XVII: Candy Corn's Expedition

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(Pic is... Well I guess you can decide but I had me fren make it and is bootiful- So they get the credit)

Cornelius's POV.

I looked up at the sky sticking my tongue out to catch the rain as it fell soaking through my shirt sleeves. I chuckled whispering the word 'sleeves' over and over again, it sounded so funny and odd...
"Are you sure this is a good idea! What if they just shot him on the spot!?" Sylvia exclaimed through her gritted teeth; she looked very mad at the person who called me Candy Corn, "And I know that's not behind them," She added turning in a circle with her hands over her head,
"If you want your friends back... He has to go in now," Azazel stated trying to keep his cool. Simba glanced up at me giving a small whimper, I nodded in agreement,
"Adults are so immature..." I whispered kneeling down beside him. Patting his head, I looked over towards the sound of footsteps and saw something glinting off in the distance through the fog. I remembered Silvy telling me that Jason and her brother were in a city... Maybe that shiny thing was from it? I glanced back at Sylvia before looking Simba dead in the eye,
"Come on boy, we can do this... And once we get back Silvy will be so happy," The dog wagged his tail trying to lick my face but I shushed him putting my finger to my mouth. He shook his head getting up as I stood straighter. I smiled at Sylvia who continued to try and quietly argue with the other man, then I headed off towards the shiny thing,
"Corny you remember exactly what to do right?" Sylvia turned where Cornelius had been moments ago but he was already out of sight,
"Don't worry Simba, we can do this," I whispered to him excitedly. I kept walking looking at the ground for anything I might trip on when I ran straight into something. I looked up slowly to see a looming concrete wall,
"Whoa... Did Silvy say something about a wall?" I looked down at Simba but he just cocked his head to the side giving me a questioning look. I smiled following the wall, there was a fuel smell in the air, familiar yet I couldn't quite tell what it was...
"So... Let's remember what Silvy told us to do," I loved calling her Silvy... She had said not to but every chance I got I did, "We're supposed to go up to the front gate and... Get caught, yes. And then once we're inside the ceiling... Wait no, it wasn't the ceiling..." I scrunched up my face trying to remember what she'd said, "Well, when we get to wherever they take us we use the key that the... One guy will leave for us." I squinted at Simba through the light rain that pattered down on his coat, he looked so dazzling. Hmm... Dazzling... What a fun word!
"Oof," I grabbed my head stepping back from the wall that I'd hit again. I really do need to watch where I'm going more often. I looked up at the wall again thinking about trying to just climb over but I thought I saw something pointy through the mist and rain and thought better of it, and besides then how would Simba follow me? So, I kept following the wall until I spotted an entrance,
"Hm, I don't see anybody to catch me... Maybe we need to be less sneaky? I told Silvy I was sneaky..." When I'd said that I was really good at sneaking she'd said something about me being as sneaky as a black cat in the snow. I didn't get it so I just assumed that was a good thing. I peeped over the edge of the entrance but didn't see anyone through the white cloud around me,
"Well... I guess we ought to go in, right?" I rubbed behind Simba's ears before taking a step in front of the gate going completely ridged. After nothing happened I did it again, and then again; Simba slowly followed behind me as we got further and further into the gate, obviously wondering why they were going to slow. Once I was ten steps inside I stopped, looking around and still not seeing anyone,
"Hm... Guess nobody's home," I shrugged though wasn't able to finish my last word when something jumped on my back pushing me to the ground and pinning me there. Beside me, Simba started going crazy barking up a storm that hurt my ears. I scrunched up my face as mud-soaked through my clothes and around half of my face,
"Who are you?!" Someone yelled ignoring Simba who growling wondering what to do,
"Oh, well, I'm Corny of course," I pushed through my lips making a disgusted noise as some mud got in my mouth. I spat trying to get it out,
"Pfft, well that's Corny," The man standing on top of me scoffed though his knee still jabbed into my back.
