VI: Gloomy Weather

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(Pic is the farmhouse, some violence... Sorry if I don't warn you and you think I should've. As I've said before read at your own risk)

Sylvia's POV.

I felt hollow, my mind was fuzzy, I had no clue what was going all, everything just felt numb. I had no recollection of even who I was- Everything was just... Numb, fuzzy, but it was like a calm numb, peaceful. I liked it, I felt safe, I didn't have to worry about anything, what was going on, who I was... Nothing... It was amazing. But then I suddenly started freaking out as I realized I was surrounded by darkness, I could see nothing but a pitch-black my arms and legs flailing around as I panicked thinking I was blind- I tried to force my eyes open, or were they already open? I couldn't tell... Suddenly I felt a sharp chill run up my spine and I turned around quickly to see an open expanse of grass. There were no trees, no bushes, no people or animals, nothing but fields of grass miles around. Then I saw a tree, my hope rose and I ran towards it, it was the only thing to see for miles around. Just as my fingertips were inches from the bark, the only thing that looked real, I tripped and fell, fell into a dark abyss that consumed me. I tried screaming but I couldn't- My voice seemed stuck in my throat, I couldn't' make a sound. After what felt like an eternity of falling, I hit a cold hard stone floor. I jumped to my feet instantly looking around for danger my heart racing a hundred miles an hour. That's when I saw my father- I was frozen in place as he spoke.
"Why are you just sitting around doing nothing? I thought I taught you how to fight, to stand up against others who are a threat. Yet you've forgotten so much..." Before I could even open my mouth my mother appeared,
"Just look at yourself, you're a mess. Didn't I teach you how to take care of yourself? To always be strong?" I looked down at myself to see my clothes were torn, I was covered in blood, it was so sticky, and the smell- It made me want to gag, but I could; I was still frozen in place. That's when I saw my brother step out of the shadows- He was so thin and pale. He was covered in scratches, blood dripping down his face from a cut on his forehead. I wanted to cry, I felt helpless- I felt guilty.
"What's happened to you? Why did you never come! What they did to me... It was so painful Sylvia... I waited day and night for you to rescue me. You always said that if we were split up you'd never give up on finding me, that we'd always stick together. But here you are! Giving up and sulking in your own self-pity! I thought we taught you how to be strong, to never give up! Yet your cowering in a city! Just waiting for death to come, pretending like nothing ever happened! It was foolish of me to hope..." I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, anything! I felt god awful... I tried speaking, to tell him I hadn't given up- But it felt like I couldn't breath- My lungs filling with liquid. I thought I was going to die as I felt lines of tears run down my face... I tried even harder the sight of him making me want to scream. To let out all of my built-up emotions. Then I finally broke throw that wall- The wall that was holding back my voice- Sucking the air out of me.
"N-No! No! No! No! NO!" I screeched, "I'd never give up on NEVER!!" I screeched my hands forming fists on my sides as I closed my eyes feeling the tears poor out and my teeth grit against each other,
"Never!" I spat out through my clenched jaw, then I looked up and saw them all dead- My mom was on the ground a pool of blood forming from the gashes in her gut, my dad's neck was cut open, covering him in his own blood. Liam was covered in bruises and cuts blood soaking his clothes. And then- And then I saw Jason... I felt sick to the bone, his body was twisted and contorted in all the wrong ways, it looked like he had fallen off a building.
"No-" My voice caught in my throat as I tried to move forward- Then out of nowhere it felt like I was being yanked upwards. I rolled over committing instantly, whatever had still been in my stomach was now covering the ground. I rolled back onto the ground groaning and trying to calm my racing breath and heart. I sat there for what felt like hours thinking and going over what had happened last night over and over again before I could finally muster up the strength to look around. Throw a whole I could see the sky, it was grayish-white but it wasn't raining anymore, or at least if it was it was only sprinkling a little. I groaned again as a sharp pain erupted from my gut and side, I clenched my teeth as I slowly moved my hand to see blood covering my side and hand. I winced laying back down my breathing quickening. I heaved myself up grunting with the effort and looked at myself. I was covered in my own blood, some of it wet some of it dry. I grabbed the knife that was hidden on the back of my braw and used it to cut a long piece of fabric from my shirt, I then wrapped it around my upper waist and clenched my jaws taking deep breathing, 3, 2, 1! I pulled the string as tight as I could letting out a muffled scream and tying it off as quickly as possible before collapsing back onto my back and breathing heavily. Once I'd controlled my breathing a little I looked around and grabbed a metal bar that was beside me trying to stand up and resting all of my weight on it. I was about to try and get up to my room when I heard a hushed wheezing sound. My heart dropped as I spun around to see Simba barely breathing on the ground where he had been the last time I was conches. I ran, or more so hobbled over there the best I could crouching down with another spasm of pain and rested my hand on his chest,
