V: New Ideas

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(Liam is tall and lean though well muscular and has blondish reddish hair with brown eyes.)

Liam's POV:

I paced back and forth waiting with a grim expression. It had only been 15 minutes since Nicole had given me the orders to stay out here and watch, and that if they needed him they would call. I knew not to go unless they called but inside the building I could hear what sounded like fighting... I sighed slash grunted in frustration before continuing my pacing. I was pretty sure Nicole didn't quite trust me yet... But he was like my father. He cared for me after... Well after he killed my parents in front of me... And then killing my younger sister. I was in such shock and was depressed for about a week. But in no time they had started training me how to be like them- How to keep my feelings hidden, or get rid of them if I could; or at least all the ones that made me weak. My head jolted up towards the tall building as I heard a crash, then everything fell silent except for the crash of thunder, and the rain sizzling down my face. Not more than 7 minutes later, with Nicole in the lead, the gang walked out of the building. I walked up to them seeing Mikah and Walker carrying a boy that looked around my age.
"Who's he?" I grunted walking up to Jasmin who looked like she got hit in the head, as she was holding it in her hand her face contorted in pain, I wrapped my arm around her so that she didn't have to focus so much on walking; and so you're aware we were not a thing, we all just stuck together and helped each other to survive.
"Just a new toy," Viper said licking her top lip a knife in her hand and I rolled my eyes, I was never a fan of that lady, her name suited her quite well in my opinion.
"We'll see if he'll join us... If he doesn't want to he'll do what we tell him anyways if he'd prefer not to get too friendly with Death." Nicole said simply, he always had a way of saying death as if it was a person, which it could be but I guess you couldn't know until you met him or her. I nodded not asking any more questions as we walked throw the rain; it didn't take too long before they were getting tired of it.
"How much farther do we have to drag this guy?" Mikah heaved lifting the unconscious guy hire upon his back. They had been taking turns carrying him and it was getting old. I looked around as best I could with the pouring rain to see open land, at my feet it looked like trimmed grass, it wasn't that hard to figure out we were in a field.
"We could rest over there for a little out of the rain?" Jasmine suggested to Nicole pointing at a tree about 100 yards out that was lit up for a second in lightning, he paused thinking for a moment, I knew he wanted to get back to our main base where everyone else was waiting as soon as possible, but they needed to get out of the rain or else someone would be sure to get sick which would be bad for the whole group. Nicole sighed quietly before heading over where Jasmine had pointed and everyone followed without a word. Mikah basically throws the new person on the ground making him grunt but not quite wake up, and then he sat down heavily; Walker rolled his eyes at how pathetic he seemed.
"Can't we just wake him up? Then he can carry his own fat ass." Viper growled pointing a knife at the unconscious person,
"Be my guest," Nicole said shrugging which caused a smile to spread across her lips. I sighed hanging my head as she stood up walking over to him, she kneeled down slowly cutting into the skin on his arm. I saw his body move from the pain receptors which were trying to let him know something was going on that hurt him, and as soon as there was a line of blood trailing down his arm he started string before his hand went up to his arm and he winced in pain. Viper drew back quickly licking her top lip again with an evil smile playing on them.
"What the..." He muttered putting his hand on his head, I assumed he had a headache from getting hit on the head.
"Hey eyes up here," Nicole said snapping his fingers in front of the guys face making him shake his head and look up,
"Yeah, that's it, now before you get any ideas let's assert the rules." I watched the guy closely, he was starting to remember what had happened, which I didn't even know.
"One: You try running away I'll kill you. Two: You do as I say or I kill you. Three: You do anything I don't like and-"
"You'll kill me?" He asked interrupting, Nicole smiled at that,
"Nope, I'll have Viper kill you," I heard Viper chuckle as she wiped off his fresh blood from her knife.