"W- Would you mind getting off? That hurts!" My voice went high at the end as the man pressed down harder,
"Come on Lenny, get him on his feet he can barely talk," I heard a female voice to my left as a pair of boots came into my vision,
"Oh, hello there," I grinned up at her and the guy I guess named Lenny grunted before pulling me up onto my feet roughly while holding my hands behind my back,
"Who are you, where do you come from, and what do you want?" The lady questioned crossing her arms and glaring at me,
"I want to go into your ceiling," I said stubbornly before slouching, "Wait no... That wasn't it," The guy holding me scoffed again, "I mean... I want to go wherever you take all the new people you find. Yes! That's right, take me there!" The lady observed me skeptically while walking from one side to the other as if deciding whether or not it was worth it to keep me as I did with my rocks. After of few more moments of me just standing there smiling she finally let out a heavy sigh,
"Put him in a cell... I'll ask Nicole about him later," She ordered dismissively, "Though I doubt I will anytime soon, that guys a dim wit..." I turned around to thank her for such a nice compliment and for taking me away but the other guy was jabbing me in the back pushing me towards a building I could make out through the fog.
"Wait!! What about Simba!?" I screamed struggling in the guy's arms to look back at the lady who was now holding Simba trying to make him stop barking,
"Take him with," She threw her hands in the air letting go of the dog and walking off,
"Oh good boy, yes you're such a good boy..." I smiled down at him, hid wagging tail fanning my face. The guy behind me sighed pushing me forward. I started humming a tune continuing to stick my tongue out to catch the rain. As we entered the building I made an "oohing" sound at the sight of the building. It was spectacular... I guess I lost myself as the one guy grabbed my shirt yanking me backward and down some stairs. At the end I looked up to see a web with a small spider webbing up a fly,
"Hi, little spider... Have a nice meal," I was pushed into a room with long poles everywhere and a concrete floor that echoed the sound of Simba's paws hitting it. The guy opened up one of the long pull things and shoved me in, Simba following sniffing me to make sure I was alright. The pull door was closed behind me and locked, the guy left without a second glance. I just sat cross-legged smiling widely, this was off to such a great start... Silvy was going to be so proud,
"So, now we wait, right Simba?" He looked up to me, his tongue lolling giving him a goofy look. I laughed patting him on the head. Looking around I noticed that all of the other cells were empty except one where a young girl was sitting against a wall with her face between her legs. I watched for a moment before scooting closer,
"Hello...?" I drawled out the hello, listening as it echoed around them. The girl looked up with sadness in her eyes, though they shifted to something else as she took me and Simba in, I think it was curiosity because I think that's what I looked like when I was curious about something. She inched close on her bum holding her hand through the bars towards Simba. He sniffed her finger cautiously before wagging his tail licking them. The girl smiled petting the side of his head,
"Hi, I'm Cornelius but you can call me Corny, what's your name?" I smiled at her widely wondering how she could still look so sad. She looked down at the ground before back at me, her eyes once more clouded with sadness,
"Oh, what's wrong? Did I say something offensive?" I wondered out loud quickly, I oh so much did not want her to be sadder. She shook her head quickly though in response pointing to her throat then up to her mouth making an 'X' with her fingers. I sat back against the wall scrunching up my face as I tried to figure out what she meant,
"You have something stuck in your throat?" I quarried cocking my head to one side, but she shook her head pointing to under her chin and putting a slash mark,
"Hmm... Well, since you aren't talking and it seems as though you want to... I'm going to guess that you can't talk...?" I asked slowly and her face lit up as she nodded quickly,
"Oh yay, I got it right!" I smiled before thinking again for a moment. After a little while of petting Simba, I snapped my fingers sitting up straighter. The girl watched me curiously as I paused for a moment trying to remember how to do it... Wasn't it this way? Wait, no... Oh yeah, this way! I moved my hands and arms in a series of movements that should've said something along the lines of 'Do you know sign language? Mines a little rusty.' The girl's eyes lit up as she jumped to her feet covering her mouth with her hands in shock. I stood up smiling. After she regained herself her moved her hands saying 'I'm Anisha, it's nice to meet you Corny.' Her smile grew bigger as I replied with 'Nice to meet you too Anisha. That's a very interesting name.' Anisha did a little jump holding onto the bars of her cell and smiling brightly which caused me to smile even wider. 'What are you doing here? And you can talk out loud.'
