I could use it without stressing my hand out too much. Testing, swinging them back and forth as if I were cutting someone, I decided it would have to work for the time being,
"Rylee, Ashlyn," Both of their heads shot up from whispering, they'd been quietly talking about Sylvia ever since we entered the room,
"Yes sir?" They asked straitening up,
"This is my sister, Sylvia. Sylvia, these are our twins, Rylee and Ashlyn," Interest instantly flooded into their eyes when I mentioned 'sister',
"Nice to meet you," Rylee said holding out her hand with a smile, Sylvia took it hesitantly. Ashlyn eyed her up, then me,
"Well, I mean I can see a small resemblance, but not huge. And the hair kind of throws you off," I rolled my eyes at her comment,
"I need you two to help me move Jason to the open room," I explained sense all of the introductions had been made,
"Of course," Rylee said as if replying to an officer. She always acted responsibly, while Ashlyn was a little easier going, not really caring or worrying about anything. As we walked through the halls, Sylvia stayed close to me, fiddling with something on her neck. When we reached the door I stopped her,
"I'm going to warn you... He's in pretty shitty shape,"
"I've dealt with worse," Was her reply, which caused me to cringe. She was right. Opening the door, we all filed through to see Jasmine changing some rags on Jason's head. Sylvia advanced with caution, looking him over. Her brow furrowed at the sight of him. To the left of where Jason was, Jasmine swung her head towards Sylvia in question,
"There's going to be a fight, go get ready," I whispered in her ear before walking back over to Sylvia. Jasmine hesitated, glancing at us all, before shuffling out of the room,
"Jason...?" Sylvia quietly whispered kneeling over him. Jason groaned, his head lolling to the other side, but that was the only indication that he was even still alive. You could barely see his chest slowly rising and falling. His face was pale, and his eyes had purple rings around them. He was far, far, worse than when I'd last seen him, the poison was definitely taking its toll,
"Come on, we have to move him before we're attacked," Sylvia absently nodded, helping to get him between Rylee and Ashlyn's shoulders. I couldn't do anything to help though because of my weapons. Once they had a good grip on Jason, Sylvia picked up her bow, which she had placed on the floor, and we all headed out. Rylee and Ashlyn carried their swords on their hips as they ambled through the halls. Once we got to the stairs, Sylvia ended up switching places with Ashlyn, and then Ashlyn with Rylee. It was difficult for them to carry Jason's limp all the way up, and then from there through the halls until we reached the open room. Once Rylee pushed open the door, Sylvia and Ashlyn quickly, but carefully, placed Jason on the only table in the room. The room had basically nothing in it but three tables, one in the far corner where no light touched it, which is where they put Jason, and then two more beside the two huge windows, two the left was another window. The walls were painted white and light shades of grey. The floor was hard and cold. The room was supposed to be used in case of emergencies like this one to snipe people from down below. Once they had Jason all situated Sylvia flung her rifle off her shoulder. Using the built-in stand that I assumed she built onto it for it hadn't been there last I remembered, she set it up on one of the tabled, cracking open the window so that it could be used to shoot any intruders. Walking over to the table beside it, she grabbed her bow which Rylee had set there, carrying it while Sylvia helped carry Jason. She set it on the other table, then pulled out a pistol that I hadn't realized she'd been carrying in the back of her pants. She pulled out the case, cocking it to make sure there were no bullets in the chamber, and then slammed the case back on,
"There are only twelve bullets, but if we use them wisely, it'll come in handy," She placed it back in the back of her pants,
"The Ameeregas should be here anytime, now right?" Ashlyn questioned looking out of the window. I only now realized that even though the mist had lightened up a small bit, it was still getting darker, and fast. The sun must be going down... Whether this was to our advantage or the Ameeregas, I had no clue. The darkening shadows looming through the mist gave the situation a whole new level of creepiness. It was as if the weather itself knew shit was about to go down,
"Yeah..." Sylvia mumbled looking out through the window, we were all expecting someone to storm in, shouting that they were here,
"Should we stay here and help you guys, or go see if we can be more useful elsewhere?" Rylee quarried aloud, glancing around the room, it was dark and gloomy,
"That... Is entirely up to you," I stated, never looking away from out the window. I was expecting the distraction, the false attack to diverge our resources so that they could just walk right in without anyone realizing it. From this room, which was in the corner of the second story, you could see from the main gate to the training fields. That is if the mist and shadows hadn't been blocking it,
"I vote to stay here, taking to note everything that's been going on, I'm going to assume all of the action is going to be by you two," I snorted rolling my eyes, Ashlyn always loved her drama,
"Yeah, you do have a point. Which means you guys might need some extra help, so I agree with staying here," Rylee added onto her sisters' statement,
"Suit yourself," Sylvia said, crossing her arms. There were a few moments of silence before Sylvia started restlessly pacing, I could tell she was agitated,
"That's it-" She started but I raised my hand, silencing her mid-speech. Everyone crowded around me as I glanced out of the window on the left that faced the main gate. Through the hazy mess of darkness and fog, there was a small... Almost unnoticeable hue of orange. We waited, the silence almost giving me a headache,
"Fuck this!" Sylvia suddenly cursed rummaging through her pockets, "I am not just going to sit here in silence," She gritted through her teeth pulling out a small black rectangle, about the size of my hand. A few more moments passed before what sounded rather like music started playing, though it wasn't any I'd heard before,
"What the...?" Ashlyn was by her in a second observing the utensil,
"If we're going to be here and it's going to be so dramatically silent, we might as well have some dramatic music," I opened my mouth to ask something, but thought better of it. Shaking my head, I turned back to the window,
"What do you think it is?" Rylee questioned, peering out at the growing hues,
"Oh no... Oh shit... I got to give it to them, that's going to be one hell of a distraction," Sylvia ran her hand down her hair over her forehead,
"What is it?" I quarried, glancing from Sylvia to the growing lights,
"I used to see them all the time in the fields outside of the town..." She took a deep breath, releasing it through her clenched teeth, "They started a bloody fire,"

Oh jeez... How was that chapter?  And we have now reached twenty chapters!! WOOP WOOP!! I can't believe that I've made it this far!! A thank you to all of the people who have added this book to their library and are reading it! I kind of want to write in Jason's POV... But I can't because he's too sicckkk!! So, I guess I'll just have to make do with the people I got, XD But let me know what you think in the comments. Stay tuned for the next chapter, some stuff going to happen in the next one... ;)

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