"Oh, Simba... You look awful..." I was almost certain he was a goner which just brought tears to my eyes, then I remember my dream- How all of them had said I gave up, that I was strong. I fire burned in my just as I got more and more frustrated, "No!" I yelled at myself, "I won't give up on you!" I felt around him trying to figure out what was wrong. After about five minutes I discovered one of his paws was broken and he has a shard of glass that stabbed in his ribs- That could be a very severe wound and I figured it was causing the most damage. I heaved myself back up onto my feet looking around; that's when I remembered the wagon I'd used some times when I made big loads back here, like if I had to carry a dear or something really big. Using the bar as a support I stumbled over to a tarp and threw it off, laying underneath was a wagon just big enough for Simba to fit in. I paused suddenly, wondering what I actually planned on doing, taking a deep breath I ran over my options; I could stay here and try to heal up with Simba, but I don't know much about healing- At least not for these severe wounds. I could try and follow Jason and the others, seeing they probably took him since I couldn't see him dead anywhere. But that might not work, it'd be incredibly hard to track them and I'm hurt and have to drag Simba with us. I suddenly got a new idea, I remembered from a year or so back when I'd been out in the fields just out of town I'd spent a day or two at a farm with some nice elderly people, I remember the man knew how to heal, I'd have to drag Simba quite a ways but it seemed like the best option. I wheeled the wagon over to Simba before started to walk over to the ladder, I glanced one more time at Simba before throwing my bar up to the next floor starting to climb. I took it easy, which made it take about five to 2 minutes to get up. I walked to my room and grabbed my pack throwing in the extra pair of clothes I had, some food, and my arrows. I also put in a couple of extra knives in the pack and on me, even though I noticed I was missing a lot of things. Luckily that hadn't any of my important weapons... The ones you didn't see often, I peeled open a floorboard a brought out two boxes of ammo, one with the ammo for my rifle, and then the other with some for a rusty old pistol I'd found a couple of years back, I had cleaned it up and it still worked but it wasn't the most efficient, and I wasn't super good at shooting it. I loaded my rifle and pistol, putting the pistol in my back along with the extra ammo. Then I grabbed my bow and put my MP3 Player in my pocket, walking over to the ladder, I threw all of my stuff down first, then, I slowly tried climbing down. Halfway there I accidentally missed a step completely throwing me off balance,
"Who-Whoa- Ahh!" I yelped as my other foot slipped and I fell to the ground causing a huge dust cloud to rise. I sat curled up in a ball for at least five minutes before the pain in my side finally faded away enough so that I could stand up, but I felt sour and every movement hurt like hell. I hobbled over to the cart and put a blanket I'd grabbed over it, then I knelt down and slowly picked Simba up, it took all my energy not to drop him, I quickly, trying to be as gentle as possible, put him in the wagon. He wimped but not very loudly, he was losing his strength and fast... I grabbed my pack, rifle, and bow, placing them around Simba and trying to make it as comfortable as possible. I then started to drag the wagon towards the stairs. I sighed... I had no other choice than to find a way to get me and the wagon with everything in it down the stairs which were very dangerous. I left the wagon and walked over, that's when I got an idea; the stairs were not stable, but the frame was. I looking around searching for something big and flat, I found some pieces that had been part of the wall that was knocked down when the guy had thrown Simba into the wall. For the next thirty minutes, I was dragging boards back and forth, making them fit and lead a path down the stairs; it might have even been longer than thirty minutes but eventually, I finished. I knew how risky this was, but I didn't see any other option so I walked back over to the wagon and dragged it over to the stairs still holding the bar to help keep my balance, then tired a rope to the handle on the wagon and slowly pushed it down making sure I had a strong grip on the rope, I couldn't use my gut muscles but my arms were fine other than scratches and bruises. The boards creaked as the wagon slowly wheeled down, dust spinning in the air, I thought it was going to work but right when it was about 10 inches from the bottom the rope slipped from my hands and the wagon sped down the last big crashing into the wall. My face turned into horror and I grabbed my bar trying to get down as fast I could and went straight over to Simba, I sighed, he was still breathing. I then wheeled him towards the front door kicking it open and walking out. The air was humid and had water in it, but no actual rain fell. I walked over to where my bike was pushing it over to the wagon, I took the rope and tied the other end to my bike; I didn't plan on riding it, I didn't have enough energy, I was going to use it so I could lean my weight on it. I put my bar in the wagon and started down the road where I knew the fields were waiting.