"I'm here to save my friend's friends! So... I got caught and I'm waiting for..." I looked down at Simba who was wagging his tail getting all excited with us, "Oh yes, waiting for someone to give me a key. I think..." I thought for a moment before shaking my head in confirmation, how long would I have to wait for this key though?
'Who your friend looking for?'
"Hmm... Oh right, a friend named Justin and a brother named... Liam!" I exclaimed, proud of myself for remembering the names,
'Oh!' Anisha's face lit up, 'I know them! Wait your friend's brother is Liam...?' Her excitement seemed to fade a little,
"Yeah, Silvy's parents were killed by the Taipans and they took Liam from her. And then they took Jason almost killing her and Simba and so she came here to try and rescue them!" I finished dramatically retelling my friend's tail,
'Oh wow... I wish I had someone who would come rescue me...' Anisha's shoulders sagged as she signed what she wanted to say. I frowned sadly before my smile once more returned,
"You could come with me! I'll rescue you! I'm sure Silvy would love you!" I jumped up and down with excitement wanting Sylvia to meet my new friend,
'Really? You're sure I won't cause trouble or get in the way of your saving Liam and Jason?' Her movements seemed hopeful though doubtful at the same time; I had to rescue her, it's just too sad that she's been down here all alone without anyone to save her,
"Of course! We just have to wait for part two of the plan..." I looked down the hall towards the steps but nobody popped up,
'What's faze two?' She moved her arms quickly, her brown eyes had new light to them and it made my day,
"Well, I'm supposed to get caught, and then an inside guy is supposed to give me the keys to get out of here, and then we're supposed to go to this one underground place... And take out any booby traps," I smiled brightly though Anisha frowned slightly, pacing through her cell with her arms crossed. I watched her with a confused look written all over my face before she finally turned towards me again,
'I'm not sure if we can do that, and why do you want to do that anyway? Wouldn't you want to go and find Liam and have him help us get Jason?' It took her at least a minute or so to sign all of it and I think I didn't catch a few words but I got most of it,
"No, I'm just doing what Silvy told me to do, she said she and her new frenemies will come and get Jason and Liam if I get them a way in, so I'm doing what they told me to do or else Sylvia will get mad..." We both looked up as some dust fell from the cracked ceiling and the sounds of thudding footsteps,
'Well... I guess that might work. So, when should your guy be here with the keys?' I shrugged looking around. Beside me, Simba sneezed wagging his tail as Anisha rubbed behind his ear,
"That's Simba, Silvy said he's Jason's dog and that she's been taking care of him," I smiled recalling when Sylvia told me about her past, that had been fun. I walked over to the cell bars pulling them back and forth, they didn't budge a bit...