"Now, what's your name. Oh, and doing everything I say includes always answering my questions," He added when he saw that the guy didn't look like he wanted to talk,
"Jason..." He mumbled glaring at all of them. I leaned against the tree enjoying that there was less rain under there. They talked about some other things that didn't really grab my interest until I heard something about a scout which caused me to lean forward,
"Mikah, you scout out the area and see if there's any building nearby." Mikah nodded grabbing his spear and walking off, Nicole called after him,
"Oh! And don't worry if there're any habitants there, we'll deal with them." Mikah gave him a smirk dipping his head before jogging off. I knelt down beside the tree looking at the ground then up at Jason, he was looking at something that was around his neck... I couldn't quite tell what it was but I guessed it was something that reminded him of his past. Nicole had made sure I had nothing to remind me of my past, it would only hold me back. It didn't feel like long as I went into a frozen state of mind, not thinking of anything, before Mikah was strolling up to us.
"Report?" Nicole asked glancing up from sharpening his sword,
"There's a farmhouse about 400 yards that'a way," He said pointing in front of the tree where we were at, "There are some people there, but they're older folks and won't be any bother," Mikah informed very proud of his findings,
"Good, let's head out," Nicole stood up sheathing his sword at his waist, everyone following him back out into the thunderous night,
"Nicole wants you to keep an eye on him," Walker muttered to me pointing at Jason who was looking around; I didn't plan on letting him think he could escape. I walked over to him only inches away, I knew he could tell I was keeping an eye on him which was good. We walked in silence for a while before a faint light could be seen and they all started to slow pace being more observant. Nicole signaled that he and Viper would knock on the door and see if they would simply give them what they wanted or if they would have to kill them. Mikah and walker went out of sight on one side of the house well me, keeping a hand around Jason's arm now, and Jasmine went to the other side and watched silently as Nicole softly knocked on the door. A couple of moment later an older man, probably about in his 60's, opened the door holding a metal poll,
"What do you want?" He asked in a cautious voice eyeing the two people,
"Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I and my friends could stay here to wait out this godawful storm," He said smiling slightly. The older man contemplated this for a moment,
"How many friends do you have?" He questioned looking around,
"Seven including me, I know it's a lot... But I figured you wouldn't mind," He said and I could just imagine the gleam in Nicole's eyes as Viper leaned against the door frame fiddling a knife... God, I swear I've never seen her without a knife in her hands.
"I-I think I have enough room," He stuttered stepping aside to let them in,
"Come on boys!" Viper called out behind her as she slithered into the house after Nicole, I saw Walker roll his eyes before following her inside.
"Don't try anything funny," I warned Jason in a low commanding voice, he nodded to show he acknowledged this, even though it was barely noticeable. I looked around the inside of the house, the walls were a blue and green pattern, the carpet on the floor was a brown kind of color. Shelves here and there were laced with random things, from this room which looked like the living room, split off into two different rooms one of which I assumed went upstairs. I saw an older woman in her 60's watch us with concern, I guessed that she was the older man's wife.
"Ben... Who are these people?" She asked in a scared voice, and the older man who was named Ben walked over to her trying to soothe her worries,
"Don't worry Beth... They're just going to stay here until the storms over," She nodded shakily walking into another room,
"Will there be enough room for all of you in here?" The man asked motioning towards the room around them, it had a couch, a rocking chair, and then a rug on the carpet; some of us, or more so most of us would have to sleep on the floor but it was better than outside in the cold rain.
"Yes, this will do," Nicole said sitting on the couch,
"I'll go get some extra blankets we have..." He said walking out of the room and Viper flopped onto the rocking chair with a smile.
"Liam, take Jason and go get some water, and if you see anything that could be a good meal bring it too," Nicole ordered and I could noticeably tell that Jason's expression changed when he said my name,
"Come on," I huffed moving towards the door and he followed close behind. As soon as we were ten feet away from the house he spoke,
"You're Liam?" I gave him a side glance,
"Yeah, why?" I said irritated,
"Why... Do you remember Sylvia?" My face changed from shock back to pissed off really fast and I turned on him grabbing him the top of his shirt,
"Who's the Sylvia you know," I ordered, I felt his body tense under my grasp,
"The one that had to watch her family die, the one with beautiful hazel eyes and dark and light brown hair," I couldn't believe it... The girl he was describing sounded just like my dead sister, no matter how hard they tried the Taipans were never able to erase the image of her form my mind. But it couldn't be... She died that day with my parents,
"That's not true! You're lying!" I yelled at him making him flinch and close his eyes,
"Believe what you wish but I'm speaking the truth," I growled throwing him away from me and walking off, I didn't care if he ran off or not, if he did I'd track him down myself just to cut his throat to remind me of that day. I grabbed a bucket I found hanging from a mettle bar and starting looking for puddles or anything that had gathered water from the storm to fill it up.