It had probably taken us about five hours to get to the field counting rests, luckily no preditors bothered us so it was pretty easy going other than the fact I was bleeding really badly now. During the time I was asleep my wounds had partly closed up, well it was completely open now. Speaking of when I was asleep I also couldn't get that dream out of my head, I was determined to find Jason and kill every last one of those bastards, I didn't plan on showing them any mercy for what they've done to me. Currently, I and Simba were at a creek filling up water, we'd been in the fields for about half an hour now and I was sure I'd be able to see the farmhouse any time now so I'd decided to clean up a bit; I mean I was getting really tired of walking with my own dried blood all over me, and I also wanted to clean my wound better. So, I gave Simba some water in a little container I'd brought, which was quite difficult for him, and took off my dirty and torn clothes. I ripped a piece of fabric that didn't have blood on it and used it to clean the blood off of my skin, I found this extremely difficult with a huge hole in the side of me and not to mention the water was freezing. But eventually, after about ten minutes I was satisfied and pulled out the extra clothes I'd brought in my pack. Before putting on my shirt and sweater I used my other clothes to back a thick band that would fit nicely around my upper waist, then I grabbed the cotton pad I'd found in a store on the way out of town and put them together to make a durable bandage. Then I carefully tried cleaning out my wound- Let's just say I didn't leave there without a couple of good screams. But eventually, I was on the move again and felt much better, and cleaner, than before. It was about ten more minutes of walking before I saw the farmhouse and it was getting increasingly dark quickly; so I tried pushing myself hard for the last couple miles. By the time I was almost there I was getting very concerned about Simba, his breathing worse and he wasn't even winning anymore, I also couldn't get him to eat or drink anything. As I pushed my bike towards the house a fuel smell wiped over me almost making my vomit, I covered my nose and looked around making a disgusted sound. Then my breath caught in my throat, my knees almost buckled under me as I looked at the rotting body of Beth... She was so sweet- So carrying.
"Ben!" I screamed running the best I could towards the house leaving the wagon and bike behind. I stumbled into the house to see Ben laying on a couch- He looked deadly still...

How was that chapter for you guys? I hope you liked it, and as always sorry for my spelling mistakes... But anyway! Please leave your opinions and thoughts in the comments! What do you think will happen next? Will Simba and Sylvia survive? I hope you all have a great rest of your day or night, and happy late Thanksgiving!! Stay tuned for the next update. 😋

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