'Maybe we should-' Anisha started though stopped herself when a low growl emitted from Simba. His head and tail were lowered, his hackles up, and his lips barely drawn back enough to reveal his sharp teeth. I grinned remembering watching him chew on a bone, I knew he would protect us if we needed it. Anisha snapped her fingers before pointing to where Simba was glaring stiffly, to the stairs we'd come up. I knelt down beside the light golden dog,
"What is it, boy...?" I whispered rubbing the back of his head, but he didn't move, his eye never leaving the stairs. I stood up leaning as close to the cell bars as possible. A few seconds later a shadowy figure walked out from them, and by shadowy, I mean it looked like he just walked out of the shadows... Spooky,
"Hi shadowy person," I greeted them pushing my face through the bars. He had a hoot covering most of his face but he looked like he could knock the socks right out of you and run as much as a wolf. He glanced between me and Anisha, who stepped back against the wall looking away. The man turned back to me,
"You know what to do Mr. Candy?" I keeled over covering my mouth, what in tarnation? When was I, Mr. Candy? I know! It was probably Sylvia's Frenemy who called me Candy Corn! I bet he used this as my code name... So stupid, I could've thought of much better ones, like... The Candy Extreme... Or, or, the Corny Candy- Something hit me in the side of the head breaking my thoughts. I looked over at Anisha confused, she flicked her eyes toward the shadowy guy and I made an 'o' with my mouth,
"Oh, right! Yes, yes of course I do," I smiled brightly at the guy who observed me skeptically for a minute before reaching into my and placing something in my hand,
"Oooooo," I looked at my hand curiously as the shadowy guy shook his head stalking back up the stairs and disappearing into the shadows again,
'What is it?' Anisha signed repeatedly as I peeked into my hand, it was cold and hard...
"Oh! It's the k-" I started excitedly but Anisha reached into my cell with her thin arm clasping it over my mouth before I could finish,
"It's the key!" I mumbled over her hand, she nodded removing her hand making the shushing simple with her fingers,
'Try being a little quieter, we don't want anyone to know we have the key,' She explained quickly,
"Oh right... Right, yes, you're very right. So, wait, what do we do now?" I cocked my head to the side scrunching up my brow in thought. Anisha hit her face with the palm of her hand shaking her head,
'I'm assuming you're supposed to use the key to break out of here and then go check the tunnel for traps?
"Oh right..." I laughed, how could I have forgotten that already!
'Sooo... Are you going to?' I blinked shaking my head, walking over to the cell door I fiddled with the key trying to get it to go in for a minute before it finally clicked. What I did not expect was the door to go flinging open with me still leaning on it,
"Ow..." I groaned when I hit the floor face first. I actually heard Anisha cringe in her cell sucking in a breath,
"Don't worry! I'm alright!" I tried standing up but stumbled forward again when my hand stung from the pressure. I got up slower this time and felt my nose, a small line of liquid was streaming out. I stood up feeling in my pockets,
"Oh!" I exclaimed pulling out a small piece of fabric, "How'd that get in there? Eh," I shrugged it off before shoving it in my nose to keep the bleeding at bay. I stumbled over to Anisha's cell door taking a few minutes to get the key to go in and get the lock to turn, but in the end, I was successful. Simba wagged his tail happily as I throw my hands up in the air in victory,
'So, Corny, do you know where we need to go?' Anisha questioned before dusting herself off and tying her long hair back in a pony tie with a strange band that I hadn't noticed on her wrist,
"Uhm... Yes, we have to sneak out of this building and into a different one," I smiled brightly as if it were the easiest thing ever, I mean... It couldn't be that hard right?
'Uhm... Maybe a little difficult but I'm sure we can manage it. Can you keep Simba from growling?' She smiled down at the dog,
"Yeah of course," I knelt down by Simba snapping my fingers to get his attention, "You can't bark... Be quiet now OK?" I put my finger to my lips like Sylvia had done and Simba wagged his tail lowering his head. I smiled patting down his fur before slowly walking towards the stairs and then up to them,
'Corny, use sign language from now on to be quieter,' I nodded in agreement,
'What if there is someone up there?' She asked trying to peak through the cracks around the door and into the hallway,
'We make a fun for it?' I suggested with a confused shrug, I wasn't sure at all what we could do, I was just... Winging it, I suppose,
'Okay, if we do just follow whatever I do, alright?' I nodded my head turning back to the door. I put my ear to it for a moment but could hear anything. Glancing at Simba to see his ears weren't perked up I decided that nobody was there and slowly opened the door. We both winced as it let out a small screeching sound. When Anisha nodded to continue I prayed that nobody would hear. A few agonizing seconds later the door was wide enough for us to creep through. I put up my hand for Simba to wait as we carefully stepped out and into the open, but there was no sign of anything living except the mold growing on the walls. I waved for Simba to come putting my finger to my lips again just to make sure he understood to be quiet,
'Do you know which way to go?' She questioned, her head swinging from side to side obviously thinking someone would round a corner and spot them any second,
'Yeah, I have a naturally good mind at remembering the layout of things. I have no clue why though I seemingly can't remember much other than that too well...' Anisha shrugged motioning for me to take the lead. I went down the right side staying close to the wall, Simba following us loyally. When we got to a corner I looked over to see if anybody was there only to recoil and to shush Anisha and Simba. Two girls had been walking through. After a few more seconds I looked over again to see nobody. Smiling back at them I continued down the hall. I repeated this several more times though we didn't see anybody else and we finally reached the corner that led out to the door, and then from there outside, but we had a problem...