"Over here!" I heard Jason call and reluctantly walked over to see water falling fast from a water drain on top of the house, it wouldn't be clean but I doubted we'd find anything better. So, I put the bucket under the water and it filled up in no time, then we walked back to the front of the house; I had Jason carry the bucket of water.
"Find anything other than water?" Walker asked looking when we came back in, I shook my head pointing at the table that had been pushed to the side of the room to make more room for them to sleep, Jason placed the pale on it before sitting down and looking at his lap. Just then the older man walked in carrying blankets, Jasmine grabbed them thankfully and placed them on the ground,
"Do you have anything we could eat?" Mikah asked, the man hesitated before slowly nodding and walking off into another room, not long after he brought out a big mettle boll with a liquid inside it. He placed it over the stove which had a fire sizzling inside,
"It should be heated up in 10 minutes," He paused going back into a room and grabbing some spoons and smaller bolls, "Stir it here and there, and then you can put it in these bolls." He set them down before walking out of the room, I assumed he was going up the stairs to talk with his wife. We all sat there in silence, Walker stirring what I soon found out to be soup here and there until it was heated up enough and then he put it in the bolls passing them out. We also ate in silence until the two elderly people came down,
"Do you need anything else before we go to sleep?" He asked grasping his wife's hand in his,
"I think that will be all... But I was wondering if I could have that." Nicole said pointing to what I think was a watch setting inside a class case, I hadn't seen many things like in my entire life,
"My grandfather gave that to me..." The lady said putting a hand to her chest,
"And now I want it, is there a problem?" The two both looked at each other in concern not saying anything,
"If he says he wants it then give it to him," Mikah growled in a low voice making Beth flinch a little. Ben slowly walked over to the little case opening it and carefully taking out the watch; we were all watching just as carefully. He walked back over to Nicole who held out his hand, the man hesitated,
"well, hand it over," He said impatiently. The old man's hand was shaking as he dropped the watch into Nicole's hand, "There you go, see now that wasn't so-" He was cut off as the lady let out a scream out of the blue and jumped at Nicole aiming for his hand which held the watch. But she didn't make it two inches before Mikah stabbed her throw the back and out the other side. I saw Jason's face turn horrified but mine remained stone-faced. The man ran forward but Walker stopped him, punching him in the gut and letting go. He fell to the ground wheezing, then Mikah ripped the spear out and the lady fell to the ground dead, a pool of blood forming where she lay,
"You see now Jason... This is what will happen to you if you do anything I don't like, and who knows, I might even give you a special death... So I'd suggest you be on your best behavior," Nicole said rapping the watch around his wrist. Viper smiled at the seen curling up in a blanket; Walker and I dragged the old man over to the kitchen and left him to die or just lay there in pain, and then we dragged his wife's body out of the house leaving it in the rain where mud washed up over it.
"Y'all better get some sleep now, 'cause we're leaving early tomorrow!" Nicole announced and that's exactly what they did, I couldn't help but wonder if Jason was going to be up the whole time because of nightmares or some shit like that... But I mean I didn't really care because I was going to sleep just fine, or at least that's what I thought until I remembered what he had said about Sylvia...

Hi! Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it, you'll have to wait till the next chapter to find out what happens with Sylvia. ;) Hehe... But pls let me know down in the comments what you think of Liam! Who's your least favorite character so far? Who do you want to live, and who do you want to die? But anyway! I hope y'all have a great rest of your day or night! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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