'What are we going to do?' Anisha asked glancing back at the burly man guarding the door,
'Well... I think the best thing to do is just pretend we live here like everybody else and just want outside,' I explained, I'd read about this in books before, it was sure to work. Anisha glanced back and forth a couple of times before sighing shaking her head up and down. I smiled walking out of the hall to confront the big guy,
"Hi, hello, yes, I and my companion here are just going outside to help guard," I smiled brightly at him, though the only response I got that he was even alive was him folding his huge arms over his chest,
"So... If you wouldn't mind I'll just squeeze right by you..." I made a move to walk forward but they glared down at me taking a step toward us. I let out a low chuckle taking two steps back. Just when he started to unfold his arms and I thought for sure we were doomed Anisha ran forward with the grace of a cat and did something to the back of his neck, a second later, (before he could grab at Anisha) he fell to the ground. I ran over feeling his neck but there was still a pulse,
"How did you do that...!" I exclaimed in a hiss. She just shrugged,
'My dad taught me about the human body, it's one of the only things I've been able to think about to distract myself here,'
"Huh, well I'll be," As we carefully stepped over the man Simba sniffed him, sneezing a second later. We pushed open the door to walk into a wall of fog. Before I thought it had been going away but it seemed as though a whole new layer had been added,
'The fog is good. It'll help hide us from everybody else. Now, where are we going?' Anisha explained looking into the fog but there was nothing to see but white and small outlines of things like other buildings and bushes,
'I think... It was like an underground train thingy,' I paused for a moment trying to remember the map that Sylvia's frenemy had shown me, 'I believe it is around this building and one behind it, then we follow a road past a big building and then to another one which is where we go,' I moved my hands as fast as possible trying to remember all of the correct words... I may or may not have messed up a couple,
'Alright, you lead the way I'll keep an eye out for anybody,' I nodded walking around the building we had just bean in and through an ally between it and another building. We listened for a few minutes to make sure nobody was close enough to see us before making a run to where I thought the other building was. It took us a couple of minutes before we actually did. After that, I remembered that if we went straight down we should end up crossing the road right over to where we needed to be. Anisha kept watch with Simba but we never encountered anybody. We ended up following the wall of a big building before ending up at the road which was cracked and lifted up in some places. I ended up trying to walk across it without stepping on the cracks only to get hit over the head by Anisha before she told me how we needed to focus. I'd ended up grumbling it off as we reached the other side. The ground had weeds and shrubs growing everywhere making it hard to walk and easy to trip, Anisha had pulled me off the ground ten times maybe even more by now... It didn't take us long to find the building we were looking for, for it was right beside the road. We followed it around until we found the door. It looked like it had been made out of glass but was now shattered. Walking inside I saw that the roof had caved in at certain points leaving piles of rubble along the floor. There were also holes in the sides of the building, overall Sylvia would be very worried I'd get myself killed in here,
'Now where?' Anisha asked looking around at what we could see through the fog, there was less in here than outside even though the walls weren't doing a good job at keeping anything out,
'There should be a place where we go underground, then we have to try and get rid of any traps or anything so that Sylvia and the others can get through,' She nodded looking around, instantly she spotted a hole in the floor leading downward. She waved me over and I patted my leg getting Simba to come from where he was sniffing some rocks,
'You sure this is safe...?' Anisha quarried looking at the piles of rubble along the stairs and the stairs that should have been there that wasn't,
'Technically, none of this is safe,' I stated, walking over the rubble and jumping over the gaps. Anisha shrugged following me,
'We're supposed to now follow this all the way until we find an exit getting rid of any traps we find.' I explained looking around us, there was practically no fog down here, though it was dark and creepy. Anisha looked around but when we both decided this area was clear started farther down the tunnel. We didn't come across anything for around three or five minutes, though it felt way longer, every time we heard something drop or click we would both jump and Simba even whined once. When we did find something (or more so when I found something...) it was very painful and messy. I'd been walking trying to spot something in the dark when Suddenly my feet had gone out from under me and I was sliding around on some sticky gooey stuff. It also sucked because it was hard for me and Anisha to communicate for it was hard to even see each other. I saw Anisha's figure slowly walk towards me before bending down and touching the stuff I was now covered in. She leaped up on her feet excitedly leaving me to watch in confusion and try to get up again only to slip back on my face... A few moments later Anisha's figure was back in my view, she knelt down covering something in her hands in the goo. She then walked over to the wall of the tunnel and hit it with a rock, sparks reflected off of it and she managed to get some on whatever she was holding and it lit up in flames,
'Come on, I think this is a trap,' I frowned before sliding on my belly until I reached the dry side,
"Weeeee" I smiled before sitting back up,
'Make sure to keep that away from me please, I don't want to be a roasted Candy Corn,' Anisha nodded before looking around and placing the flaming stick on something in the wall that kept it up,
'What do you think we can do to get rid of it?' Anisha asked looking through things,
"We can wash it out!" I exclaimed, I figured I could talk now because we were underground and away from the entrance, though I still tried keeping my voice low,
'What?' Anisha turned back to me in confusion,
"We can wash it out into the tracks, we just need water," I pointed towards the tracks in the middle of the tunnel,
'Actually... That might work...' We both looked around for a while until we found a bucket that looked like it had held the back goo,
"We can use this to hold the water, but where will we get the water?" I questioned looking inside the bucket and around us. The bucket was white with strips of the black goo dripping down the sides,
'I think I heard some water dripping from behind us,' I nodded grabbing the bucket,
"You can hold the light, I'll carry the bucket," Anisha nodded running over to pick up the torch. We didn't have to go back too far before we found a fast leak in the roof where water was flowing down to the ground. I set the bucket under it and within twenty seconds it was full. I found it rather difficult to carry the bucket all the way over without spilling it all. Once we got back I dumped the water at the top of the goo, it started to wash down towards the tracks but there was still a lot left. I sighed walking back towards the leek. We continued this for maybe twenty-five minutes, at least that was my guess. Anisha and I would switch who carried the light and who carried the bucket. Every time I carried the torch I'd hold it as far away from me as possible, I remembered how fast the torch lit up and I didn't want that happening to me. When we finally dumped the last bucket, and most of the black goo was washed down into the rocks under the tracks we both collapsed to the ground gasping for air,
'I swear if there's another one of those I'm ignoring it,' Anisha fumbled with her hands messing up some of the words in her exhaustion but managing to get enough clear that I understood what she meant,
"Agreed..." I looked at Simba who was sitting near us with his tongue lolling out, he'd just sat there the whole time watching us run back and forth like ants. I laughed,
"Your lucky boy, if you could I'd have had you help us..." Anisha snorted smiling at the idea,
"We should get going now, Sylvia doesn't like it when I take a long time getting something done..." I Stood up doing a couple of jumping jacks. Anisha watched me in confusion,
'What are you doing?' She finally asked when I'd done ten,
"Stretching... My... Body... So that... I can... Keep going!" I exclaimed through pants and jumping. Anisha gave me one more puzzled look before touching her toes and pulling her arms out behind her. After doing ten more I stopped spinning in a quick circle, now this really confused Anisha. I just smiled shrugging it off and heading further into the tunnel. Anisha shook her head grabbing the torch and following, Simba did so as well wagging his tail excitedly. It was far quicker walking down the tunnel with a light helping me to not trip over everything, but it was most definitely not comfortable moving around with the black goo all over my clothes. We went for maybe about five or seven minutes before I almost found the next trap by accident- Luckily though Anisha had spotted it and pulled me back right before I stepped on a big spike. They were everywhere on the ground in front of them,
'This is going to take a minute,' Anisha signed with a sigh, I made a tight line with my lips nodding. We picked a spot in a pile of rubble before kneeling down and throwing all of the spikes onto it as fast as possible. I had to admit it was easier than carrying the bucket back and forth but staying in a kneeling position was killing my back. I smiled, enjoying and excepting the feeling for I knew if my parents knew what I was doing they'd be furious and freaking out. To get rid of these only took maybe about ten minutes and we weren't as exhausted as before. Anisha stood with her hands on her hips observing her work,
'This has been so much fun... I haven't moved and worked myself this much in years,' I nodded in agreement. As we smiled at each other not paying attention to anything else Simba let out a low growl. We both jolted looking around. Farther down the tunnel there was a small glow heading towards us...
'What do we do?!' Anisha fanatically signed looking around as if for a hiding spot,
"Well... They should've already seen our light, I think the only thing we can do is face them head-on,
'Wait. I have an idea,' A few seconds later the torch was in the middle of the tracks, and I and Anisha were hiding behind a pile of rubble. Simba was beside us, his body was stiff and his head was down never leaving the light from up ahead. As the light got closer I heard them curse something as the light paused before it continued to come closer,
"Hello...? Anybody here to murder me in cold blood in this creepy ass tunnel?" We heard the voice ask cautiously. Wait... I knew that voice... Simba leaped forward barking like crazy as the figure came into the light,
"Sylvie!!" I exclaimed running forward, Simba was shaking like crazy as he wagged his tail licking Sylvia all over,
"Corny? Corny!" Sylvia ran up to me dropping her torch and giving me a big hug,
"Wait... Are you taking down the traps? Did you seriously get this far?" She asked in astonishment, I nodded proudly,
"I sure did! Or more so we, look who I found!" I tugged her over to where Anisha stood shyly,
"Sylvia, this is Anisha, she helped me with the traps and getting out of the cells, she was in there with me," Sylvia eyed Anisha up and down,
"How do I know I can trust you?" She asked her. Anisha replied in a series of hand motions,
"What?" She observed her movements in confusion, guess she didn't know sign language,
"She can't talk very well so she uses sign language, she said 'I've been in here for five years in the there prison cell, I hate practically everyone as much as you do,'" Sylvia watched her for a moment before giving in,
"Alright, if you've managed to purposely be Corny's friend for this long then I trust you," Anisha smiled brightly doing a little jump,
"So-" Sylvia was cut off as someone jumping on her tackling her to the ground. Simba yelped in surprise before barking and growling. Anisha and I both jumped back out of the way as the two people wrestled. Anisha shook me violently until I turned to her giving her all my attention,
'Corny! That's Liam!!' She signed so frantically I almost didn't catch what she said,
"Liam... WAIT! Liam as in Sylvia's brother?" Anisha shook her head quickly in response,
"Oh jeez, Sylvia stop! It's Liam!!" I screamed but she already had him pinned to the ground, his face shoved in a pool of water on the ground as a cracking sound rang out around them,
"Wait, what!!"

How was this chapter for y'all? I didn't go through and edit it because I really want to get it out... But I hope you liked it! I think it might be one of my favorites... As always please leave your thoughts and advice in the comments, I love to read what you think! And of course, stay tuned for the next chapter, and thank you to everyone who is still reading dis book. :3

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